Debate (no.49) Does Technology Separate or Bring People Together.

in hive-126193 •  3 months ago 


Does Technology Separate or Bring People Together.

Thank you for bringing up this thoughtful topic for a debate. I am of the opinion that technology has separated people more than it has united us.
A classic example is the effect of social isolation created by social media.

Do you feel closer to your friends and family because of social media, or do you think it keeps you apart?

At home, family members are more connected to their phones, far away from their spouse and siblings, a phenomenon currently known as phubbing.
Many couples are physically sitting together on a couch but are mentally, intellectually and emotionally disconnected due to excessive use of smartphones.
People today avoid face-to-face interactions and would preferably communicate with strangers.
The ideas of chart rooms where people only concentrate on specific topics have made it hard for such people to interact with those who hold a different point of view.

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How often do you use your phone or computer to talk to people compared to meeting them in person?

I personally know and communicate with more people online. This means I have more friends on Facebook and communicate more with them on Facebook.
Because I have a phone, I find it easier to call and talk to my relatives and friends over the phone, cutting out the need to visit them. With this in place, I would rather call.

Can technology help us make new friends, or does it mainly connect us with people we already know?

We can be connected to more and new people online; some people make more acquaintances online than they can in the real world. But real friendship is deeper than an acquaintance or a chatmate. Real friendship is easier to create in the real world compared to an online character that may be the avater of another online puppeteer [catfishing].


Have you ever felt lonely while using social media? Why do you think that happens?

Yes, it happens; a person can be charting online and yet feel lonely at the same time.

Having physical communication is beyond the exchange of ideas through words; it comes with non-verbal cues that add meaning and depth. In my language, we have sounds and actions that come into face-to-face communication that can not be written.
Online communication is shallow and superficial.
A person operating under the cloak of anonymity can feel lonely while chatting online because he is lacking any vulnerability, which is why the person may feel lonely.

How has technology changed the way we communicate with each other?

In the past, we had to learn how to respectfully compose ourselves when talking to older members of the community. That is not the case today. You can talk to anybody on the phone without worrying too much about your dress, posture, and demeanour.
Communication across long distances has been made easy and affordable. Reduction in face-to-face conversations leading to people who can say things on the phone that they can not say in person—something called the disinhibition effect.

Regardless of the role played by technology, nothing can fully replace face-to-face conversations among people.

I invite @eliany, @josepha and @ruthjoe

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