Our Universe is a dualistic positively attractive universe.
And if you do not know this, and live it, then you will have a really tough time here. If you have a media that constantly shows and tells you to do everything exactly backwards, then there will be a lot of people suffering and not know why. Many of them thinking they are doing the right thing.
Hollywood is a center of evil, and everything they put out, especially today, has horrifying messages that program people to destroy their lives and give up their power.
So, to get our of this spell they have cast on us all, i am going to try to explain the structure of the Universe, and how their spell works, and hot to turn your attention to a better life.
Here is the chart to a better life:

What is a Dualistic, Positively Attractive Universe?
Almost everything in this universe exists as a pair of opposites (dualistic). Poor-Rich Hot-Cold Chocolate-Vanilla :-p
And on the lowest layer/dimension of our universe is a force that draws like vibrating things together. So, you can draw to yourself wealth, but you cannot push away from yourself being broke.
This is what is talked about in "The Secret". Unfortunately, the do a bad job of describing it, and make it all mystical.
So, there you stand. You have a certain resonance, a vibration. And that vibration has attracted to you your entire life. All of these rods, with two ends, you are attracting a spot on it.
Now, knowing this, you can change your vibration, and change what you are attracting to you.
(i assume there are other universe that use more then two poles, and can be negatively attractive, or positive pull + negative push, or all kinds of other possibilities)

The evils of Hollywood
Knowing that you are in a positively attractive universe, what do all the movies that have the "hero" fight against something do? If you fight against something, your focus, your energy, your vibration attracts more of it. So, no matter how much you fight, you just get more. So, the popular movies show you almost the exact opposite of what you need to do.
The movies show a lone person, fighting their way to the main evil bad-guy, and shooting him dead, and then the world is a better place. Unfortunately, none of that happens. Evil loves to fight. It is an expert at violence. So, if the movies show that this is the way to do it, then the good people are just going to lose. Further, there is no "evil bad guy" the killing of which will stop all the evil. Hitler was supposedly killed 13 times. Time travellers even tried to take him out. But, still he continued to exist.
Instead, we must turn against all this programming. We must live our lives to the best we can, envision them being easy and smooth. As we do that, all the evils in our way just melt away.
"But, the meek shall inherit the earth" - and this is the way.
But, we me understand what meek means. Today, "everyone" knows that meek means weak. That we must all be warriors, and fight. Do you see the same story as the start of this section?
Meek actually means a person who doesn't let distractions stop them from moving towards their goals.
Meek literally means showing your belly. Like a possum. When confronted, they show their belly, play dead, until the mean person gets board and leaves.
This means that the meek person does not fight against the evil, they just ignore it and spend all their energy making their lives better. Do not spend it fighting. As that just wastes your life, and keeps you stuck.

The evil or our monetary system.
What do most people not want any more of? Bills.
What do most people ask for more of? Bills.
The evils of a debt based, fiat currency.
So you get bills in the mail all the time. It seems they are never ending, overwhelming.
But, the dollar is also a "bill". A dollar bill. Or Federal Reserve Note. (a note, like an IOU)
This creates a downward spiral. With the person asking (focussing thought and energy upon) asking for more bills to pay the bills. So, they get more bills in the mail.
To get out of this, you need to work on imagining currency flows (it is a current, like in a stream) the money flows through your life. You are not afraid of bills, they just come and go.
Fortunately, crypto-currencies are building real money, and so we may break out of this pattern. And have a firm, and easily focussed on pattern of attracting wealth. Bitcoin is not a bill.

You get more of what you are focussed on
One of the things that makes this world so hard is that when you get to low, you are trapped in a downward spiral.
When you are on the right side of this chart, it is so easy to focus upon lower and lower emotions. They come to our mind easily. (they are programmed that way in the movies, almost glorified) They come to our mind because like attracts like.
As you slide down the emotional chart, it seems easy, to go from anger to revenge to jealousy down to depression/apathy. (in fact, most "antidepressants" are actually depressants and put you on the bottom rung of the emotion chart) Watch many movies. This is the emotions the hero goes through. It really is trained into you.
Now we mush learn to, to program into ourselves, to reach for the next higher rung on the emotional chart. When we find ourselves thinking of thoughts confirming our current emotional level or one lower, we need to gently move our thoughts to better feeling ones. And the really hard part, just a step or two higher. So, if you are in (17) Anger, you need to focus your attention on (15)blame or (16)discouragement. (not on (2)Passion, or (5)Optimism, or even (9)Pessimism) I know this may seem silly, counter-intuitive or just plain wrong, but really, you have to work your way up this chart one rung at a time.
Once you have been at a rung for a while, it becomes your new norm. Then work on getting to the next one.
This really is training your mind. Making it work for you.

As you see, almost all of the media gives you a message that tells you, programs you, to do the exact wrong thing. And not understanding that this is a dualistic, positively attractive universe, you may never know how much that programming hurts.
Now that you know this, do not blame yourself for being hoodwinked, or not knowing. (that is also part of the evil control plan) No blame, no shame. You are where you are, and you must work to heal yourself. And to move yourself to higher emotional vibrations.
I am sorry that most people sell maps that are backwards, and compasses that point the wrong way.
We are not meant to fight what is here, it is to recognize where you are, and focus on where you wish to go.
We do not fight the Fed, we start using crypto in our lives, and the Fed just sits there. The dollar still exists, but no one uses it.
We do not fight and lock up all the evil people in our govern-cement. We realize that there is evil, and we no longer support it. We stop looking for strong leaders, but instead we look for compassionate leaders. (a compassionate person cannot be a psychopath. A psychopath can only imitate compassion for a short time.)
And so, we do not fight ourselves. We do not beat ourselves. We set our sights on a real goal, like getting to the next higher emotional level, and when we fail, fall down, we get up, and continue on (we do not beat ourselves, we do not hate ourselves)

Emotional Guidance Scale from Esther Hicks' books, Graphics by someone on the internet