Membership validation post by @chuksjoseph

in hive-130734 •  4 years ago 

Hey Guys, My name is Chuks Joseph and I'm new on this community. I'm 21years old and I'm a student of the university of nigeria studying physiotherapy and I'm currently in my 2nd year. I've always loved sports and football in particular from a very young age.


I am a Manchester United fan, a proud one at that because I know how great the club is. Although they haven't been at their best, i know we'll get back to the top soon.

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I'm going to be very functional on this community, give my best view on football matches, present all news on football.


Plagiarism is more or less theft. The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own, is termed Plagiarism.

It's actually not cool taking someone's work or idea and passing them off as yours, it's annoying.

How to cite references to pictures and get copyright free pictures off the internet.

You can see the Manchester United Stadium picture above, it is copyright free meaning I can use it, as long as I refer the page i originally found it from. Here are the steps I took to properly do that.



this is a screen shot
Go on to a search engine of your choice, and search for what you want. Like I searched for "manchester united fc"

Step 2: Click on the images

Click on where the arrow suggests to access the images of the searched item.

Step 3: Click on the "usage rights"

Click on the "creative common licenses"
This would bring out a gallery of copyright free photos of the searched item.

Step 4: choose a picture you'd like to use, verify if it is free to use, and get the link.

That is the picture i used previously.

Step 5: Click on the "visit"

Clicking on it opens a page where you can choose to visit the original site that had the picture.

This is the page that originally has the picture, and this is the link we copy for referencing.

To be sure about the free usage of the picture we have to go back and click on "license details"
This will take us to a sight that will verify it's availability.

The sight has verified that it is free to use and develop, so we are good to go.

Consequences for Plagiarism in the community

any user found guilty of plagiarism or content abuse will be banned from this community and place on the "muted" status, after which they can no longer share any content here.

Proof of brain

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I know all the rules of the world of football community and the steemit platform at large, and i will abide by them.

Special thanks to @njaywan , @rexxalo and @worldoffootball for the opportunity.

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You are welcome to world of football, the post is nice and well detailed, the admin would approve the post.