I sat and pondered over the recent events occuring and decided to set my pen to writing. I admire nature but what is this harm?? What has society done?? Is there a future for our nature?? I asked.
We have come to the crossroad on a boulevard.
I lingered over the choice.
A peaceful rural or a desolated industrialized urban land.
We lived with trees around.
A green pasture,
Breathing the purest of air,
Rivers were so fair, animals had their homes peacefully with no fuss.
This was our serene past. But now, a whole different scene.
Now in present time, the earth is tired of sitting so she moves, houses are now left on the verge of her mercy.
The mountains give a sigh,
The sky sheds a tear,
The sun rages,
The animals flee for their life and so are trees replaced.
I reflected on recent events and past but a sigh escaped from my mouth.
Alas, the country has touched the tender and slender being,
The peaceful environment whose beauty strikes with the colouration of butterflies and trees now turned to ashes to feed on the roots of life due to overpopulation.
But what is worthy of life?
Nature is.
We end her instead of mending her.
Calamities are done on the sweet rural scene.
You complain of heat, yet deforestation has blinded you all.
Back to afforestation.
Back to giving nature a chance so you don't damage the future.
You call it industrialization.
Refusing to see that environmental damage threatens civilization.
Amidst the industrial celebration
Brought in by our colonial masters,
There is a convolution in nature.
Is there a future for our nature?
I will always sing your past beauty
A sweet rural scene.
It was.
This is my story, my learning and reflection. Is there hope for our nature? Back to giving nature a chance.
@alexanderpeace here is my post.