in hive-130734 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Greetings football lovers,

Today, I present the 20th edition of our daily mini challenges here in our community. This activity is meant to promote engagement within our community and also contribute to the smooth and healthy growth of our curation ability. I hope this also improves the creative ideas of members in this community.

Each day, a question will be presented within these challenges. Top 3 answers to these questions will be awarded with 2 steem each. Remember, plagiarism will not be tolerated in this challenge. You can invite your friends who share a passion for the game of football to also join us and participate.


As much as we all enjoy the game of football, there are several football positions that come together to form a single team. As individuals, tend to have our own preference as to which position we would prefer to play. This is usually based on individual strengths and weaknesses.

  • In the commemt section below if you were a footballer, which position would you like to play.

Challenge ends at 23:59 GMT today.

Congratulations to all the winners of yesterday's challenge; @sumanthp, @the-gorilla and @irman. Thank you everyone for your participation.



Saludos a los amantes del fútbol,

Hoy os presento la 20ª edición de nuestros minirretos diarios aquí en nuestra comunidad. Esta actividad tiene como objetivo promover el compromiso dentro de nuestra comunidad y también contribuir al crecimiento suave y saludable de nuestra capacidad de curación. Espero que esto también mejore las ideas creativas de los miembros de esta comunidad.

Cada día se presentará una pregunta dentro de estos desafíos. Las 3 mejores respuestas a estas preguntas serán premiadas con 2 steem cada una. Recuerda que el plagio no será tolerado en este reto. Puedes invitar a tus amigos que compartan la pasión por el fútbol para que también se unan a nosotros y participen.

Reto de hoy

Aunque a todos nos gusta el juego del fútbol, hay varias posiciones futbolísticas que se unen para formar un solo equipo. Como individuos, tendemos a tener nuestra propia preferencia en cuanto a la posición que preferimos jugar. Esto suele basarse en las fortalezas y debilidades individuales.

  • Si fueras un futbolista, ¿qué posición te gustaría jugar?

El reto termina hoy a las 23:59 GMT.

Enhorabuena a todos los ganadores del reto de ayer; @sumanthp, @the-gorilla y @irman. Gracias a todos por vuestra participación.



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Since my beginnings with futsal I always liked to defend on the wings and with my speed I was able to go up to the attack.

It is obvious that in my transition to futsal it was more difficult, but it was still comfortable for me because my backpedaling at the time of a counterattack was fast and in the marking was very "annoying" I passed the ball, the player passed or there was a foul. If I couldn't stop him I had to bother him so that he would never be comfortable.

The right flank would be my thing because I am a right wing player, although I also like to hook, I am characterized by giving crosses from 3/4 of the field looking for some heads of our striker or some overflow with balls between lines and always in diagonals.

For these reasons, if I had been a professional player, my position would be: Right Back.

greetings @worldoffootball very cool these mini-challenges.

Looks like you have the needed qualities for that postion too..

Good evening everyone and especially football lovers.
The game of football is interesting because u will have the opportunity to see alot of drama unfolding itself.
I love playing as a winger and anybody playing in this position must possess strength,speed and crossing accuracy.
The likes of Ribery and Robben made this interesting because of the link up between both of the them.
Every winger plays in the number 7 role as a left winger and number 11 as a right winger,I love the wing because I got pace and able to read passes.
It looks simple when watching but different thing completely when one is in the field of play and that is confidence matters alot in football.

That is an important attacking position in the game 👍..

When I was younger, I was much smaller than other players (I'm 6' now) so played as a striker. I'd always sit on the shoulder of the last man, looking to break in behind and get in on the Goalkeeper - In Football Manager terms, this sounds a bit like an Advanced Forward or Poacher but I'd say I was more of an Attacking Pressing Forward because I fought for everything (think Luis Suarez). Unlike Suarez, I lacked talent, which I made up for in pure determination and bravery - I'd often get booked but got my fair share of goals.

So for me, "Pressing Forward" - Hard working, Determined and brave with a knack for being in the right place, at the right time. The kind of player that fans love and opponents hate.

PS. I love these min daily challenges

With such hardwork and determination, pressing forward should definitely fit you...

Siempre he estado seguro que si fuese futbolista jugaría de mediocampista central, es una posición clave, es la columna vertebrar de un equipo, un equipo sin un buen MCC quedaría con espacios libres por el centro y eliminaría la conexión entre los defensas y el ataque. Yo de jugar esa posición trataría de ser un jugador fuerte, cortador de juego del rival, buscaría crear oportunidades con pases y centros filtrados para mi equipo, como también apoyaría a los defensas y subiría en la transiciones.

That's a very important position that requires a very sharp player 👍

Honestly, I've always fancied being a Right Back eventhough I play as a defender most of the time because I like "bullying" strikers with my strength.
I'm not any good when i play RB but when im a CB, I'm reserved, i don't commit too much so i don't lose balls a lot.But because I'm not tall enough to be a CB, i don't enjoy the position as much as I do when I'm on the flanks.
like i said, I've always fancied being a right back because I'm fast , strong and can give some accurate passes. It's just my first touch that's poor, but thats not my fault, ive never played any team or being coached by anyone..lol
RB for me

Looks like the right fit for your set of skills 😎..

If I am a footballer of course I really want the position as an attacking midfielder, because in my opinion that position is very tired, ideal because we have to work hard, that is, apart from picking up the ball from the middle of the field we can also be a goal scorer too. Of course that is a very good position according to I.

From the position of attacking midfielder, we can learn that the game of football which does require hard work and also the cohesiveness of our team will of course serve the strikers up front but if it is not possible we can immediately go forward and score goals.

Attacking midfielders are very necessary to steer the affairs of forward play.

Saludos amigos amantes del fútbol y del deporte en general y en especial a nuestro amigo @worldoffootball por mantenernos activo en esta comunidad.
Si fuera futbolista sin duda fuera delantero, siempre a la caz de marcar goles. Desde niño siempre me a gustado estar al ataque, aunque baje rápido a defender, siempre mi instinto a sido ir a la arqueria rival a lanzar mis misiles.

Strikers have a great role that can determine the results of the match.

Strikers have a great
Role that can determine the
Results of the match.

                 - worldoffootball

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Saludos, tu lo has dicho definen la historia del juego.

Frankly speaking I will play the wing of a midfielder, the position 10. I normally played the wing of a side two(2) right winger but due to much skills I was advised to change wing. I changed to a top 9 player, but was not that good at it, than I tried the no. 10 wing and am good at it. So since from than 10 has been my best wing and will always be. Thanks

That's a very important offensive position in football 👍

I will play the wing of a midfielder. A top 10 player

Good day football lovers all around the world,

I thank @worldoffootball and also @njawan for the hard work there have been doing to promote this community and i pray that God should guide and protect you all.

In my opinion i think if i was a footballer i will like to play as a Left Winger (LWF).

Thanks for reading, remain bless

Good one.
