NSW STATE HEALTH AUTHORITIES have announced a number of changes to the Covid rules. Now you have one more reason to leave the house.
📌You can go to see the house.
Rule changes took place in two categories. A number of rules have been relaxed for those who are fully vaccinated and regardless of the vaccine.
Covidien loosened rules for the vaccine, which are then
Some freedoms for fully vaccinated people will start from 13 September
📌Households in Sydney's local council districts (LGA*)
📌In addition to an hour of exercise, they will be able to gather for an hour outdoors.
With only one hour limit.
📌Between 05:00 and 21:00.
📌Within 5 km of their home.
📌People from different households cannot mix.
📌Sitting in the park is allowed.
- Some districts of Bayside, Burwood, Strathfield, Georges River, Parramatta, Campbelltown, Blacktown, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Liverpool and Penrith.
Residents of other Municipal areas will be able to get a little more freedom:
From the same date:✅
Outdoor gatherings are possible with up to five people (including children).
There is no deadline for these meetings.
All adults should be fully vaccinated.
The meeting should also take place in public places. (for example, they can't meet in someone's backyard).
Within 5 km of the region or your home.
Permission to attend funerals.
The NSW government has also announced changes to some existing rules regarding singles funerals and real estate.
We've made several changes to make the legislation more specific, said Health Secretary Brad Hazzard.
People living alone will give it another name if they no longer see the people they've selected to visit. Example: Your nominated visitor may have close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case or is in isolation.
You can go to see real estate to buy and rent.
Open-air funerals and commemorations will be limited to 10 people. It was included in the reasons for gathering outdoors.
Picture Source https://unsplash.com/s/photos/open-house