COVID-19 Community - Pandemic information and news - discussions and background information - emerging infectious diseases

in hive-129768 •  5 years ago 


Dear friends of freedom and peace,

dear friends of love and happyness,

dear followers and all corona patients,

this community has been founded in order to save as many lives as possible in the background of the start of a global pandemic by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

We can discuss in the community news and background informations from all over the world, in order to inform the community and the rest of the world about recommendations of the WHO, CDC, ECDC and governments, new scientific findings, sience results, clinical studies and new ideas towards epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, vaccine development, treatment options and fatalities.

Please do not spam the community with trash. Try to present new ideas of treatment of viral emerging diseases or even important informations about prevention of biohazard, new treatment opportunities and many more.

You can even visit my blog for addional informations and news.

Note that you are responsible as a member and author in this community to respect copyrights of third parties and all laws, if you release any kind of informations to the rest of the members and the rest of the world. The liability for copyright infringement by authors in this group lies with the author of a contribution. The founder of this community does not check the content for correctness and possible violations. The authors of a contribution are fully responsible for their own content in this community. By joining this community, the member declares that he or she is himself aware of the applicable legal provisions at the national and international level and has taken note of the fact that the dissemination of false news is a possible crime for which the author concerned is legally responsible can be prosecuted by third parties.

By joining the group, the new group member declares that it will comply with national and international laws and legal systems and will not make calls for acts of violence or other serious crimes or illegal activities.

Each author is responsible for their own contributions and post, as well as comments in pictures and writing.

Important note:

The information provided here is based on the author's conclusions and own considerations of community members. The author's or community members conclusions do not represent any kind of therapy recommendation for emerging infectious diseases or infected patients, since there are still no clinical efficacy tests for these theoretical considerations for therapy of infectious diseases, which would prove a benefit for this type of treated patient - also if the author of an article is propably personally convinced that such therapy or test or vaccine can be of benefit to infected patients. As there are no clinical studies to date on the use of offlabel drugs and substances for virus infections in humans, as far as I know, therapeutic treatments with these substances should only be carried out as part of a clinical trial in suitable centers. The use of drugs mentioned in this article or other articles in this community by other members as part of an off-label use in the case of coronavirus infection or other kind off illness is explicitly discouraged due to the lack of data in human use until now, as long as the benefit of appropriately treated patients with consideration of the side effects of such therapies is proven in controlled studies could.

This contribution is only intended to encourage scientists to make increased efforts to develop adequate antiviral therapies that have a broad spectrum of antivirals. They are to be understood by the author of this article as a medical-theoretical contribution to the improvement of medical care for people all over the world - but do not include any kind of trade request for their practical implementation in humans without prior clinical examination by appropriate centers.

Off-label use of such experimental therapeutic strategies in the case of emerging viral diseases is at present not recommended by the author of this article. The presented informations are only representing theoretical therapeutic strategies mentioned by the author or other members to induce further clinical investigations in the field of emerging infectious diseases in future


Liebe Freunde des Friedens und der Freiheit,

liebe Freunde der Liebe und des Glücks,

liebe Mitleser, liebe Coronapatienten,

dieses Forum wurde von mir gegründet um möglichst viele Menschenleben im Rahmen der anstehenden weltweiten Pandemie durch das SARS-CoV-2 Virus zu retten. Wenn diese Community auch nur ein Menschenleben retten kann, dann war es alle Mühen wert. Bitte beachtet bei Nutzung dieser Gruppe, dass die bereit gestellten Informationen keine Therapieempfehlung oder Behandlungsempfehlung ausserhalb von klinisch kontrollierten Studien darstellen noch sonst wie einen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, Richtigkeit und allgemein wissenschaftlich anerkannte Diagnose und/oder Therapiestandards darstellen.

Diese Gruppe dient vielmehr dem Austausch von Informationen hinsichtlich der Prävention, der Diagnose, sowie Neuentwicklungen im Bereich der Impfstoffentwicklung und möglicher innovativer Therapieansätze bei der COVID-19 Lungenerkrankung.

Einige zusätzliche Informationen sind in meinem Blog zur Biogefährdung durch Infektionserreger unter der Webadresse:


Jedes Mitglied der Gruppe ist für die eigenen Beiträge selbst verantwortlich - insbesondere im Hinblick auf mögliche Copyrightverletzungen (Urheberrechtsverletzungen) von bereit gestellten Informationen. Durch Beitritt zu dieser Gruppe erklärt das Mitglied alle nationalen, wie auch internationalen Rechtsvorschriften bei der Verfassung eigener Beiträge vollumfassend zu achten und zu respektieren. Jede Haftung für Beiträge Dritter ist ausgeschlossen.

Durch den Beitritt zur Gruppe erklärt das Gruppenmitglied die volle Haftung etwaige Rechtsfolgen die aus Missachtung nationaler und internationaler Rechtsvorschriften her resultieren und im Falle deren Verletzung durch selbstverfasste Beiträge resultieren komplett zu übernehmen.

Durch den Beitritt zu dieser Gruppe erklärt das neue Gruppenmitglied, dass es weder zu Gewalttaten oder anderen illegalen Aktivitäten aufrufen wird, weder in Wort oder Bildform. Zudem erklärt es, dass es die Urheberrechtsvorschriften auf nationaler wie auch internationaler Ebene beachten wird und bei deren Verletzungen selber für den entstandenen Schaden haftet.

Es erklärt zudem durch den Beitritt auch zur Kenntnis genommen zu haben, dass die Verbreitung von Falschinformationen und der Aufruf zu illegalen Aktivitäten eine strafbare Handlung sein kann und dass die hier besprochenen Themen zu Diagnose, Prävention, Therapie usw. keine offiziellen Therapieempfehlungen ausserhalb klinisch kontrollierter Studien darstellen, weder direkt noch indirekt als solche auch nur verstanden werden können.

Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Anspruch auf Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Gewähr. Für die Inhalte von Autoren wird meinerseits keine Haftung übernommen. Eine Prüfung auf Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit der von Dritten gemachten Angaben in dieser Gruppe erfolgt nicht. Jeder ist für seine Inhalte selbst verantwortlich.

Wichtiger Hinweis:

Dieser Beitrag stellt keine Empfehlung zur Anwendung von Medikamenten oder anderen Substanzen für die Behandlung von Erkrankungen oder Infektionen dar, sondern dient ausschliesslich zu Informationszwecken und dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch. In konkreten Erkrankungsfällen sollten Patienten und Erkrankte stets das weitere therapeutische Vorgehen mit den jeweils behandelnden Ärzten abstimmen - zumal der offlabel Einsatz von bislang klinisch nicht erforschten Therapieoptionen mit erheblichen Risiken für Leib und Leben verbunden sein kann und sich der Stand der Wissenschaft fortlaufend ändert.

Für die Richtigkeit der in diesem Beitrag gemachten Angaben wird jegliche Gewähr ausgeschlossen, da teilweise eigene Schlussfolgerungen auf Grundlage der Arbeiten von Dritten gezogen werden, für die bislang jeder wissenschaftliche Beweis fehlt. Im Zweifel ist der behandelnde Arzt zu fragen und die Möglichkeit anderer Ursachen für eine Erkrankung ebenso in Erwägung zu ziehen.


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In the interest of a free and open discussion without censorship, what are your thoughts on:

The infection rate of covid is only about 1% of the 7.8B global population. Of the 1% subset, about 70% of those have recovered? In addition, the actual death rate is at less than 0.01% This assumes one doesn't take into repeated posts about how people =with= covid are counted as =from= covid.

The mortalitiy differs from country to country and region to region.

Depending on vitamine D and many other factors as age and gender we come to different results in the world.

Best regards.

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Can we take vitamin C and D to help fight the virus?

A normal and healthy nutrition should support the immune system to combat the infection. But there is no evidence that nutrtion supplements are able to improove the outcome. Note that to much vitamin C is able to cause nephrolithiasis and is excreted via the kidneys.

I think it depends on the reaction of your immunesystem. However - ask your doctor in order to find out the best way of supportive care and to avoid complications.

Best regards.


There is evidence, actually. You have not seen the evidence? Think about the value in Vitamin D3. I do not have a doctor.

I know about Vit D and immune system. But you should know that too much Vit D intake can cause adverse effects.

I think the effects of vitamin D should not be overestimated. If you habe a normal way of life, sun at a region where the sun is more than 30° above the horizon you do good to make 1-2 hours a day of activity in the nature.

From my point of view the best way of prevention is at present to avoid contact to mass population, events with many people, to wear face protection and eat healthy. If a vaccine works is questionable because the immunogenity of Coronaviruses is low. It should be discussed if infected persons can reinfected several months later by the same virus.

A good Cytokine reaction of the immunesystem in early stages of the disease should be an advantage.

Airward disorders caused by smoking and other pathological findings of the lung and immunesystem for example are more important with sight on a possible excerabation of an infection.

I like to see the effects of Chloroquine and Chlorpromazine and even of NItazoxanid and Glyrrihizin as antiviral agents which are able to block virus replication from my point of view and to control the infection until the immune response is able to combat the virus.

But there are no clinical trials at present at infected patients.

So it is just a speculation of me to use these substance in clinical trials in order to treat COVID-19 patients.

Best regards.

People don't get too much Vitamin D, generally speaking. Too often people don't have enough of many things in their diet. More often than not, people have too little of too many things and not too much. Plus, hypothetically, it is better to have too much of certain things than not enough of those certain things. Yeah, 1 to 2 hours of daily sun or at least 30 minutes for some people perhaps. Yes, isolation from those who are sick is critical. And if you do get sick, the same thing, isolate yourself and get better before spreading it to others.


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I greatly appreciate your undertaking the effort to translate your work into English, as I don't speak the other language (German, I think?). I am glad to see you have made this community, as I tried to create a community for this purpose yesterday, and was prevented by technical problems that may yet not be resolved.

I must seek clarity on the discussion of potential therapies, as while it is true that no specific cure has been proven, there are several drugs that are undergoing trials and have shown to potentially benefit patients when compassionate use of them was undertaken. Is it your intention to prevent publishing information on such treatments, or merely claims of cures that have no peer reviewed scientific research?

If the latter, I wholeheartedly agree, and look forward to what this community can offer humanity in understanding this disease and it's consequences. I hope I can contribute then.


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