😷 While HUMANITY is in quarantine NATURE conquers new urban spaces. Italy at the time of the CORONAVIRUS. 😷steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-123046 β€’Β  4 years agoΒ 

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We think that CORONAVIRUS is only changing our habits, instead it is also modifying the environment around us.

Nature is reborn and gradually re-appropriates its spaces because in this difficult situation we have slowed down the rhythms of our daily life.

Obviously I can talk about my country, Italy and what is happening to it with its almost total closure.
The canals of Venice seem crystal clear due to the blockage of the movement of the boats.

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In many Italian ports you can see dolphins swimming undisturbed.

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Even in some parks in Milan today closed to the public, wild hares jump quietly.

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Did it take Coronavirus to remind us that we are not the only living species on the Planet?

But aren't we too presumptuous to consider ourselves the absolute masters of everything around us?

Someone will object that we are the most advanced species and that we have bent everything to our needs.
And here I don't hold back a laugh!

But if we are so advanced how is it possible that a virus has knocked us out?

At this point, a deep reflection must be made on why 3 billion people or so must live in social isolation in order not to contract one of the most contagious and aggressive viruses of the past 100 years.

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It is true that we are an advanced civilization and we have achieved extraordinary results in every sector, but perhaps we have neglected one: the HUMAN one, putting only PROFIT first.

The economic well-being of the more developed countries has made us feel omnipotent giving us the illusion of being able to dominate the NATURE.
Yet our current and advanced system is unable to handle a global pandemic let alone stop it!

Coronavirus has shown us the huge flaws in our economic and health system.

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WHO, WWF, the United Nations and the Scientific The community continues to denounce the need for a change of course to avoid disastrous developments, as demonstrated today by Coronavirus.

As stated by the latest WWF research that points the finger at the non-randomness of disasters because they are the consequence of our impact on natural ecosystems.

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The destruction of natural resources has a close relationship with the spread of NEW DISEASES.
The latest epidemics that have spread on the planet have more or less the same origin: markets in Asian or African metropolises that do not maintain the most basic hygiene rules, which also carry out illegal activities of slaughtering wild animals.
The opportunity for animal viruses to make the leap into species by coming into contact with humans.


We focus our anger on Covid-19 without taking into consideration the idea of questioning our lifestyle.
Coronavirus developed because of the human being who has always altered the system by invading the places of other animal species or even bringing these species into their territories without taking into account their danger if treated in conditions of poor hygiene.

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Yet a natural antivirus exists: they are our FORESTS.

Despite their relentless destruction, about 30% of the forests left on the Planet represent a refuge for 80% of planetary biodiversity.
The loss of this precious natural habitat is exposing us to contact with potentially dangerous microbes, which are ready to attempt the species leap.

We must strive to ensure that the growth rate of our TECHNOLOGY becomes compatible with our ECOSYSTEMS, trying to find a new balance between the PROFIT and HEALTH of our PLANET and its inhabitants, including us human beings.
Because we cannot deny the evidence that LIFE on the PLANET continues in the same way even when its prevaricating species is closed in quarantine.

Thanks for stopping by here.❀️

-I'm also on other blogging platforms.-

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