❓ Steemit Quiz 2025

in hive-128129 •  2 months ago 

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One of the highlights of 2024 was the unexpected #flashquiz, attracting users from every corner of Steemit who worked together in an effort to unravel steemcurator's crazy clues.

From Google Maps, to Craig's List, the clues were addictive and even led to one user contacting some random person in the USA to enquire whether their campervan was still for sale!

Inspired by this (in my opinion), the Learning Challenges were borne and with nobody feeling confident enough to teach "Cryptic Clue Solving", we've been devoid of the challenge that we so enjoyed over the Summer.

So, to bring a little bit of that life back for 2025, I'll be running a year-long, Steemit Quiz.

⚙ How will it work?

To start off, get your friends together and enter a team in the comments below. Teams can be any size from 1 to 5 users and you're welcome to enter with as many scam filled teams as you wish. If you want to enter alone, then you can. If you want to enter a team with 5 of your alt. accounts, you can do that too. My recommendation though, would be to create a team of 5 people from different time zones who read and post within a variety of communities - I'll frequently include Steemit themed rounds so the more of the Steemit World you can cover, the better.

📊 What is the format?

Each week, on a Sunday (UK Time), I will announce the Rounds for the forthcoming week. Each week, there will be 3 Rounds of 10 Questions.

Round 1 - Monday & Tuesday
Round 2 - Wednesday & Thursday
Round 3 - Friday & Saturday

The questions will appear in the comments of Sunday's Announcement Post at random intervals. I might post a question each hour, I might post all 10 questions in a round before I go to bed. My intention is to make it so random, that there's no advantage to European Users than there is to any other continent. (You'll now see why a mixed team will work well.)

🚩 How many guesses do I get?

For each question, each team member is entitled to 1 attempt at the answer. DO NOT EDIT YOUR ANSWER! Any edited answers will be muted and will therefore be ineligible. Only the FIRST correct answer will be awarded the prize for that question.

🏆 What are the prizes?

For the first person to answer correctly, they will receive a 100% upvote from me. According to Steemworld, that's worth $0.88 so over the course of each week, there's $26.40 in my upvotes available. In addition to this, you'll also score 1 point for your team with the highest scoring team each week receiving 10% beneficiary (split across team members) from the next week's post. Another 10% of each week's post (starting with this one) will go into a pot (@el-gorila) which will be divided amongst the winning team at the end of the year.

In total, the prize pool could be in the region of $1,500 over the course of the quiz.

What if I'm late to join?

That's no problem. Teams can enter any time but if you want the big prize at the end of the year, the sooner you join, the better.

What do I do now?

It's time to get your team together.

Please spread the word - the more people who join in, the more fun we'll have.

Look out for Week 1 which I'll be posting on the 5th January 2025.

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😱... NO contests...

One year?! Uiuiui, you've set yourself some ambitious goals!
I'll be following your quiz and I'm sure I'll have a guess or two. Unfortunately, I can't take part as a sports event in a formed team that is ready at any time of day or night. I can't do it, I'd always be too late.
There are already enough people on the starting block, which is great. Good luck, everyone! Good nerves to you as the host and keep your sense of humour!

😱... NO contests...

Ha ha. Oh yeah. I'll give myself a warning!

Any team with you in it will have an advantage - there aren't many people who see what we see 🥸

keep your sense of humour!

Oh, I'm going to have me some fun! I know that most people will revert to Google or ChatGPT so my questions will need to be Search Proof. I think that you should already have a team with @event-horizon, @o1eh and @moecki. Although... if you're not participating, you could run one of the "Guest Host" Rounds 🙂

I'll give myself a warning!

Great. It shows how honest and honourable you are. Even with us ourselves there is NO tolerance. Bravo, unique!
I also labelled myself as a precaution... 😁

there aren't many people who see what we see

You are right. Although I haven't quite been able to figure out what your new Aftab connection means. Well, I guess figuring that out is the first big challenge for me. Or not, because I can just see. The way I see the formation of all the teams with wide eyes. So the attempt at formation. This way was always a NO way for us. Okay, okay, I get it - the first quiz puzzle that can't be googled or chatted up, yeah, exciting!

you could run one of the "Guest Host" Rounds

What an offer! You'd have to give me two or three months' notice though, LOL.
I can still take part. I can't win the big pot anyway (even in the legendary NO team we're not present enough, certainly not greedy enough), and I have NO desire for it.

Okay, you've fed me, this is going to be fun! Just reading along here once a day is priceless fun. Thank you, NO friend.

Your label is absolutely perfect. You must remember how true this is.

the first quiz puzzle that can't be googled or chatted up, yeah, exciting!

It's also proving extremely difficult to construct. ChatGPT can answer most things that I try to obfuscate... maybe because I'm using ChatGPT to obfuscate them 🤔

this is going to be fun!

I hope so. I will probably find it difficult to be sensible. In fact, I can almost guarantee that I won't be sensible.

Test Question 2 - What happens next?

I woke and and prayed. I prayed the best prayer ever. Do you like to pray? Then, I .....

Then I brushed my teeth and and brushed with the best toothbrush ever. Do you like to brush?

I should have an alt account for spreading such wisdom.

... brushed my teeth.

My teammate was a bit faster but perfect! I knew, we will rock, @event-horizon... 😉

I kNOw there are some mentions of me, but I don't think I could do this about the whole year.
I already realised during the SC quiz that I'll be very busy once I'm involved. I can't put myself through that at the moment.
I'd be sorry if others couldn't take part because of this, but I would be NO help to the NO team.

Nah, NO problem. Same here, same in Pakistan. We join or we don't, there is NO duty. Lucky hits are also hits... 😉


You just made a great team. I like it but others won't stand a chance against us in this No Holiday? Contest. 😉

It's a NO winners quiz. No questions posted on Steemit quiz.

It's a NO winners quiz.

NO doubt. 🙂

NO questions. Only Answers.

I would be honoured to join you in NO team... 😎

NO chance? Although our motto is always NO corruption!

Great. I have NO second thoughts for NO team.

our motto is always NO corruption!

NO compromise on that. 🙃

I won't have NO time, but I will have less time in 2025. If we still want to be a team, I'm happy to join in from time to time, otherwise it will unfortunately often be NO guessing from me... 🤷‍♀️

Happy New Year!

Likewise. I'll try to be there as much as I can but a year is a long time to be sure of anything.

Bila saya mengajak Anda @pecintabunga20 dan @ulfatulrahmah bergabung untuk mengikuti kuis ini, bagaimana menurut Anda? Saya sudah punya 2 teman, dan untuk membentuk formasi maksimal saya mencari 2 orang lagi dan kami belum punya anggota wanita, jika kalian bersedia silahkan kedipkan mata 😉

@miftahulrizky, @ulfatulrahmah - It is not a requirement that users are from different countries / time zones, but it might help if different people see the questions at different times.

Team members should be from different time zones.

Anggota yang di perlukan juga harus berbeda negara, selain itu otakku juga tidak berfungsi dengan baik hahaha, tapi terimakasih banyak atas ajakannya.

Una propuesta muy interesante amigo @the-gorilla, seguro que será dinámica y divertida, así que voy a invitar a 4 amigos para conformar un equipo.
Me gustaría hacer equipo con mis amigos @stef1, @ubongudofot, @dove11, @ikwal.

Esto hará que nuestro año sea algo más interesante.

Saludos a todos y éxitos en sus participaciones.

I am in, but don't expect much from me because I made some lousy guesses in the steemcurator's quiz with no votes for me 😄

Can we make a team

Sorry bro, some other time. We already have a team!

Gracias por tu participación amigo @dove11 falta que el amigo @ubongudofot nos responda a ver si desea participar.


the quiz is very interesting, i want to participate too. 2025 will be a very exciting year. 😊

Gracias amigo @ikwal por sumarse a este desafío. Es una interesante dinámica, veremos que tal. AFlta un integrante por responder.


Hi @fjjrg, I am not very good in any quiz and it is not something that I have ever did, but I am happy to be a part of the team and try :)

Muchas gracias por sumarse estimada amiga @stef1. A veces debemos atrevernos a hacer cosas que no hemos echo antes, es una nueva experiencia y seguro que aprenderemos cosas nuevas.
Ahora solo falta que nos responda el amigo @ubongudofot o en caso de que no pueda agregar a alguien más, solo falta uno.


@ubongudofot might be busy with his work, I wonder if @adeljose would be happy to join us?

This marathon task is very interesting, I join the call.

Thanks for the invitation.

Yeah!!! Nice to have you there, now we are full team: @adeljose, @ikwal @dove11, @fjjrg!

Sería interesante, vamos a ver que opina nuestro amigo @adeljose espero que pueda unirse.

It looks like you nearly have a full team! Please let me know once you have 👍

Thank you all for responding to the call.
Friend @the-gorilla, we have team, we are @stef1(UK), @adeljose (Venezuela), @dove11 (India), @ikwal (Indonesia) and @fjjrg (Venezuela).
We will be awaiting instructions.

Thanks for confirming - Do you have a team name?

Así es amigo @the-gorilla, falta un solo integrante, ya han confirmado:
y mi persona @fjjrg

Esperamos la confirmación de uno más. Apenas confirme le notifico.

Gracias por la atención.


Excellent, thank you. Please let me know once you get one more and if you have a Team Name that you'd like to use.

Lets goooo. Interesting idea but I don't think I have enough energy left to make a team with random users here. Can I go solo? 😬😬

You could make a team with people you know 😉

Of course, you can go solo... keep all of those prizes to yourself 💰

  ·  2 months ago Reveal Comment

Sure. I'm down for it

You don't go solo?

Hi ma'am, I would love to join your team

Great, you are welcome my friend🤗

Dear Ma'am i also join your team

The team is already complete, but you can join another.

Thanks Ma'am for your response back

Wonderful. I have full confidence in your cryptic skills. But it's more fun seeing you on the other side. Nevertheless, can't wait. 😛

It'll be a challenge creating enough questions each week that ChatGPT and Google can't answer... but I have a few fun ideas 🙂

I will make a team with Korean Steemian!

Fantastic - I was hoping that some Korean users would join in 👍

@ady-was-here do you fancy doing something like this?

Shall I put you and @ady-was-ere down as a team of 2 or would you like to add some more people (max. 5)?

Yeah, you can put us a team of 2. Do we need a name or something?

Would you like a Team Name? I might have to create generic names for me to keep track of the scores more easily.

You can put us as "Oops-a-Lot" if it's ok

@alexanderpeace, @drhira, what do you think about this

Great. Am in

We can make a team it's sound really good

Am in can we make a team?

Sure my friend @lovinah @alexanderpeace @impersonal @miftahulrizky we can make the teamconfirm please if you're in

Am in

Surely interested

Okay I agree

I also agree.

It's my pleasure.

Please let me know once you've confirmed your team and I'll note it down 👍

Sure my friend this is My team

Thank you so much for including me. But I'm not sure the type of quize questions.

no one is, so don't worry just note it will take the entire year and it's possible to skip. Good luck.

Ok thanks a lot.

Thank you dear am sure we will make a great team.

Can I join you guys...

Sure My friend

I think it will be fun, I'm very interested in participating in this quiz.

Anyone who wants to form a team for this, I'm @fajrularifst from Indonesia ready to join!

There are a few other people in the comments looking to join a team - perhaps you could contact some of them?

Indeed it would be amazing and have a fun too. It's time to do something different and unique to avoid boring. @ashkhan what you think?

I hope it will be fun 🙂 Please let me know once you have your team 👍

I want to participate. Anyone can include me in a team from Japan, Australia or Chile.

There are a few other people in the comments who are looking to join a team. Please take a look and see if there's anybody you'd like to join with 👍

Thank you so much. I'll look for them.

I also want to join , any one from india Pakistan for team

There are some others in the comments looking for teams to join. Perhaps you could contact them and form a team?

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I'm trying to create a Team to participate in this Quiz, I searched all over the earth, and selected four potential members that I want to invite, I don't know what they think, what do you think about this? Are you interested?
@httr4life from United States
@caringmanasseh from Nigeria
@luisito01 from Venezuela
@saikat01 from Bangladesh

It looks like your team is coming together nicely. Please let me know once you're ready with your team 👍

Of course, I will give you news when my team formation is complete, hopefully in the near future I will be done, thank you for your support sir.

Greetings, friend, I think it's a very good idea, since this way I can improve my skills. Yes I commit friend.

Okay, we have a deal!

Let's wait for responses from other potential team members.

Feel free to make suggestions my friend.

Thank you friend for counting me worthy to be part of your team. Together we will learn and succeed. Count me in.

Tentu, kamu salah satu yang terbaik!

Mari kita lanjutkan, sekarang kita sudah bertiga @luisito01

Alright, now I'll try to get @muhammad-ahmad and @xiao-aine to join the team, what do you guys think?? 2025 is fast approaching guys and @the-gorilla's quiz looks like a lot of fun!

Wow, great idea, my brother @the-gorilla. This contest idea seems very unique.I am interested in it; however, I am going to join your Team, Mr. @fajrularifst.

Discord: muhammadahmad9733

Cool, this is great, I'm so glad you're joining!

However, we still need one more person, probably a really great one from Europe.

Will you help me find him? As a moderator of several communities you must have a lot of contacts, right?

Personally I dont know someone from Europe but I will try my best to find.How ever come add with me on Discord.

Okay, let's continue..

What team? Will you bring the brains and do the job?

I also don't really know which part of my brain, right or left, will be used more in this quiz, but I definitely want to have fun here, not necessarily too serious, no pressure.
How about it @luisito01 @caringmanasseh @muhammad-ahmad?

What team? Will you bring the brains and do the job?

@xiao-aine My brother Mr. Gorilla will ask few questions and we have to simply answer those questions correctly.For this Mr. @fajrularifst has formed a Team.Now you understand my friend?

Am not the most active around but if you guys don't mind okay and thanks for asking. Let me know what to do, where to check
Happy New year!

What a good friend, I hope we continue for more, I hope the other friends are encouraged!

I am eagerly waiting for 5th January.

Will you be joining in with a team or going solo?

I am new here, that's why, 😞 I am going to join solo. He is my cousin who first told me about Steemit.

Good luck with your contest, it seems interesting and a new challenge.

Come on who wants to join, let's form a team?
Discord: mrzsuha#4337

I've seen a few people in the comment hoping to join a team. Perhaps you could team up with some of them? 👍

I am ready to join your team please accept my request

Great idea…. Reblogged

Sounds like a fun way to start 2025! 🎉🔥💪 Can't wait for week 1 on January 5th! Let the trivia games begin! 🙌📚

I think it's time to propose a team to take this quiz, me with @luisito01 @caringmanasseh @muhammad-ahmad and @xiao-aine

Yes Brother

We are good to go.

It looks like you're close to a team. Is this team confirmed or are you awaiting some replies?

I think all the team members are ready!

Excellent - would you like to choose a team name?

Yes, we are the JUST FOR FUN Team!

I am not always present but if no one else let's try

Everyone has the right to do what they want, thank you for joining the team!


@henryclive @alexanderkass, what do you think?

Can we form a team?

Sure, count me in. But what's the quiz about? 😅

I haven't figured out the rules yet either, but I'm ready😁👌🏻

It's a year-round quiz, but I'm ready for it too!😄💪

From what I understand, the contest organiser would ask 10 questions in 3 rounds i.e. ten questions for each round. The first person to answer correctly gets 100% upvote from him. I think the questions are Steemit related. It's good to have a team since we from different time zones.

What do you think we should name our team?

The Philosophers? 😅 I don't know, anything. What's your suggestion?

How about 3 idiots? Lol. Though I'm fine with anything. @alexanderkass? I know you have brilliant ideas there.

3 Idiots" I like, but I can think a little more😅

I shall await😁... BTW, we might need to connect in discord if we're going to discuss the questions/answer...

You could also call it "Three Fat Men,"😅but @bluelavender probably won't agree. By the way, here's my Discord: alexander_kass if needed. I don't know how to create a group there, though.

Lol I'm fine with that but I don't know about @bluelavender 😂😂

Let's just name it "No Name" Team 🤣

I created a server for us, here's an invite link: https://discord.gg/zPybE6TA

It looks like both invitees have accepted. Is this your team and if so, would you like to give it a name?

TSAF, Two Shreks and Fiona.

This sounds great. I am eagerly anticipating.
@lovinah and any other person interested, can we make a team?

Am in, anyone else interested?

Can we be a team

Sure! We can.
Is any other person interested?

Partner, So how to participate in quiz?

We are to answer the quizzes by @the-gorilla. It's a challenge. We have to always be alert so we can answer the questions on time and of course, we can't edit our answers.

It'll nice having you on the team.

Can you confirm that you're a team of 2 and if you'd like to choose a team name please?

cc - @ayesha0018

We are actually four

We are The Juggernauts


Ok sure , I missed ye 1st question get late. Now we have to be active

Yes, we have to be active

Hola, aún no tienes tu equipo completo? Sería un placer formar parte

I don't
It'll be nice to have you on board
Thank you for joining my team


@abi24 are you in?
We will make a great team.

@ukpono are you in?
It'll be nice to have you.

Sounds mentally challenging.
That's a sign that I loooove itttttttt!
I am in, KhayJhay.

I can't wait


Aku yakin ini pasti menyenangkan, dan ya mari kita kumpul bareng di sini @aneukpineung78 @cryptopie @dobartim @ultravioletmag @wakeupkitty ☺️

Assalamualaikum Dear Ma'am

I am alone because no one chat with me personally that's why it's difficult to fix my Team member. If anyone want to join my team i am available fir this work.
If i want to join this quiz personally it's easy ti enroll myself Dear Ma'am @the-gorilla

Thank you for voting! You made a great team and wish I can join your team... :)

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...


First of all Happy New Year sir @the-gorilla. I want to ask if someone named @romanticjay stole my SBD from my account and started my power down. I have not activated Steemit for some days due to the performance of some busy tasks. But during this time @romanticjay stole my some amount of SBD. What should I do now? I even did not share any of my keys. Should I change the keys?


Yes, change your keys immediately.

Then, report him to the police and your country’s cyber crime division.

But why steemit is not banning this account or removing it permanently from the Steemit website?

No idea. I guess they'd just steal it through a different account.

Ok, Is it enough to change the keys to prevention this thief? My country has no law on data recovery or privacy and the police do too.

Once you change your keys, the thief won't have them so yes, that will be enough.

Thank you very much

Good luck with the quiz!


@mhizta from Nigeria, any available team?

@pandora2010 are you in?
We can make a great team.

  ·  2 months ago Reveal Comment

Are you going to create / join a team or will you be flying solo?

That's a good question, but I don't know who could be a partner or who is willing to play?
@golden-rain , @wakeupkitty , would you guys like to try to play? I'm thinking of you guys because you are from far away countries and I know you are curious by nature... if you want we can give it a try

Yes, I would be happy to participate in something so creative and unusual, especially in the company of WakeUpKitty.

It’s great that the author wisely decided to postpone the start until January 5th)

Great, I'll be waiting for the answers from those who are missing to see if they dare.

Yes, it was smart to give time until January 5😊

What is the creative part? I write the text, you the music and @inspiracion will dance?

This will already be a theatrical performance "Wake up, Flori"))

No, I think it will be easier than that, or not 😅

I have no idea what this is about. I had no quiz or whatever fun this summer. This is all new to me and being present 24/7 for an entire year?

I don't know dear @inspiracion did you do this before?

Did you @golden-rain

I just read wht @chriddi said I believe it's better to join her and watch from some sideline or not. 🥴

Believe me, I don't want to be tied to obligations either, but I invited you and @golden-raint because this is something that is very similar to a game, for fun, it's about solving puzzles. I have also invited @huzaifanaveed1, who knows what it is about because he has also played before.

I have already participated in the past and I liked it so much that I would encourage myself to do it again. In reality, there are no schedules because once the questions appear, time begins to run and even if you arrive later, only you may have that answer.

In any case, I could participate alone, but I would like to have company so we can cover more things...

It is also important to clarify that these are rounds and we are not obliged to participate in all of them. In fact, if we do not have the answer or do not find it, we may not participate.

It's about trying. It is even important to have that mentality of seeing things in different ways, even to approach the game hahaha... It is a game, and whoever thinks like a child, without rules, with flexibility is the one who can play... but I repeat, everyone can try it, including us.

Just let me know who wants to be in, to define the team, it can be from 1 to 5 members.

whoever thinks like a child

You've described me perfectly 🤣

  ·  2 months ago Reveal Comment

Ha ha. They're not real questions. One of them is quoted from somebody's post... it made so little sense to me that I had to share it. The other one is just an idea... but an idea that I like 😅


So you and @huzaifanaveed1 already did it ... I mean played the game or some game. I have a bad feeling about games (due to the men in my family) but I can watch you and hope I have the brain to understand what the idea is... So we are with four or three or? One extra pair of brains we need or? I still have no clue what's it about but you already made clear that we are not like a child. LOL

@aneukpineung78 come play with me, I mean us. Your brain is more interesting than mine, pleaaaase. It only takes 52 weeks to play it, 12 months....

  ·  2 months ago (edited)

NO way, you are NO team!
(if @event-horizon, @moecki, @o1eh agree… and if you all don’t mind that there’s NO Nigerian crypto expert in NO team)


I'm hoping there'll be a team of Nigerian Crypto experts. I might have a "Nigerian Crypto Expert" Round.

Test Question 1 - What is the author describing here?

suppose you want a The token will be worth one dollar, now you have one hundred thousand dollars as funding, now you have to add one hundred thousand tokens from your total supply to liquidity in these decentralized exchanges, and add 100 thousand dollars to liquidity, now you have one hundred thousand dollars in exchange for 100 thousand tokens

That's from a live post. Somebody replied, thanking them for helping them to understand.

  ·  2 months ago Reveal Comment

PUSS... Puss, puss, puss, come on, Pussy, puss me if you can!

Okay, I've already read the solution (and I know I'm close incorrect, but didn't have the time or inclination for a proper research). And I was very surprised at how quickly the other guessers are on their toes, even though it was clearly my riddle... 😂

Well, I don't know whether I'm really enriching the NO team if I've only just managed to submit a few (down)votes in four days...
We'll see... Happy New Year!

NO. NO pussy involved. I can't remember what it was now. DEX or something unrelated to the words used.

I've got Rounds 1 and 2 planned for week 1 and maybe Round 3 too. I think you'll be a valuable asset to NO team.

Oh, who's in NO team? Have you got it all confirmed? I should write a post for people to confirm their teams in. I've lost track. NO idea you see.

OMG! This is hilarious; it’s the English for me. Haha! 🤣🤣🤣😂 Thank goodness at least this is not from one of the Nigerian crypto experts! 😜


The reply thanking him for such a clear explanation was though 🤣

  ·  2 months ago Reveal Comment

I haven’t participated in anything like this before.

Moreover, at any moment, the orcs (Russians) could bomb our power grid again with missiles, and then I might have interruptions in internet access.

But we can try it out for fun, and we’ll see during the process how well we understand it. If Flori invited us, it means she's interested and needs company.

I also skimmed through the rules and I’m not sure I understood everything, but I think if other people can figure it out, we can too. We’ll just need to reread the rules carefully on January 5th :-)

Oh thanks, then at least there are two of us now😀

make it three.. let's see if we can uh... win?

Great, we are 5 already🥳

Perhaps we need a translator and some extra brains...

Oh no problem, we'll solve it as we go.