What are the chances of developing a passion and interest in a subject you dont genuinely like?

in hive-129948 •  3 years ago 

What are the chances of developing a passion and interest in a subject you dont genuinely like.png

I think the real question here is: Why would you?

I believe that passion is something that chooses us before we choose it, not like we'll wake up loving something you know nothing about. Still, passion is born after you try various different things then stumble upon a sure thing that you feel great love toward.

I'll share with you a concise story; after my best friend's death, I started writing a diary because I couldn't express my feelings to anyone, not even myself.

3 years passed till I suddenly realized that I had written maybe more than 20,000 pages in my life, and that writing was the one thing I NEVER got bored of doing, and that if I kept writing till the very last day of my life, that would be an honor, and that writing is the best way I could share the things I know.

I think what passion looks like, something you'd like to do even if you'd do it for free, and then earning money for doing it becomes only a bonus, an additional reason.

It was Mark Twain who said: "Find a job that you enjoy doing, and you won't have to work a day in your life."

Find a job you enjoy doing and you will never have to work a day in your life..png

So, to sum this up, the worst thing you might do to yourself is to try and force a passion on yourself. Instead of thinking that way, consider making money from what you "genuinely like" rather.

I wish the best of luck for you on your journey, and may you find your passion and turn it into a multi-million dollar business.

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