Steemit Enagement Challenge ||πŸ’–πŸ’™||Season2, Week #4 ||πŸ’š|| My work life and Steemit || By: @ahumadaliliana29

in hive-131355 β€’Β  3 years agoΒ 

A cordial greeting to all the members of the community, I am happy to participate in this contest and tell you about the importance of Steemit in my work life.



Mi vida laboral y Steemit

About 8 years ago I graduated as a Higher University Technician in Computer Science, my vocation and passion has always been towards the technology sector, during this time I had the opportunity to pursue my career and hold different job positions such as system analyst, technical support, programmer, among others. However, since we entered the pandemic period, I have been without a job and lasted a few months without any type of employment until a year ago I joined this wonderful platform that gave me the opportunity to work from the comfort of my home and generate very good income. significant that helped me improve my quality of life and purchasing power.

Since then Steemit has become my job, I focus on creating quality content and participating in as many contests as possible, this made me expand my knowledge on many topics that I was completely unaware of and give my creativity more freedom. and sometimes step out of my comfort zone and dare to explore and even discover other skills and talents to which I had never dedicated time.


When making this decision to turn Steemit into my main source of income, I made a schedule in which I assumed I would dedicate the same hours as in a conventional job for the creation of my content and support the work of other Steemians with votes and comments. I established a schedule from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and then from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm. I faithfully complied with this schedule, with the comfort of making any adjustment or exception and in many cases I dedicated more time to it than planned. Thank God from the first moment I have had all the support of my family both to achieve compliance with this schedule and in the creation of my content.

On many occasions I have already shared and expressed my enormous gratitude with this platform, since it has meant a great personal and economic development, my financial situation before Steemit was very critical, I lived with great anguish and concern due to the lack of a fixed income, The pandemic exacerbated this situation, but thanks to my perseverance, dedication and work it began to bear fruit and with the rewards obtained through my publications I began to grow within the platform, increasing my Steem Power progressively and I was able to achieve economic stability that was very difficult to achieve in any conventional job, in a very short time the quality of life of my family and mine improved considerably, fortunately the value of Steem at that time was at a very good price and with few rewards I could cover the needs of food and medicine in my house and even buy some household appliances that we needed.

We are currently experiencing a critical situation all Steemians, we are noticing a lot of discouragement in the creators since in recent months due to the general fall in the cryptocurrency market, the value of Steem is very low and it is becoming a little more difficult to obtain rewards. and to be able to continue with the growth of our accounts and meet our needs, however, I am very optimistic and I hope that we will overcome this bad moment soon and we can continue dedicating a lot of time to Steemit and that this is our job and main source of income.

Thanks to this situation, I have seen the need to look for an entrepreneurial alternative or some other job that allows me to supplement my household income in order to cover our needs and expenses and maintain my economic stability.

Well friends, I hope you liked my participation, I would like to invite @maytte, @mayberling and @javier-25 to also participate in this wonderful contest.

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Great entry dear friend
You really have a very valuable work life as an experienced Technician in Computer Science.

we are noticing a lot of discouragement in the creators since in recent months due to the general fall in the cryptocurrency market, the value of Steem is very low and it is becoming a little more difficult to obtain rewards.

You're very right this as being one of the factors killing my morale to work. I hope an adjustment can be made to that soon.

Best Regards
Kindly visit my post link

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)

Hoe you schedule your game will has given you wider range of publications to read and comment, you have used a good strategy as such you have reap the fruit of you labour, steemit is the best social media platform i have ever known,

Good post publication
A comment on my publication will be appreciated

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

You share your time and work on this platform and you do your work very well in stages, so maybe you can do so much work and I am really happy to know that you are working with ease and smooth planning. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like the cryptocurrency market aint for me either. But I hope a good situation will come very soon. Thank you.

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

To have steemit as a full time job is no joke. I'm certain you are super active on the platform. From your post I can see that you are doing good except for now that steem price has dropped. nevertheless we are hoping for better days ahead. Sorry for the negative impact of COVID-19 on your life

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

Hola Liliana.

Tienes una profesiΓ³n muy linda y lograste obtener experiencia a travΓ©s de los cargos que tuviste.

Pero Steemit llegΓ³ para ser parte de tu vida y tus ocupaciones, establecerte un horario es bueno porque la atenciΓ³n solo es para crear, votar, comentar e investigar.

Dios te bendiga y en nombre de Dios todo fluya para mejor.

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

Steemit has well and truly been a revelation especially since Covid hit us hard and caused a lot of people to lose their jobs.

The financial aspect alone is an extra.