Contest : Stories, learnings, and Reflections #11(A Wicked Uncle)

in hive-126193 •  7 days ago 

Hello, my wonderful Steemians and my beautiful friends; how are you all doing? I will be sharing my entry in this contest that says Contest Stories, learnings and Reflections #11

Yesterday in my school, Theatre art department acted a dream, and I was given an invitation to enter inside and watch the drama. Because my best friend was in the art department while I was in the science department.


So the drama begins; they introduce their self one after the other, and also the title of the dream as the wicked uncle.

It was the drama of two beautiful families that God blessed with amazing children, both male and female.
The name of the first man is Michael, and the other one is Dennis; Michael and Dennis are brothers, and they were blessed with two beautiful children.

Michael is a Christian, while Dennis is a traditional man who doesn't believe in God.

I was paying good attention to the dream because it was getting more interesting.


So Michael gave birth to a boy and a girl, Ada, and Obi, Ada was the first child of Mr. Michael while Obi was the second child, Michael was not financially stable, so this made it very difficult for him to send his two children to university, but in the other hand, Dennis Michael brother have money very well, but he said that training his children in school is wasting of money.

Dennis's children will always see their fellow children going to school, and they will not feel bad or complain to their father that they want to go to school.

But Michael's children will always complain to their father that they could love to go to school if there is money

Then one day, Michael went to Dennis house to request for money, but Dennis did not give him, then when Michael was about to leave, he called his brother back and said to him, I will give you this money in one condition, that your only son will come and start learning work in my shrine and you should also stop worshipping God and start worshipping his own god.

Michael was heartbroken when he heard this from his only brother, then he had to sell his only plot of land that he inherited from his father before he died just to make sure that he sent his two beautiful kids to the university.

Then, 5 years later, Ada and Obi are now a graduate; Obi is a medical doctor while Ada is a lawyer, and they come back to the village and buy many plots of land for their father.

Then their uncle Dennis was now seriously ill that he didn't have money to go to the hospital.

Then, one day, Dennis's children were coming back from the market and saw a new hospital in their village and treatment was free, so they rushed to the house and carried their wicked father to the hospital, but when they got there, they saw the biggest surprise of their life.


The hospital is owned by Obi Michael's son.
When Dennis opened his eyes and saw Obi treating him, he started crying, and then Obi called him, Uncle, stop crying; you will be fine.

His uncle told him that I was not crying because of my sickness, that I was crying because of the wrongs I have done to you and your father in the past, but still, you have the mind to treat me.

Then Obi answered him, err is human, and to forgive is divine.

Wow, I was moved by Obi's words.


What I learned from this story

I learned a lot from this story, firstly, I learned that we should always try to help our brothers and sisters that are in need, secondly, I also learned that we should not be requesting for a favor before we can help someone, like when Michael came to his brother asking for money, then he answered him that he will only help him when his only son Start worshipping him.

And one of the biggest lessons I learned from this story is that we should always try to forgive and forget.

Thanks for reading my post

I want to invite @simonnwigwe, @josepha, and @goodybest to also join this contest in this community today.

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Helping our brothers and sisters in need is a form of caring that not only benefits them, but also strengthens our human bonds. However, Michael's story also shows that help should not be conditional with unreasonable conditions. Helping should be born from sincerity, not as a means to gain recognition or reciprocation.

About forgiving and forgetting, this is one of the greatest lessons in life. Forgiving does not mean forgetting the wounds that once existed, but rather releasing the burden that can hinder our happiness. Not everyone can forget right away, but by forgiving, we can at least move forward with a lighter heart.

Thank you for your nice comment on my post
I appreciate
Forgiveness is very important in everyone's like

An interesting story. I enjoyed reading about Michael and his brother. We should always be kind to everyone.

Thank you dear for reading my post