Fight your fears

in hive-123046 •  4 years ago 

In 2019, a man visited a church in Ikorodu, Lagos and was informed that his destiny was tied to a big tree in his father's compound. As stupid as this may sound to some people, the "revelation" made perfect sense to him. He linked the message to how his father used to curse and wish him bad whenever they had a disagreement. He made a plan.

The following day, he rented the necessary tools and brought down the mighty tree. The village chief was very angry with him for doing so(even though the tree was a "private" property. The chief believed the tree was an artifact, a rare type in the community). However, the criticisms and opinions didn't get to Okonkwo. What mattered to him was that he had finally "solved" his problems by cutting down the tree.

Surprisingly for him and everyone in the village, in the morning, when everyone woke up, they saw the tree there again, the same way it was before it was damaged. It had regrown overnight! Nobody understood what was in front of them. It was indeed a mystery! Okonkwo was scared in his bones and wanted to run away. But he was advised to consult the village oracle before he took any other action. The oracle revealed to him that it was true his "destiny" was tied to the tree, but the "tie" meant something good. He said the tree was a the metaphor for his life, meaning, just like the tree, he was a strong, mighty and undefeatable. He also said the tree contains powers beyond his knowledge and advised him to try his best to protect it. This information made Okonkwo very happy and gave him a new perception of himself. He felt powerful and lucky. As a result, he started connecting with his old friends again, the people he had abandoned because he thought he wasn't a match or fit to, the people he also felt they descriminated or looked down upon him(Interestingly, he was all wrong!)

Months later, Okonkwo was invited by a friend to Rivers state for a welding job(Since he was a good local welder). Immediately after the job, he was employed by an oil company in Eleme.

In the end, he realised that all this while, he was just being limited by his own fears and negative thoughts!

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