In your opinion, do men and women face different challenges in their daily lives? What are some examples?
We often hear debates between men and women about every challenge they experience in their daily lives, in this case I want to give my personal opinion.
In my opinion, men and women both have tough challenges in their lives, but they are smart in responding to the challenges of their lives.
Because in reality everyone experiences their own challenges in living their daily lives, both men and women. For example, men have a big responsibility in earning a living to meet the needs of their families, they must be willing to work hard in the hot sun and cold rain in order to make the people they love happy.
Likewise with women who must be willing to drain their energy to take care of the house and also provide the best service in their household to make their children and husband happy such as cleaning the house, cooking, washing clothes and so on, both have a big role to make each other happy.
In your opinion, do men have more freedom to choose than women? Why is that?
If this I agree, men have more freedom in choosing compared to women, the reason is very simple, because almost all women want to marry established and successful men, and women also do not look at age when accepting men as their husbands.
While men, they want to marry successful women, but not many men want to marry women who are older than them even though the woman is rich and successful. In this case I think men have more freedom in choosing.
Do you think there are some things that women are more superior to men? What are they?
Of course it is true, because if you look at the level of stress and physical fatigue, men are more physically and mentally tired, but women seem more relaxed in terms of working physically or in terms of thinking about something.
This is what makes women more superior than men, because men are proven to experience more stress than women.
What is the role of family responsibility in the lives of men and women? Is one gender expected to do more things?
If men and women have a good mindset, positive and want to make each other happy in their household, I think men and women can share tasks to complete their household chores.
No one is more tired or has to do more things if men and women in the household want to help each other. However, if they don't help each other, I think men and women will be equally tired because of their own egos.
In conclusion, in your personal opinion, who has an easier life and why?
I don't want to choose, because the ease and difficulty of a man's or woman's life depends on how they think and how they view the world. Both men and women can have an easier life if they are willing to suppress the selfishness in their minds and themselves.
This is my entry for the Contest: Debate (Week 50); Who has an easier life, Men or Women? which is organized by brother @sahmie, I also want to invite @dekki, sister @dasudi and brother @damithudaya to participate together in this contest.