Some Ten Interesting Rules in Football

in hive-130734 •  3 years ago 

A game is no game without rules, and football is no exception. There, however, exists a rare set of rules in the footballing world which very few fans know about. So get yourself some snaks and come on this revelation trip with me.


A. You still get carded for illegal celebration even if goal is disallowed.

Over the long haul, we have seen players' feelings improve of them after they have scored a significant goal and this typically brings about an unlawful festival like removing one's shirt or hopping into the group.
Since the development of VAR, there is typically a very decent possibility of a goal being hacked off and if this occurs, one actually stays booked on the grounds that the effect is equivalent to if the goal is granted.

B. Penalty takers in a shootout should be equal for both teams.

This sounds pretty self-evident, however consider a circumstance where one team completes extra time with just nine players and the scores are as yet tied.

In such a case, the other team should consent to remove two of its players so the penalty shootout can be in agreement with the above law.

C. The 1 metre rule in freekicks

This rule was made official in June 2019 and states that the attackers are not allowed within one metre from the wall when the freekick is taken.

Officials decided on this rule because attackers had a tendency to waste time before a freekick is taken in different forms.

Officials decided on this rule because attackers had a tendency to waste time before a freekick is taken in different forms.

The team found to impede this rule will be penalised with an indirect freekick.

D. No own-goals from throw-ins and freekicks.

This one is quite popular and some staunch fans know that even if one throws the ball into his own net from a throw-in, the goal will simply not count.
The equivalent applies with freekicks where if a kicktaker gets the ball into his own net, a corner will be given to the other team instead.

E. No goal if ball goes flat on way to net

This is a very unlikely scenario, although it is not impossible to witness it.

Fifa rules dictate that for a goal to count, the ball must be fully pumped, or, in other words, should be in excellent condition.

No damaged ball should make its way into the net and be considered a goal, according to the rules.

F. Team which wins the coin toss can choose which side to attack first

The pre-match coin toss usually looks like formality but in the past, captains who won the coin toss only had the liberty to choose which side to attack.

These days, however, they can also decide which teams start the match

G. The 6-second rule

Known to very few, goalkeepers are only allowed to hold the ball for six seconds after a catch. Any more than that is considered time-wasting and the keeper stands a good chance of being booked by the referee.

Goalkeepers should not stay with the ball more than six seconds after making a save.

H. A match is eligible to start with a minimum of seven players.

If a team is short of players, they are technically still eligible to play the match if their matchday squad contains at least seven players including the goalkeeper.

The same case applies in the case of a redcard where a team can be given a maximum of four red cards in a match. A fifth red card would mean the match would have to be stopped.

I. Goalkeepers are not allowed to shake the posts in penalty situations.

This is pretty straight forward, yet still uncommon as it is illegal for the keeper to kick at, or swing at the goalposts in a penalty situation.

Why? Because the rulebooks state that before a penalty is taken, the goalpost should be perfectly still.

In other words, the referee should not wave a penalty to be taken if the keeper is seen smacking the post to try to intimidate the penalty taker.

J. You can receive a red card before the match starts

This is not known to many, players can be sent for an early shower even before the game starts for violating rules

this can be because of offense preceding the game just like the case with Patrice Evra, who was sent off before a game in 2017 for kicking at a fan out of resentment.

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great post man. Learnt something new today