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why the hell does your cross post have MORE rewards than my upload? Are you STEALING from me? This is socialism in real-time.

Lol, no gov't force involved here, just blockchain code, and those of us that chose to play this game.

You seem to be doing just fine over there,...

Think Bernie will take the green party offer?

lol im joking bro

and no he won't.

No, huh?
Got a reason?

just not his style

That is too bad, he could win, if he got on the ballot.

Well, you gotta wonder, on the one hand you have a Pussy Grabbing NARCISSISTIC IDIOT who brags about it, on the other hand you have a old guy who lies about everything including physical abuse of Women, including the one he technically RAPED.
So, why would ANYONE want either of these guys in office? So the PTB can always get more money and the rest of us will only get less.
We have 2 criminals that want to be president, then we have one who is not a criminal but wants to support the citizenry of this country. Out of these 3 men (unfortunately) WHY would anyone want the criminals? WHY has Americans lost all sense of reasoning?
Be Well, Keep up the good fight and NEVER give up!

Mk Ultra programming coming out of the flashylight box may have something to do with it.
Toss in crowds being morons, and viola!
'Murica! Hot damn!