The cats are animals full of mysteries, that we are discovering little by little with the coexistence, they can express with their face or gestures as they feel or better said we have to interpret in their eyes, mustaches, the tail and even the movement of their ears.
Los gatos son animales llenos de misterios, que vamos descubriendo poco a poco con la convivencia, pueden expresar con su cara o gestos como se sienten o mejor dicho nos toca interpretar en sus ojos, bigotes, la cola y hasta el movimiento de sus orejas.

To have a cat is to learn of its behavior when it is relaxed, in alert, with fear, with hunger. To understand their language makes a better coexistence with the pet.
Tener un gato es aprender de su comportamiento cuando está relajado, en alerta, con miedo, con hambre. Entender su lenguaje hace una mejor convivencia con la mascota.

The photos are my own, taken with my Blu Studio 5.0 cell phone.