Mis momentos de futbol mas memorables | CONTEST!!! WHAT IS YOUR MOST MEMORABLE FOOTBALL EVENT?

in hive-130734 •  3 years ago 

Fotografia personal editada en Adobe Photoshop.


Saludos amigos de la comunidad, este concurso es un viaje al pasado (por lo menos en mi caso), recordar los momentos mas memorables que he podido ver o en que haya participado me llena de nostalgia en cierto sentido, debido a que son muchos.

Greetings friends of the community, this contest is a trip to the past (at least in my case), remembering the most memorable moments that I have seen or in which I have participated fills me with nostalgia in a certain sense, because there are many.

Tuve la oportunidad de nacer en el año de 1986, y crecer en la era dorada del deporte, la década de los 90, por lo que hacer deporte en aquellos tiempos era un completo deleite. Pase muchos años de mi infancia jugando en las canchas de mi barrio, aprendí a jugar futbol y desde entonces comenzó mi aventura como futbolista. En medio de eso tuve la oportunidad de representar a la selección de mi estado (Lara) en un nacional y anotar un gol. Una experiencia inolvidable, aunque quedamos eliminados en la fase de grupos haha.

I had the opportunity to be born in 1986, and grow up in the golden era of sports, the 90's, so playing sports in those days was a complete delight. I spent many years of my childhood playing in the fields of my neighborhood, I learned to play soccer and since then my adventure as a soccer player began. In the middle of that I had the opportunity to represent the national team of my state (Lara) in a national tournament and score a goal. An unforgettable experience, although we were eliminated in the group stage haha.

A medida que pasaban los años, continue jugando en torneos de micro futbol, y futbolito, disfrutando de muy buenas partidas, en las cuales tambien pude disfrutar de lo que se siente levantar un campeonato, ya que en uno de esos torneos pudimos quedar campeones.

As the years went by, I continued playing in micro soccer tournaments, and futbolito, enjoying very good games, in which I could also enjoy what it feels like to lift a championship, since in one of those tournaments we were able to become champions.

Algunas de mis camisetas de futbol.

Esos sin duda son los momentos mas memorables en los que he participado como jugador activo, claro esta, debo reconocer que jugar con amigos en las calles, las denominadas "caimaneras" es algo de primera clase con mucha diversion, pero quise tocar eventos en equipos oficiales. Ahora bien, tambien tuve la oportunidad de presenciar parte de un torneo latinoamericano en vivo como espectador, del cual les hablare un poco.

Those are undoubtedly the most memorable moments in which I have participated as an active player, of course, I must admit that playing with friends in the streets, the so-called "caimaneras" is something first class with lots of fun, but I wanted to play events in official teams. Now, I also had the opportunity to witness part of a Latin American tournament live as a spectator, of which I will tell you a little.


En el estadio Metropolitano.

En mi pais Venezuela, se celebro la Copa America en el año 2007, y fui invitado a un partido por un buen amigo de la infancia, ese dia pude ver a Paraguay contra Colombia si bien recuerdo, y luego tambien vi a Messi jugar, aunque no todo el juego porque era tarde y debiamos retornar, pero en el poco tiempo que vi a la seleccion de Argentina, realmente quede sorprendido con la habilidad de Lionel, no es lo mismo verlo en vivo que por Tv, eso me hizo pensar en lo pequeño que somos futbolisticamente hablando delante de esos jugadores.

In my country Venezuela, the Copa America was held in 2007, and I was invited to a game by a good childhood friend, that day I could see Paraguay against Colombia if I remember correctly, and then I also saw Messi play, although not the whole game because it was late and we had to return, but in the short time I saw the selection of Argentina, I was really surprised with the ability of Lionel, it is not the same to see it live than on TV, that made me think about how small we are footballistically speaking in front of those players.

Sin duda alguna, me hace pensar en como seria haber visto a Maradona jugar en vivo, seguramente seria algo impresionante.

Without a doubt, it makes me think about what it would be like to have seen Maradona play live, it would surely be something impressive.


Bueno amigos, esta ha sido mi participacion, muy alejada de lo que siempre escribo pero realmente muy agradable recordar esos momentos. Asi que gracias por este buen concurso.

Well friends, this has been my participation, very far from what I always write but really very nice to remember those moments. So thanks for this good contest.

Mis compañeros de batalla.

All photos are my property

Cc: @worldoffootball, @njaywan


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Hola @jcarlu.iae, gracias por compartir tus memorias futbolísticas con nosotros.

Es un placer hacerlo amigo mio. Saludos

That's a nice entry to the contest. it must have been awesome to see some of those great players in person.

Thank you for your participation.

Absolutely, my friend. A very pleasant experience honestly.

I can't imagine what it would be like to see Italy live, my favorite national team haha.