My day today is blessed with many health exercise using my bicycle I run all through the local roads,area and villages as early as 6:30am I enjoyed the strolling and paddlings of the bicycle it was really an exercise because all my legs and muscles were upgraded to another level as I can notice from my body shape
not quite long the so called environmental cleanup started by
9:00am so I have to cleanup my area and vicinity to avoid
some infected diseases and bacteria around neighborhood my first cleanup went inside my room with a good detergent like aria,omo,clean which is good for washing hard materials or washing an irrelevant clothe
so it came as a good advantage to me in using it for domestic cleanups like the floor and clapboard, chairs and dinning table is really owesome but really a stress one indeed
Letter I came up for cutting field area with a hand field mechanism needed for grassland in avoiding homes for a spreading insecticide
around the environment and the spread of germination of lava and booper resulting from mosquito eggs around the grasses I finally swept my environment with brooms and regs stick and gathering some garbages into the beens for letter disposal am really glad and happy that my environment now feels cool and nice with an antibacterial treatment around the environment
That was how I spent my day thanks to you all in Steemit community but am greatful that am finally fresh at home