If I were the Principal

in hive-126193 β€’Β  2 years agoΒ 
Hello my dear Steemians.i want use this previlege/opportunity to greet you all, may success and blessings be our potion Amen stay safe and be blessed.

πŸ‘‰Who's a principal or admin of a school and would you love to be one yourself? Why?πŸ‘‡

A principal of a school or institution is regarted to be the chief executive of a school often know as the head of the school would love to be a principal because,as a principal would be a role model in the society and be able to incolcate love morals in students and society in general.


πŸ‘‰What are those extracurricular activities you will introduce to keep both students and teachers happy? (Mention 3)πŸ‘‡

Being you as a principal of a school you need to introduce some extracurricular activities in other to make the students and teachers to be happy of being. Therefore, here are some of the activities I will introduce and the are workshop programs and healthy competition to increase both student and teacher's mental coordination as well as reduce stress.


πŸ‘‰How would you discipline students and teachers can't fault the rules and regulations of the school?πŸ‘‡

Life with discipline is the most successful life for everyone, if you are well discipline hardly for your future to be affected. Being a principal requires being able to discipline those who go against the roles but not forgetting to do so In love and according to the roles of the school or institution.

πŸ‘‰Which is better, a soft principal/admin or a no-nonsense principal/admin? Why?πŸ‘‡

It is better to be a soft principal/admin, why is that if the principal/admin is soft the will be a free expression of students and teachers and also making it easier to relate well with the students and teachers also.


I invite @ishayachris @mjerryand @josepha to come and participate in this lovely contest.

Appreciate you all for your time and I also wish ourselves better life ahead,stay safe and be blessed I remain your friend @ajegena.

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