A New Steemit Interface? It's Upto You!steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-127586 •  last year 


To keep it short and simple...

[Election advertising] definitely works best in large text 😆 source

The developer @the-gorilla has been unofficially working on a facelift for the steemit.com interface for some time. Now, he has dared to create a DAO proposal concerning modernising the condenser. If his proposal is accepted, the chances of implementing a new design and compensating the developer for his work increase. The community, including YOU, determines the success of the proposal!


Slightly longer, yet simple

The developer @the-gorilla (who, for example, programmed the popular "Club Status Tool") has showcased alternatives to the rather outdated Steemit user interface in many of his recent posts.

On the left, you can see how it could look; for more details, please refer to this post.
According to him, implementing a more modern interface is relatively straightforward and wouldn't even require a hardfork (which the top 20 witnesses would have to carry out).
Of course, the developer wants to gauge the community's interest in any potential changes. Additionally, he aims to be remunerated for his work and is hoping for funding from the DAO ("Decentralized Autonomous Organization"; in the context of the blockchain Steem, the DAO refers to a self-governing and autonomous entity).
Show him your interest! Vote for his proposal! And hope, along with him, that the combined strength of the community is sufficient to tap into the DAO pool!

I'm more hopeful than optimistic 🙂 source

To be honest...

It is relatively challenging to push through a DAO proposal. The system has, rightly so, incorporated some complicated "hurdles." But it's not impossible!
And even if it seems impossible? Your voice is still crucial! Only with many, many votes can we prove to "those in charge" how much we (WE are the community!) care about a more attractive and user-friendly interface. Through our proposal votes, WE bring attention to our cause!

And if, despite all hope, it doesn't work out? Perhaps the treasure chest of the DIP (Development Incentive Program) from the Steemit Team will open. They also appreciate it when the community takes initiative and eventually cannot resist the "Wind of Change."

So, let's go! Keep your "active key" ready, follow the link below, and VOTE!!! (starting tomorrow)


👉 https://steemitwallet.com/proposals 👈

WE are the community:

Each vote counts!!!

Gif: @peppermint24
Screenshot: @the-gorilla
Illustration: pixabay.com
Note: Please don't miss me. I'll be on holiday from Sunday and for the first time in over six years, I've resolved not to be active on the Steem while on holiday (not even reading what's on...). A few votes (don't let the SP lie fallow...) will be automated by someone I trust.

Banner (incl. natural arts) by @chriddi - You may use it!

Herzlich willkommen in der Community Deutsch Unplugged!Be smart, steem on - mit Netiquette!


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Voted and hoping for the best.

Happy Holidays ! Bring souvenirs for us once back on Steem. 🤪


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And thanks for reading carefully... 😊
I'm expecting lots of fresh input as souvenirs for me. And the realisation that I don't have to expose my whole life on the Steem... 😉

Dein Lesetest ist diesmal wieder richtig tricky 😜

😁... Auf jeden Fall kann niemand behaupten, ich hätte nichts gesagt... 😎

The tricky part being 😉

"A few votes (don't let the SP lie fallow...)"

Happy holidays

Thank you...😊
Who or what my account votes for is no longer my responsibility. I'm already realising: letting go feels good... 😉

Warum nicht natürlich bekommst du ein vote moecki😳🥛

Da siehst du es wieder: Man muss nur offen kommunizieren, dann klappt das schon ;-D

Na dann kommuniziere ich Mal offen @Chriddi ist in Urlaub und hat mir gesagt in dringenden Fällen soll ich Dir auf den Sack gehen https://steemit.com/hive-127586/@chriddi/s8bxlu
Ich habe noch nichts spezielles aber ich Arbeite dran ,🤨🤪

Dann arbeite aber nicht zu hart daran ;-))

Apropo hart arbeiten hast Du wenigstens was gutes ausgehandelt für Deine Arbeit auf mindestens 4 Stellen zur gleichen Zeit 🤪
Atego hat ein wachsames Auge 👁️ so aller Hausmeister Krause 🤔

Ich glaube, wir haben uns auf Ruhm und Ehre geeinigt... wo du es sagst: Wo bleibt eigentlich der Ruhm ;-P

Hallo Moecki könntest du bitte nochmal das Label ändern den ich bin alles aber kein Autor , den Ruhm oder Rum bekommst Du dann von mir 😉

Vote ist raus.
Bisschen frischer Wind ins Interface tut sicher mal gut.

Ob überhaupt jemand in Verantwortung an Veränderungen interessiert ist, wird sich zeigen. Aber wir setzen schon mal ein Zeichen, und das ist gut so. Community Power... 💪

I think it's a good proposal to support, it's time for Steemit to change visually, we have to evolve and I start from the principle that everything can be improved!

the principle that everything can be improved

That's a good approach... 😊

Then let's do it! Let's prove that WE are the community... 💪

Me emociona ver que hay personas trabajando por hacer cosas nuevas o modernizar algunos aspectos... Espero que vengan muchas mejoras en el futuro.

Unas muy merecidas vacaciones.... Que las disfrutes mucho!!

Sí, es muy emocionante. Pero también es hora de que la comunidad demuestre que no es un grupo de lemmings. NOSOTROS podemos cambiar las cosas, ¡NOSOTROS somos Steem!
Vale, es la interfaz de steemit.com. El operador de la página de inicio tiene algo que decir en la implementación completa del nuevo front-end terminado... 😂

Muchas gracias por los amables deseos de vacaciones. Nos vemos en unas dos semanas. Quizá... 😉

Democracy... Interesting.

Coincidentally, we are having elections here in our country soon.

Every vote counts!



At least a reminder to all those who think the steemcurators are the Steem... 😉

Every vote counts!

Go ahead! You did not vote yet.
So far it looks pretty good:
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01.02.2014, 14:19 MEZ



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Ich hinterlasse hier auch mal eine Möglichkeit, na du weis schon wofür!😉 ansonsten weis ich nichts neues , außer ich scheiß 🦷 Schmerzen

Erledigt. Aber dafür wählst du morgen auch Gorillas Proposal... 😁

Oh Mann, Zahnschmerzen sind die schlimmsten. Gute Besserung!

  ·  last year (edited)

Danke! hatte ich schon gesagt, ich bin käuflich aber klar dann schau ich morgen mal beim Gorilla rein🙃❗️


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Hallo Chriddi da ich ja so gut bescheid weis mit den verschiedenen Votes , mal eine Frage, kann man nur einmal diese Propsal Votes abgeben?

Moin Atego,
nein, du kannst jederzeit jedes Proposal wählen und dein Vote auch wieder löschen.
Fahre JETZT in den Urlaub! In dringenden Fällen wende dich bitte an Moecki… 😉

Espero que la estés pasando bien... ya por aquí te extrañamos. 😯

Danke, es geht mir gut… 😊

Hallo Chriddi kannst du bitte das Label Autor weg machen ich bräuchte da überhaupt nichts!
Vielen Danke !

Na dann viel Spaß , und Energie auftanken!

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.