I got up this morning feeling so cool. It was my birthday. I was very happy too.
At 6am, I said THANK YOU to God for another year in my life and I said a wish. All my life, I've got only one wish; to be happy.
I really want to live a happy life. I want to live a stress-free life. I want to live a life that's filled with so much positivity.
After prayers, I cleaned my room and made a post on my Facebook and Whatsapp accounts. Before I got there, there were lots of messages from well wishers waiting for replies. I think it is beautiful when people remember your birthday and celebrate with you.
In order to have lots of genuine wishes and prayers on your birthday; you have to be there on people's birthdays too. You have to learn to reach out to people on their birthday. You have to be a good person.
I believe that life will be better if we show up for each other like this. Not just on our special days but every day of our lives. We should love each other and be our brother's keepers.
My birthday dress was inspired by Lucky Dube's song, DIFFERENT COLORS, ONE PEOPLE. I love reggae music so much.
I wish we all embrace love and live in unity. I wish everyone genuine happiness. 😍