leaving the house in a sad mood, I don't want to see the disappointed face of my father and mother at home, what will I do? Master's Passed Unemployed One Year Master's Finished But Still No Job Luck, Not Job Searching, Searching Did Everything.
Had hundreds of job interviews but never got a job, still have job papers in the locker.
There is nothing wrong with being born into a lower-middle-class family or a poor house, there was a strong desire to study, the determination was to study and become a big girl one day, get a big job, wear a coat, and go to the office, get a good salary, mom and dad and no other. There will be no sorrow.
Whenever in imagination Mom and Dad also hope get a big job, and take care of the family, thinking about this, the whole country smiles on the face of Mom and Dad, if you see a person wearing a tie coat I tie coat , A very good job , everyone will respect, the mother of the house next door will come and say mother your son got now you are happy, everyone in the neighborhood will reputation and respect each other.
Mother's heart is filled with happiness when thinking about this.
I was hoping to get the tuition money today, although the month ended a few days ago, but the money still hasn't arrived, is there a lot in common between a tuition teacher and a beggar? But beggar gets something after asking for alms but that is not the case with tuition teachers, beggars can go to other places if they don't get alms but tuition teachers can't.
Before returning home on a familiar street in the dead of afternoon
Every day unemployment cries to get a head in the educated chest
A desperate heart came out on the street and suddenly met , he had a big job, he used to study together at the university, recently he got a promotion, he has been involved in student politics since college, and in our country, seven murders of politicians are known to everyone The same happened with . Nowadays, to get a job, Uncle has to have a lot of money, and he has a lot of money of his own, political money.
Younger sister marriage talks going on, father's deposit, , so father wants to be freed by marrying younger sister. still hopes there will be any job, still time can get married at if a job becomes. Byes Friday's interview if it works.
could not bring the good news on Friday, the marriage was broken, as the bridegroom demanded much more in amount.
Nowadays marriages without cohabitation are heard in stories or seen in films and not in reality.
even The night is late, a father is sitting on the porch, even ever:- Don't worry father, one day you will be very big, your heart's hope will be fulfilled.
to be freed from this cursed life?
Everyone wants to make his family happy
But the situation is critical
Unemployment becomes a curse in everyone's life.
Before returning home on a familiar street in the dead of afternoon
Every day unemployment cries to get a head in the educated chest