
in hive-130228 •  3 years ago 


Lemongrass, also known as citronella, is a grass genus found on tropical islands in Asia, Africa, and Australia. Medicinal and food plants of several types are widely planted. Lemongrass is commonly used as a cooking spice in Southeast Asia like Thailand and Indonesia, lemongrass is used as a spice for cooking, or traditional medicine and it used for essential oil. It had a fresh, lemony aroma, and a citrus flavor. but it also offers a number of health advantages.

1. Relieving Anxiety
According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, according to the study, lemongrass has chemicals that act as antioxidants and free radical scavengers. The plant is used to cure and and as prevention a variety of health issues, including digestive diseases, inflammation, diabetes, neurological disorders, and fever.

2. It help to regulate your cholesterol
High cholesterol can cause harmful cholesterol and other deposits to build up on the inside walls of your arteries (atherosclerosis). Plaque can obstruct blood flow through your arteries, resulting in issues such as chest discomfort, heart attack, and stroke. According to a study published in the Scientific basis for the therapeutic use of Cymbopogon citratus, stapf (Lemon grass) In animals, lemongrass oil extract was found to help decrease cholesterol levels. The amount of cholesterol that was reduced was determined by the dose.

It should be noted that consuming lemongrass alone is not sufficient to maintain or reduce cholesterol levels; it must be combined with a healthy diet in order to have a positive effect.

3. Lemongrass has antibacterial
According to healthline.com, lemongrass is used as a natural remedy to heal wounds and prevent infection.

4. It may help to relieve headaches
According to a study published in the Isolation of Bioactive Compounds That Relate to the Anti-Platelet Activity of Cymbopogon ambiguus, lemongrass may relieve pain caused by headaches. This is supported by the revelation that the eugenol compound found in lemongrass has the same fungtion for pain-relieving, fever-relieving, and inflammation-relieving properties as aspirin. These compounds are traditionally used to relieve headaches and form the basis for therapeutic activity.

Lemongrass and ginger tea
- Water, 400ml
- 1 Tea bag
- 3 cm finely sliced ginger
- 1 crushed lemongrass stick
- Honey or sugar
- 1 tablespoon of lime juice
How to cook:
Boil water in a pot until it boil, add tea, lemongrass and ginger. Boil for 3 minutes. After that, turn off the heat and put the tea, ginger, and lemongrass in a glass, add honey/sugar and lime juice, mix well and taste it.

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