Steemit learning challenge-S21W4 physical Therapy Intervention Asthma

in hive-127432 •  4 months ago 


Hello Steemit friends, I am sharing my first participation for Steemit learning challenge season 21 week 5.

What's Asthma? Write in your own words after getting knowledge from the lesson post.

Asthma is reversible disease means you can cure fully disease but this is due to obstruction there are a lot of factors. This is a long term chronic inflammation which is going on in the patient due to any factor for example any allergy so this can lead to the symptoms of cold like coughing,SOB and most importantly wheeze.

What is the pathogenesis why is so the patients suffering from so there are two main factors means any allergy which will activate our immune system so as a result our lungs will be affected and patient will suffer from inflammation and this inflammation will calls swelling and as a result what happened mucus secreting glands will secrete more and more mucus and obstruction of airway.

There are different categories of Asthma This can be due to occupation for example some people are suffering in dust so they got allergic in a long run and lead to chronic inflammation. Another time which is called conventional and the third type is called exercise induced Asthma from the name it is very much cleared so what happened patient will come up to you with wheezing and the symptoms of coldness.

There are many causative agent I will mention some of them which are very common in our country Pakistan

  • Like many people are very much sensitive to cold winter season whenever winter came they will suffer from asthma symptoms.

  • Pollens and dust

  • Exercise in used as I mentioned and some people do very hard exercise so this will lead to symptoms of asthma.

  • Occupational patient who suffered more due to their selective occupation.

How would you diagnose a asthma? Any clinical investigation or assessment tests?

For the diagnosis the first mainline cheapest is the x-ray chest x-ray is the most common thing to do for any kind of patient who is suffering from cold feature will must get x-ray.

As the patient is as suffering from s o b so he must get arterial blood gases examination. To role out other diseases the patient must get sputum culture and analysis according to that certain antibiotics can be started on time.

Try to practice at least 3 exercises that you have learned from the lesson. Share images, gifs or videos while practicing.

Purse lip breathing exercise

This is basically one of my favourite exercises to do while having spare time while you are suffering from any lung disease your lung function declines with the age and many other factors so when we exhale the air one air which is called residual volume which remains in the lungs even while you do this exercise the exhaled residual volume can be done and this will not only improve the strength of our muscles of chest as well as just movements are very much improved because the main complaint of asthma patient is SOB.


Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise

This is mainly to improve the muscles of diaphragm and this can lead to the lung expansion the lungs more expand takes more year inside and in this way the patient who is doing much hard to take breath can easily relax and inhale.


Chest Stretch

Because our chest muscles if we are suffering from asthma so this just stretches are very much importance for all the patients to improve the strengthen ability of all the muscles of chest as well as not only the front muscle but also along with direct the back muscles ability of stretchability is also improve.


Share your review after performing these exercises either on yourself, healthy individual or patient.

If I share my experience, basically I am also suffering from an allergic Asthma like I eat anything which I am allergic to yogurt. So when I eat anything which contains this ingredient I start a short of breathlessness along with that I suffer from sneezing and flu.

While I do this exercise this will not improve even my breath the movement of my chest muscles the expansion of my chest inflation is much better.

I most of the time recommend my patient to these exercises and they always respond well while doing these exercises their breathing pattern and sleep pattern is much improved. Yes so for me these are best.

I invite my friends @sahar78, @drhuma and @m-fdo to share their participation.

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@tipu curate

Thank you for understanding the lesson and sharing your assignment; I hope that you will enjoy this week's lesson and try to implement it in your life if you see any such case.


Task 1 (3/3)
You have shared a great knowledge about asthma, it's symptoms, causes, triggers, and types. Asthma is a curable condition that can be cured either with medications or physical therapy. I appreciate your effort.

Task 2 (2.8/3)
In the second question, you tell us about how you have to assess a patient by doing physical examination and history taking, performing investigations and specialized tests. But you can also add Spirometer that is used to measure lungs function is done by machine and patient can perform it easily. Great.

Task 3 (3.8/4)
You try the pursed lip, diaphragmatic breathing and chest muscle (pectoralis major) stretch. You did the diaphragmatic and pursed lip breathing correctly. But in chest stretch try to keep your arms straight. Always remember to take steam or nebulization before performing exercises to relax your muscles & dislodge sputum that can excrete out easily. I appreciate your efforts.

Overall you made a great attempt to answer all the questions. I appreciate your efforts. But next time try to avoid the above written suggestions. Keep learning and try to implement your knowledge to the people suffering from asthma, as winter is the trigger of most people suffering from asthma. Thank you.

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