The diary game || Better Life || weekend

in hive-126193 •  10 months ago 

Assalamu Alaikum

So after having a lot of and duty now I am back to my platform and having fun I always love to read a people article and daily diary game because this is really fascinating so let's get started weekend diary game.

So this is beautiful start of the day and just for wake up and then when should coffee shop and this is very good restaurant and I love the coffee after long time didn't get time to have coffee with friends. So this is I think a very funny thing to tell you guys while we went to coffee shop. Even on Sunday there was no space shed because I love this thing in Lahore that in the give free time to they are wife there sisters their mother and they specially sent the Sunday outside.


Our dinner was in shinwari restaurant this is very good restaurant in Lahore one of the very hygienic and good food provider whenever got what time we always went to this restaurant.

This is one of the special restaurants whenever we visit this place this is a special kind of love and happiness 😊 and I am always admirier.


This is very very special moment for me this is one gift which I got from suadia and my one of the favourite staff went to perform umra and we got this delicious 😋 🤤 🤤 gift.

My friends are very cooperative and friendly specially for prayers and they show me whole journey how they perform umra.


I am enjoying once again 😊 😊 😊 and hopefully will spend beautiful time

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