The Debate (no.32); Globalization vs Nationalism

in hive-126193 •  9 months ago 
Assalamualaikum Steemian

With the prayers of my well-wishers I'm doing great and so do I wish for you all, beautiful people. Today, I'll write on the topic "Globalization vs Nationalism" organized by @sahmie Here is my view about the concerned topic.


Which is more important for countries: focusing on global connections or prioritizing their own interests?

Countries are always in a continuous struggle to gain its own interests on the global stage. A state needs to focus on its national interest but global connections cannot be ignore wholely. We're interdependent on one another. We should always keep the interest of other countries as well. If not, you will also be ignored. Sometime, a state can also compromise on its national interest for a double gain tomorrow.

For instance, Pakistan has compromised on many interests and respecting the China's policies as we're working on "China Pakistan Economic Corridor-CPEC". The project is strongly backed by China and without China Pakistan cannot proceed with it. Though China will be more beneficial but Pakistan will also be a trading hub.

However, countries interest and global connections run parallel with each other. You can make interesting decisions for your countries interest when you've global connections. Without your connections you'll be isolated and a country cannot be run without trades and connections with the other.

How does globalization affect international relationships compared to nationalism?

The best thing about globalization is the fact that the countries become more interdependent. Enjoy free trade across all boarders. No limition on investment, you can invest beyond boarders and you will be welcome by any state to invest in that. The world is full of the tourism spots and you can explore any corner of the world.

Conflict between different states can be solve through table talk, diplomacy or dialogue. A moderate state can solve many issue between two countries. Pakistan plays a moderate role between USA and the Afghan Taliban which resulted in Doha Agreement. Furthermore, USA was a moderate between Pakistan and India when the two countries come in conflict in 2019.

While on the other hand, Nationalism stresses upon sovereignty. Its priority is national interest and not global. Its goal is to unity the people of the country. There can also be some barriers in trade.

Such barriers may result in complete isolation. For example, Israel for its aggression against Palestine Muslim resulted in banning of many Israel products mainly by Muslim countries.

Is there a way to balance globalization and nationalism for better international relations?

Yes, we can balance the globalization and Nationalism for better international relations by the following ways:

01.Respect for Sovereignty***
Every country has to respect the sovereignty of the other. If one country try to interven in the affairs of the other, she can face a real criticism.

02. Protection of the culture***
Many nations are built and united by culture. The people of the same culture has close connection with the other on the other side of the boarder. E.g., The Pathan people living in Pakistan and Afghanistan has much respect for each other.

03. Respect for Ideologies***
Nations came into being on the basis of ideology. Pakistan and Israel is its best example. Pakistan is based on Islamic ideology and Israel on Jews. Both are backed by the same religion in the other countries.

04. Promotion of International organizations
International organizations had play an important role in the peace process. Its best example is United Nation which address the issue which can lead to a huge conflict.

05. Diplomacy and Table talk***
This is the best act by world actor which can stop states from being in conflict with one another.


What are the pros and cons of a globalized world versus a nationalist approach in today's world?
1. collaboration among countries increasesunemployment in many countries
2. Economic growth because of free tradeloss of local traditions and customs
3. Culture exchangedeveloping countries are exploited by the developed one
4. Global problems are discussed together such as climate change and other pandemicsenvironment degradations
5. International peace and stability is promotedwealth is not distributed equally
1. National identity and culture is preservedIsolationism
2. domestic industries are protectedpotential for war and conflicts for other nations
3. No dependency but sovereignty in decision-makingchances of discrimination against minorities
4. National security and defense is emphasizedThe access to the international market and resources is limited
5. Potential for economic development and growthhuman rights violation and authoritarianism

Globalization can bring changes and can change the world in very short time as the world is full of genius minds and when the genius minds work together, it results in something creative. Globalization and nationalism can be balanced but we should respect and protect the sovereignty of the other nations. That is the only way we can move forward and the peace will prevail.

In the end, I want to say that many people will be agree with me while few may not, this is what the difference of opinion is and that is what leads the world forward. So based on the above arguments, I'm going with the globalization

Thanks for being here!


inviting @tommyl33 , @emsonic ,and @nushrat to take part in the contest.




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