Build A Large Mosque In Minecraft Ramadhan Edition by Rauntzent

in hive-127166 •  4 years ago  (edited)

images - 2021-04-18T174158.086.jpeg


Hello Everyone, today i'd like to enter this contest following this post:
Click Here
I am so grateful for who make a contest @cmp2020 and his supporters. Big thanks for Rauntzent who make a building. This is my article enjoy for reading.


Ramadhan is month for muslims, today has 4 days for ramadhan Include 26 days before end. Mosque is a place of worship for Muslims, a place for seek reward (we call it "pahala"). So in this contest i'll be post about Build A Mosque For Ramadhan Special Edition.

Start For Build

Before start we need to prepare something, like materials and many time you spent in game. Oke let's go to build.


The material is:

  • Light grey concrete
  • Smooth Quartz
  • Smooth Quartz Stairs
  • Smooth Quartz Slab
  • Dark Prismarine
  • Dark Prismarine Stairs
  • Dark Prismarine Slab
  • Spruce Planks
  • Spruce Slab
  • Spruce Trapdoor
  • Lantern
  • Laver
  • End Rod
  • Prismarine Wall
  • Glass Pane
  • Light Blue Stained Glass
  • Jungle Leaves
  • Sea Lantern
  • Red Carpet

Time For Build

He (rautzent) actually not say ho many time he spent for this building. But following his post before this video launch he need 4 days before he uploading new content. I can guess he need 1 week for make a full building and then he upload to youtube.


Step By Step To Build

First time you need to put 33 Smooth Quartz in your empty area for the foundation.

Capture 2021-04-18 17.05.09.jpg

Fill with Spruce Planks
Capture 2021-04-18 17.07.14.jpg

Make new foundation like this with Smooth Quartz
Capture 2021-04-18 17.10.32.jpg

Make sure wall for foundation the mosque
Capture 2021-04-18 17.11.57.jpg

Break 5 blocks for the door in front side
Capture 2021-04-18 17.14.05.jpg

Make like this for good door design
Capture 2021-04-18 17.19.09.jpg

Break 4x2 blocks like this for make a door inside
Capture 2021-04-18 17.20.28.jpg

And Behind too
Capture 2021-04-18 17.21.29.jpg

Put Some Prismane Wall and Jungle Leaves around the building
Capture 2021-04-18 17.23.41.jpg

And start make a roof with Smooth Quarz and Dark Peismarine Slab look like this:
Capture 2021-04-18 17.26.45.jpg

Capture 2021-04-18 17.28.57.jpg

Make other design like a dome on rooftop
Capture 2021-04-18 17.30.48.jpg

Finishing Inside the room
Capture 2021-04-18 17.33.05.jpg

Do some finishing, put a lamp, decorate a floor, put some red carpet, or others.

Capture 2021-04-18 17.40.25.jpg

Capture 2021-04-18 17.40.07.jpg

Capture 2021-04-18 17.39.51.jpg


And now you have a great mosque with modern design in Minecraft.


The source will be credit to Rauntzent, and if you want to see a full content please follow this link into her youtube video:

Rauntzent Youtube:
Rauntzent Instagram:

About Me

I am naky from aceh, Indonesia. I am freelancer, doing anything at digital world.

My Instagram:
My Youtube Channel:

Special Thanks

Thanks for god
Thanks for my family
Thanks to @cmp2020
Thanks to Rauntzent and his partner
Thanks for supporter
Thanks for steemit community


Thanks for reading! I appreciate you if send me feedback, because this my first article for contest! Have a enjoy day guys!

NOTE: This not 100% my original content! I just repost into article. If u want to see the original post, see at SOURCE.

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good work friends, the mosque design looks very modern.

Hey man, this is really cool, but it is not actually from the Build the Earth project. To submit, you'll need to find a build from the Build the Earth project. Here's the project's official youtube. You can also find an official facebook account, and region specific accounts (such as Build the Earth Germany or France).

Oh okay, understand now

Yeah sorry if I was unclear. In next week's contest, I will include a list of the resources for Build the Earth I can find.

Not a problem man, just keep write. :-)