SEC-S15W2 | Beware of Bullying

in hive-130030 •  8 months ago 

Anyone and everyone can fall prey to bullies. Even adults get bullied all the time in their neighborhood or places of work. It may not necessarily be physical bullying, we can also be bullied psychologically or mentally. Either ways, it may take a long toil on our mental health.

Bullying is a consistent or persistent act aiming at making life unpleasant for a person or a group of persons. It is a social vice and should be frowned at.

Even as we fight against bullying we should be very cautious of our own actions endeavouring to look into ourselves, reflecting on our own actions. This is to ensure that we are not unconsciously encouraging this unpleasant act unintentionally and also to confirm that we are not bullies ourselves.



During your life, have you ever received bullying? If so, in what form? physical, verbal or through cyber bullying. Provide your review?

I don't specifically recall receiving any sort physical bullying but I do remember a particular time in my secondary school days. I think I was in my JSS 3 at that time.

In class, especially maths class, I was very fond of answering questions on the board or just some random question thrown at the entire class but this didn't sit well with most of my mates.



Honestly, most of these questions, I only had a rough idea on how to go about it in my head but I always wanted to attempt it. If I interacted in a class or solved questions on the board, it always stuck with me better. Fortunately I got most of them correct.

Until my JSS 3, I never knew I had a group of "specifically unoccupied people" who ensured to take out quality time of their day to discuss "my arrogance", "pride" and how much I loved to "show off" and do "oversabi"

When I heard about this, I was mentally perturbed and somehow began to notice some of these acts. It seemed like they were pleased when I failed or got an answer wrong so I stopped answering questions or interacting in class. I began to hide my test scripts and keep my scores to myself.

I recall crying to my mum about all these but when I look at it now. We all became closer in our senior year, growing mature and eventually putting all these childishness behind. These were still the same people who clapped for me and hugged me on our graduation day.

All these taught me many meaningful life lesson. People will always talk no matter what we do, most of our haters actually wish they were like us and On the journey they might despise your attempts but at the end they will celebrate your achievements.

How do you equip your children to avoid bullying either at school or in their social environment

I do have a younger brother in a boarding school. During their holidays when he returns home, he always have loads of stories to share about what happened in school, what senior got suspended or probably a fight that broke out.

Amongst his countless stories, there is this specifically unique yet terrifying one he shared. A senior students in his school flogged a junior student to death for not performing a certain task. This is a clear example of bullying.



Anytime, I recall this particular story, I always get goosebumps. For a very insignificant reason, the only child of a family was sent to an early grave while that senior now ended in jail. Two young lifes wasted all because of bullying.

This terrified me to the extent that I began cautioning and advising him to obey his seniors and perform his duties efficiently. Also to report to a teacher in a case of bullying if he can and if there's no teacher around he should fight back. It's better to be suspended or even expelled than to loose his life.

Well, I have little to worry about now since he is currently a senior student. Although, I did caution him not to be like his previous seniors and should strongly avoid bullying junior students no matter what.

Give your opinion on how to overcome bullying in form physical, verbal or through cyber bullying.

Physical Bullying: I would advice that upon sensing such advances to report to an elderly person or a trusted guardian to avoid it getting out of hand. Also to identify and dissociation from toxic friends and colleagues.

Verbal Bullying: In this case understanding that another person's opinion of you says less about you but more about themselves would go along way. In the case of our working place, if the verbal bullying is intolerable, then we should make a report to our boss.

We can also employ the method of silence and playing dumb. Upon not getting the desired irritated reaction, the bully is bound to quit.

Cyber Bullying: We should be cautious of the sites we visit and the people we interact with on and even off line. Most of the people sitting behind their computers or phones dishing out hefty abuses have no idea how mentally depressing their words are. So we should not let "specifically unoccupied people" get to us.



Thank you very much for taking time to read through. I do hope we firmly stand against any form of bullying in our society.

I would love to invite my friends; @blessb, @usoro01 and @bossj23 to partake in this contest.

To learn more about me, this is my Achievement 1

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Hello friend good morning, how are you doing today? I totally enjoyed reading your post this morning.

Teachers and parents really need to monitor their children in other to quickly know when they are bullied because some of them commit suicide as a result of it.

I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

Thank you for engaging and dropping this comment. Indeed we should be more cautious and monitor carefully what is going on around us.

Yes, am happy you love my comment. Bullying is very bad and I don't advice anyone to bully people they are more powerful than because is very wrong.

I was verbally bullied in high school and am happy those days passed successfully without me getting more damaged emotionally.


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Thank you for dropping by. Very much appreciated

@uduak01, I enjoyed reading this beautiful piece. You did justice to the topic. Reading through I could understand that bullies try to make the life of someone they think is better than they are miserable. Bullying can result in sad and even extreme consequences like death and imprisonment.
We should check ourselves so we don't become bullies and should inform our younger ones on how to handle a case of bully. Well done dear.👏

Thank you dear for engaging and also for this comment. I am delighted you read through.


Bullying is enough to break a person mentally. May be in person or online. You have been bullied by your classmates in JSS3 and are emotionally broken. It is normal that words hurt harder than whipping. Your suggestions are great. Good luck to you. You participated in two engagement challenges on the same day which is illegal

Your reflections on bullying are insightful and relatable. its unfortunate that bullying, in various forms, can impact individuals deeply. Your personal experience in secondary school highlights the challenges one faces, but it's heartening to see that maturity brought understanding and unity. Your advice on overcoming different forms of bullying is practical and emphasizes the importance of reporting and self awareness. Let's continue to promote a culture of empathy and support to counteract bullying...

Thank you for this very meaningful comment. I am very delighted you took time to read through.

Estimado amigo. Ciertamente el acoso o bullying también se da entre adultos a a veces las consecuencias son devastadoras. Es bueno que orientes a tu hermano y sobretodo que el aprenda a buscar apoyo en los adultos y superiores cuando exista casos de acoso. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones.

Thank you for engaging friend. I'm glad you read through.

This is so scary. Bullying a child to death.
Thank you for sharing your ideas on this topic.
Wish you the best in this challenge

Thank you for engaging and dropping this comment. Bullying leads to many drastic damages to the lifes of people both physically and mentally. It is worth fighting against.

you have intelligence in mathematics class, how nice it is to be able to answer the questions the teacher gives by interacting with each other. but it feels very sad when we see our classmates don't like our intelligence, actually they can learn from us to share their intelligence. but that does not extend to our children you can control them and give education to the boarding school. Playing online can be dangerous if we don't know people we can be friends with, sometimes friends also stab us in the back. better be careful. amazing content. success and blessings🙏

Thank you for engaging and dropping this nice comment. Very much appreciated.

Saya merasa karena anda terlalu aktif dalam pelajaran matematika sehingga membuat anda pasti sangat terlihat aktif di kelas, sama seperti kehidupan saya pasti banyak sekali orang yang tidak suka terhadap orang-orang yang tanpil di kelas, sehingga anda merasa terintimidasi, tapi sebenarnya itu bukanlah sebuah masalah yang besar saat orang-orang tidak menyukai kita, selama kita ada pada jalan kebenaran. Bukankah saat orang-orang tidak peduli terhadap pelajaran kita harus juga pura-pura untuk tidak peduli, Saya pikir anda hanya berada di tempat yang salah.

Semoga anda beruntung dalam kontes ini.

Apapun alasannya kita tidak bisa memenuhi keinginan orang lain terhadap kita. Saat dewasa nanti kita akan sadar bahwa semua dalam kehidupan kita kita yang menentukan arahnya ke mana.

Thank you for engaging friend and for dropping this comment

You're welcome eduak01

My dear this your story shock me ooo. Like a snr flogged a child to death, and now his own life is wasted at such a young age. I'm sure he will spend the rest of his life regretting that action. God forbid that kind of rubbish.

That's why we shouldn't tolerate bullying no matter how small it looks. Thank you for dropping this comment.

Hello dear, greetings to you. I hope you are enjoying the sweet moments of your life.

A senior students in his school flogged a junior student to death for not performing a certain task. This is a clear example of bullying. This is really terrifying to hear. Ofcourse bullying is so bed thing.

Wish you best of luck in the contest, keep blessing.

Thank you for engaging and dropping a comment. Bullying should be frowned at

I remember answering questions in class during my secondary school days and others felt i was doing over sabi but i still.dont care untill.they gang up to beat me. Being a Bully is the worst kind of attitude anyone should portray as it can lead others to depression.

I wish you success in this contest.

That is true. Bullying can lead to depression and even death. All the best friend.

Hello friend

The act of bullying is really so bad. It's really painful as your episode you shared back in Jss3 was so painful you shared how your friends and classmate got envious about your positive contribution in the class and got pissed off making silly conspiracy against you and made laughs at you when you failed. This made you get back into the shell which was so bad to hear, it got to the point that you cried to your mum about the whole issue. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I enjoyed your entry and success in the challenge my dear friend

Thank you for reading through. Indeed bullying should be exterminated from our society. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment.

Hello friend

Good morning to you 🤝. I enjoyed reading your post, alot of wonderful authors are here in steemit and I love that.

We need to build the confidence of our children in other for them to avoid being bullied. This is where the word of God comes in for me. Let the children know that no one can bully them no matter what.

Build them to stand their ground with confidence. They can join some activities that they enjoy doing to help their confidence.

I'm wishing you good luck in this engagement challenge.

The truth about bullying is that anyone can fall a prey to it. Back in the days, we knew that only children are liable to bully but nowadays adults can fall a prey to this beast. As you said some people doesn't love good things or appreciate achievement. That's why it's important to keep a low profile and cease showing off our achievements. Good luck on your post