In this video tutorial, you'll discover how to classify car images using computer vision and deep learning.
We'll be using Tensorflow and Keras to configure a Resnet50 model that can quickly and accurately classify car brands with transfer learning.
Whether you're interested in building your own image classification models or want to apply deep learning techniques to a variety of real-world problems, this tutorial is the perfect place to start !
If you are interested in learning modern Computer Vision course with deep dive with TensorFlow , Keras and Pytorch , you can find it here : http://bit.ly/3HeDy1V
Perfect course for every computer vision enthusiastic
The link for the video tutorial is here : https://bit.ly/3BJvKmK
I also shared the Python code in the video description.
Moreover, I recommend This graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti . I am using it to train my Tensorflow models.
Perfect results and performance: https://amzn.to/3mTa7HX
#Python #CNN #ComputerVision #DeepLearning #Tensorflow #Keras #Resnet50 #ImageClassification #TransferLearning #ConvolutionalNeuralNetwork #DataAugmentation #FineTuning #PythonLibraries #ObjectDetection #CarImages #CarBrands #MachineLearning #NeuralNetworks #ArtificialIntelligence #Programming #Tutorial #LearnComputerVision #TrainNeuralNetworks #ImageRecognition #ComputerScience #DataScience #SupervisedLearning #OpenSource #PythonProgramming #ImageProcessing #ClassifyingCars.