Hello football lovers,
I really like Manchester United and from the time I started to watch football, this has been one of my favorite teams. They have gone through a lot of competitions and have won major league titles on their side.
It has always been one of the top clubs in England and I am sure it will continue to be among the rankings of the top teams because of its strong fans.

The fans have a lot of power over Manchester and I saw this some weeks ago when they wanted to go and form their own separate league. It was the fans that came to the stadium and protested against it for the board to wake up.
But now there is a difficult time for the Reds. They are just too many matches that have been lost this season already and it looks like they could lose more if they are not careful.
This will surely be too much disgrace for them which is why they need to instantly find a way out to work something out. That way, they will be able to keep up with the league.

I think Ole can be given some time to try and make his team adapt since they have one of the best squads in the league. I don't like the plenty coaches that they are switching too much. I believe they want to keep Ole but another chance is good for him.
I wish him the best.