The nubia Red Magic 5G gaming smartphone was unveiled more than two months ago. The handset has been on sale across the globe, but only in its regular color options - Black, Mars Red, or Cyber Neon. A fourth option, called Transparent Edition, was initially introduced, but hasn’t seen the light of day ever since.
Today, this is changing - nubia has posted the device for pre-order in China for the price of CNY4,599 - that’s the cost for the version with 12 GB RAM and 256 GB storage.
Transparent nubia Red Magic 5G front, sides, and back Transparent nubia Red Magic 5G front, sides, and back Transparent nubia Red Magic 5G front, sides, and back
Transparent nubia Red Magic 5G front, sides, and back
The Transparent Edition doesn’t really have a transparent back - it is a sophisticated sticker on the inside of the protective glass that is showcasing where key components are placed without actually revealing stuff like the chipset or any other internals. The brand claimed you can see the fan spinning through the glass, but that looks like a marketing gimmick picturing what is happening on the inside.
We’ve already reviewed the smartphone and we are impressed with what nubia has done to the Red Magic smartphone. At the time of the arrival, it was the only smartphone with a 144 Hz refresh rate, it has a good performance for its price, and it brings shoulder triggers for optimal gaming.
While pre-orders are live at, the actual flash sale is scheduled for May 31 at 10:00 GMT +8. During the launch in March, we also heard about a Red Magic 5G with 16 GB RAM that should cost north of CNY5,000 (over $700), but nubia is keeping silent for now.