SFS Contest Picture of the Day Week 27
Today I will be participating in the Steem fashion contest.
If you are a Nigerian, you will agree with me that living in Nigeria involves you to be persistent and resilient. There are a whole lot of unexpected things that will pop up in Nigeria as a country that sometimes you don't even plan for it. And also what comes with it is life lessons. The wise pick from it and become better while the foolish despise it and continue to be more foolish.
I just remembered similar incidents that happen to me many years ago the day I visited the market in Lagos. Of course I wasn't planning to encounter anything special that day as I just see it as the normal usual day of my activities. But I met a woman in the market and what she did make me to keep reflecting on what life is.
It all happens that the very morning, I planned to actually get some tubers of yam for my mother because we have runned out of foodstuffs for that week. As I was close to the center where the yam is been sold, there was a scene that was created around her shop.
I was curious but at the same time anxious what might have caused the dramatic scene. Well it happens that a young boy has stolen a very small container of onions. The whole people in the market was ready to reach the boy the lesson of his life as Nigeria market people will do.
I stood at a little distance from the scene and watching what will happen. I can see the boy looking frightened and with tears running through his cheeks. He was trying to voice his opinion. "I stole it because my mother is sick and we have not eaten for the past 2 days" but even with that. Nobody hears his voice.
Seconds before the crowd get so furious, I saw the woman, I mean that yam seller stepping into the matter. Even though she was an elderly woman, her voice was well respected. She walked to embrace the young boy. Probably she heard what the boy said.
"Please People, let us allow the boy to talk instead of just rushing to hurt him". The elderly woman voiced out.
The people were quiet for the first time and the boy repeated what he said earlier. "I stole it because my mother is sick and we have not eaten for the past 2 days". From the story the boy narrated to the people. It was later discovered that he lost his father last year and so that create a shock for her mother who since then was sick and can't work like before again to provide for the family.
The crowed begin to have compassion over the boy and the young boy knelt down to beg for forgiveness. The boy was forgiven and in fact, people voluntary to provide for the family the boy was coming from. In fact that fateful day, some people followed the boy home to give some food items for his sick mother.
After the incident, I begin think about life. Actually the impact the incident caused to me is to make me always reflect about life and the fact that we need to always be careful of our actions no matter what whether we are frustrated or not.
Not only that, I learnt a lot from that woman and one of the things I learnt from her is the fact that a little step we can take can help to save a life. Assuming the elderly woman didn't step in that day, I am so sure that the young boy might have died that day. We might have killed an innocent boy who was just pushed to the wall to steal.
I invite @sahmie @pea07 @alexanderpeace, @dequeen @shahidalinaz and @ashkhan @yahnel and @m-fdo to drop a very constructive comments on this post and also to participate in this contest.