SLC S21W1 || Cleaning, face types and implements necessary to perform good makeup.

in hive-126193 •  4 months ago 

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Steem Fashion&Style

Assalamu Alaikum

I am @jollymonoara from Bangladesh .

Best warm wishes to all the Steem Fashion&Style community and Admin, Moderator and user friends and congratulations to all.

In the next 6 weeks we will learn the basics of the makeup industry and its makeup techniques and secrets through the contest presented at the Steemit Engagement Challenge. In the Steemit engagement Learning challenges, @soulcharity is the organizer of this beautiful contest on the basics of makeup industry.I can participate in this contest and learn various techniques so that I can create very good the learning contest whom I want to invite are -@almacaridad, @sualeha, @shiftitamanna and @nahidaislam.

SLC S21W1 | Cleaning, face types and implements necessary to perform good makeup

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💄Based on what was established in the previous module, analize what type of skin you have, how you should care for it, and what type of products you should use for that type of skin.

In any makeup case, say that the first thing that is being done is to keep our face clean. If we apply makeup neatly when traveling somewhere, we must clean the face very well. The face that needs to be kept clean only during makeup is not the main thing.The most important thing is that we can always keep our face clean. This requires how we clean our face according to our skin type and we can use cleanser or face wash.

My face skin is oily. There's always an oily feeling on my screen so first of all I use a Cetaphil oily skin cleanser to clean the screen first.Moreover my skin type is oily so for sensitive skin I have to use cleansers according to skin type. The use of this cleanser results in deeply cleanses and help minimize pores without stripping skin of natural moisture.


Already rough oily skin and oily.Moreover, there is no need to clean the face with water repeatedly to clean this excess oil, it increases the lubrication of the face.Using moisture according to face type will keep the skin moisturized throughout the day and soft and smooth. So I use the Cetaphil moisturizing cream for the well screen it will have my skin hydrated around the clock and helps restore the skin moisture barrier.

But a lot of dust outside when we go out, will make our skin crisp and dirty.
So our first task is to clean our face thoroughly with clean cold water or cleansing or facewash. This is the basic practice of keeping the skin beautiful.
After cleaning the Face must apply a moisturizing or hydrating cream so that the skin will be soft and smooth. Toners can also be used to remove skin that is unclean.

Clean the face well with a cleanser before applying makeup, do moisturizing, then apply makeup to my skin.Now makeup sets well on my skin. I don't clean well before applying makeup, but my skin can be severely damaged due to makeup.

Inside the body is an attractive part that we keep the face neat and tidy.So if we can't choose the right products while applying this skin makeup, our skin will become dirty.

Nowadays there are different types of serums and other cosmetics according to skin type for skin use which due to proper use our skin becomes beautiful and clean perfect in our control.

There are 3 types of skin normal, oily and dry skin.

My skin type is oily. It makes extra oil on my face causing an oil to look in the face all day long.As a result, the pores in the hair well get stuck in the pores due to excess oil spills and it's very shiny due to the release of such excess oil, so I must use a product that controls and matifies to control excess oil.
The things we should aviod in skin care are washing face multiple time a day, skin make more dry.and wash only 2 times a day.

The reason why facewash should never be skipped at night is because the dirt accumulated throughout the day cleans well at remove all diry at sebum.Always wash before sleeping.
Oil should never skip moisturizer on the screen, time should use light gel base moisture.
So I always use Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream.

💄Show us a personal photo, in which you must explain the shape of your face and also tell us how you should control and highlight according to your specific shape. (This answer must be purely explanatory)


Also when I control and highlight the face according to a certain shape I must do it according to the shape of the face.There are generally four types of face shapes, oval round ,square and heart shape.

My face is the Oval shape among the four types of shape.


Brown Vintage Travel Moodboard Photo Collage (4).png

Since my skin is wily, first I clean my face with a cleanser and apply moisturizer.I apply primer on my face before applying makeup and concealer. Here I use Maybelline's New Baby Screen Light Wet Primer.Skin shows smooth, poreless and looking.

and all that we use to make our skin look beautiful.

  • And if I apply the primer before makeup, my makeup will be very well set and perfect.Moreover, this primer creates a layer between the skin and makeup of my skin and protects the skin directly from makeup. Excessive makeup is also harmful to the skin. I use primary to save skim facial skin from this harmful aspect.

Our natural face has some shades.Some places but looks like some places in the front and some places in the back.Face This shade doesn't have that gap when we use foundation while doing makeup. This shade is covered by makeup.

With makeup we make the face pretty and even. Contouring in some places and highlighting in some places is required to bring back the natural shade of face through makeup.

The natural shade of the skin is covered by applying makeup, and the control task is to bring back the natural light of the skin after applying makeup. After applying the foundation on the face we need to do the contouring.

I can do whatever skin wants to hide my area or what it wants to sharpen or what it looks small through contouring.

Highlighting highlights the area that naturally lights our face.

First starting with cheeks with the cheekbone right down with the hands staining I'll take out my natural shade.Pulling the stain this way will decide where we'll be contouring. I'll do it on both sides of the face like this.

We have natural sheds down the Hair line on either side of the forehead or forehead.Pull the stain for contouring right along the hairline.

Now come to the jawline here if you control the stain ten like this the normaly face shape will increase.
Then pull the stain for this contouring on both sides of the nose as the nose appears sharp.

Then for highlighting, I will tringle just below the eyes of the eyes, pull the stain for highlighting, that is, the highlighting should be done just below the eyes. Then the forehead and nose are on the upper part of the nose, pulling the stain for highlighting in the same way in the snout. I'll be highlighting T -zone for makeup.

I will use this Concealer of MAYBELLINE for highlighting. Then I will blend the process with a good brand sponge.

💄According to the implements needed to achieve good makeup, which ones did you know before and which ones do you us freefully; did you use them corectly? Which ones do you think are really essential when applying makeup? Explain your answer.

We girls/Women usually use face makeup.But I never use face makeup professionally and I can't use makeup well.I have little knowledge about this but I have learned to give some makeup by watching YouTube and what I have learned is detailed here.

I always like natural looks so I always try to keep my skin clean and tidy.That's why I don't wash my face well with a face wash twice a day and sometimes a cleanser.Then what I apply is one of my favorite moisturizing creams.I put this moisturizing cream on my face all day rather than washing my face again and again and at night I wash my face well and keep it with night moisturizer to keep my face hydrated all night. And this is what I do the most.

I use very little makeup, too, occasionally, especially if there's a wedding ceremony or party, I just apply makeup on my face.


I definitely need some of the tools I need to achieve good quality makeup, before I need the things I need to use makeup to be of good quality.

Especially from moisturizers to makeup brushes, everything should be of good quality or my skin problems, especially allergic problems or acne.

So all the time I have to choose it so that the product is of good quality.Many times it is seen that the price is a little higher when buying a good quality product.So thinking about all aspects I have to choose the right product.

First of all need skin type moisture, first of all I need oily skin cleaner and 24 hour hydrate moisturizing cream.
Then a good quality primer I took Maybelline's baby screen light wet primer here.
A good quality foundation according to my skin tight I took the Lakme Absolute ,Skin natural mousse mattreal SPF8 foundation here and according to my skin color type.


I will apply concealer or corrector after foundation to remove dark spots and dark spots under the eyes and various spots and dark spots on the skin.
After the foundation and counselor are well blended I will apply a loose/compact powder so that the foundation is well set on my skin.

💄As explained in the praevious module, if you need to apply concealer (a liquid or cream product) to corect an imperfection, while of the implements do your think you could use for its application and which one for it blending. Explain your answer.

The most important thing to set the makeup when applying makeup is how beautiful the makeup finish will be depending on the makeup brush i.e. the right tools.

Moreover, the makeup brush depends on the face.And accordingly their blending purpose is also different.image.png

The most important thing to set the makeup when applying makeup is how beautiful the makeup finish will be depending on the makeup brush i.e. the right tools.

Moreover, the makeup brush depends on the face.And accordingly their blending purpose is also different.

My favorite brush when using this compact powder. I use this brush more. This powder brush is very smooth and fluffy, so I always use this brush to clean the extra powders on my face and it's one of my favorite brushes.


Concealer is basically my skin's imperfection, pimple spot, and pigmentation or if there is a spot on the screen I need to use counselor to remove or hide them. Since my face is acne face I use a counselor to hide these scars of mine moreover this concealer highlights skin and shows glowing.


Councillors are available in different colors for different skin types. So I apply my skin type liquid concealer while doing makeup.

Thank you all on my behalf
Best Regards


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Observaciones y/o Recomendaciones:

  • El tipo de piel grasa conlleva un cuidado y limpieza rigurosa para regular la producción de aceites en el rostro; es fundamental limpiar nuestro rostro antes de ir a dormir, además de antes de maquillarse.
  • Es importante que podamos iluminar y contornear nuestro rostro para mantener una simetría y armonía; en esta ocasión menciona correctamente las áreas en las cuales deberá hacerlo.
  • Menciona que no tiene gran cantidad de implementos ya que no suele maquillarse con frecuencia, sin embargo, lo más importante es poseer una esponja o brocha con las que se pueda difuminar correctamente.
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Greetings @soulcharity madam,
Thank you very much for the review and feedback of my first course on this Steemit Learning Challenge module s21 w1. I am not a professional makeup artist but I have tried to answer according to your question. And I will definitely try to clear the efforts that I had next course.Wishing you a bright future and warm wishes to you .
