Steemit Enagement Challenge ||πŸ’›πŸ’™||Season2, Week #2 ||πŸ’›πŸ’š|| My Choice is My Fashion !!!

in hive-131355 β€’Β  3 years agoΒ  (edited)

My Choice is My Fashion.jpg

Hello friends, hello dear members of all Steemit communities.

The Steemit Azerbaijan team was selected in the "Steemit Management Challenge, Season 2" in cooperation with the Steemit team. This is a very significant event for our community, and the Steemit Azerbaijan community will host our competitions from all over the world. Everyone, regardless of religion or race, will be able to participate in our competitions. Good luck to everyone in advance.

We believe that holding these competitions will give impetus to the further strengthening and development of relations between communities. What a wonderful initiative to bring people from different countries together.

My Choice is My Fashion 2.jpeg

Then let's announce our first competition. "My Choice is My Fashion !!!"

Of course, there is a style and fashion that each of us is in love with. Some of us are fans of strange jewellery, some of us are fans of strange hairstyles, some of us are fans of strange clothing, and some of us are fans of strange tattoos.

Having such strange styles undoubtedly makes a person different from others, more special.

For example, Johnny Deep. The man, with his unique hairstyle, strange jewellery and strange type, undoubtedly has a different style than many other people. He has somehow formed his own style and fashion now, and if we see someone out there dressed like Johnny, we immediately think of Johnny. Why? Because he interestingly created his own fashion.

My Choice is My Fashion 3.jpeg

We are sure that you have now more or less caught up with the subject of the competition. If you have your own style, fashion, or if someone close to you has a unique, strange style, please share it with us.

Let's not forget that our fashion and style also reflect our personality, we are sure that we will get to know you better as a result of this competition!

Not expensive accessories, brands and luxury lifestyle, in this post explain to us the small details, our unique choice and your own style. My Choice is My Fashion. The subject of those who create their own fashion by their own choice.

In this post, you can talk about the people you know, if you like their taste and style.

For example, people's clothes, hairstyles, tattoos, small accessories can be the subject of this post. Your choice is your fashion.

We have a little rule 😎😎😎

  • The post has to be shared in our community ( Steemit Azerbaijanβ˜ͺβœ”)

  • The post has to be in #club5050 at least

  • The post has to be made up of at least 350 words in length and original photos

  • The post's link has to be shared in the contest's announcement post

  • 20% of the post's rewards have to be sent to the official community curation account (not necessarily, we will be glad if you support the community @steem-azerbaijan)

  • The posts have to be shared in 4 languages: Azerbaijani, English, Turkish and Russian

  • The post owner should tag at least two friends of him/her in the post

  • Tags have to be included in the post in sequence: #challenge2-week2 #mychoicemyfashion #steemexclusive #steemitazerbaijan #country( your country)

  • The contest ends on the June 19th, 2022, 00:00 UTC.

  • 45 STEEM would be shared between the top 3 winners. 20-15-10 steem

Grading of entries:

Status Club
club5050 club75 club100
No plagiarism Free
BOT Free
350 words

AzΙ™rbaycan dilindΙ™

Salam dostlar, salam bΓΌtΓΌn Steemit topluluqlarΔ±nΔ±n dΙ™yΙ™rli ΓΌzvlΙ™ri.

Steemit Azerbaijan topluluğu Steemit komandasΔ± ilΙ™ Ι™mΙ™kdaşlΔ±q Γ§Ι™rΓ§ivΙ™sindΙ™ "Steemit Enagement Challenge, Season2" -dΙ™ seΓ§ilmişdir. Bu bizim topluluğumuz üçün Γ§ox Ι™lamΙ™tdar hadisΙ™dir vΙ™ Steemit AzΙ™rbaycan topluluğu dΓΌnyanΔ±n hΙ™r yerindΙ™n bizim keΓ§irΙ™cΙ™yimiz mΓΌsabiqΙ™lΙ™rdΙ™ iştirak edΙ™nlΙ™r üçün ev sahibliyi edΙ™cΙ™kdir. DinindΙ™n, irqindΙ™n asΔ±lΔ± olamayaraq hΙ™r kΙ™s bizim keΓ§irΙ™cΙ™yimiz yarışlarda iştirak edΙ™ bilΙ™cΙ™k. ƏvvΙ™lcΙ™dΙ™n hΙ™r kΙ™sΙ™ uğurlar.

DüşünΓΌrΓΌk ki, Γ§Ι™tin mΓΆvzudur vΙ™ maraqlΔ± olacaq. My Choice is My Fashion !!! - MΙ™nim seΓ§imim mΙ™nim dΙ™bimdir.

HeΓ§ şübhΙ™siz, hΙ™r birimizin heyranΔ± olduğu bir stil, bir moda tΙ™rzi var. BΙ™zilΙ™rimiz qeyri-adi takΔ±larΔ±n, bΙ™zilΙ™rimiz qeyri-adi saΓ§ stillΙ™rinin, bΙ™zilΙ™rimiz qeyri-adi geyim tΙ™rzlΙ™rinin vΙ™ bΙ™zilΙ™rimiz dΙ™ qeyri-adi dΓΆymΙ™ stillΙ™rinin aşiqiyik.

Bu tip qeyri-adi stillΙ™rΙ™ sahib olmaq, heΓ§ şübhΙ™siz, insanΔ± digΙ™rlΙ™rindΙ™n daha fΙ™rqli, daha ΓΆzΓΌnΙ™mΙ™xsus edir.

Misalçün, Jhonny Deep. Γ–z qeyri-adi saΓ§ stili, qeyri-adi takΔ±larΔ± vΙ™ qeyri-adi tipi ilΙ™ bu adam, heΓ§ şübhΙ™siz, digΙ™r bir Γ§ox insandan seΓ§ilir. O ΓΆz ΕŸΙ™xsi modasΔ±nΔ±, stilini yaradΔ±b vΙ™ Ι™gΙ™r biz çâldΙ™ Jhonny kimi geyinΙ™n birini gΓΆrsΙ™k, anidΙ™n ağlΔ±mΔ±za Johnny gΙ™lΙ™cΙ™k. NiyΙ™? Çünki adam Γ§ox maraqlΔ± bir ΕŸΙ™kildΙ™ ΓΆz stilin yaradΔ±b.

Əminik ki, aşağı-yuxarΔ± yarışmanΔ±n mΓΆvzusun tutdunuz. ƏgΙ™r sizin dΙ™ ΓΆznΓΌnΓΌzΙ™mΙ™xsus stiliniz, ya da Ι™trafΔ±nΔ±zda sizΙ™ yaxΔ±n kiminsΙ™ ΓΆzΓΌnΙ™mΙ™xsus, qeyri-adi stili varsa, zΙ™hmΙ™t olmasa, bizimlΙ™ bΓΆlüşün.

***Unutmayaq ki, sahib olduğumuz stil, moda bizim xarakterimizi Ι™ks etdirir, Ι™minik ki, bu yarışmanΔ±n sonunda sizlΙ™ri daha yaxΔ±ndan tanΔ±mış olacağıq! ***

HΙ™r kΙ™s fΙ™rd olaraq ΓΆzΓΌnΓΌn maraqlarΔ± Γ§Ι™rΓ§ivΙ™sindΙ™ bir gΓΆrΓΌnüş yarada bilir, bunu incΙ™ vΙ™ zΓΆvqlΓΌ edΙ™rsΙ™ dΙ™b halΔ±na Γ§evrilir, insanlar artΔ±q sΙ™nin saΓ§ dΓΌzΓΌmΓΌn kimi edirlΙ™r, sΙ™nin geyimini, sΙ™nin istifadΙ™ etdiyin aksesuarlarΔ± taxmağa Γ§alışırlar. YΙ™qin ki, mΓΆvzunu anlada bildim. MΓΆvzunu ΓΆzΓΌnΓΌz haqqΔ±nda vΙ™ ya tanΔ±dığınΔ±z dΙ™b yarada bilΙ™n bir insan haqqΔ±nda da yaza bilΙ™rsiniz.


  • Post bizim topluluqda paylaşılmalΔ±dΔ±r ( Steemit Azerbaijanβ˜ͺβœ”)

  • Post Ι™n azΔ± #club5050-dΙ™ olmalΔ±dΔ±r

  • Post Ι™n azΔ± 350 sΓΆz vΙ™ orijinal fotoΕŸΙ™killΙ™rdΙ™n ibarΙ™t olmalΔ±dΔ±r

  • Postun linki mΓΌsabiqΙ™nin elan postunun rΙ™y bΓΆlmΙ™sindΙ™ paylaşılmalΔ±dΔ±r

  • Postun mΓΌkafatlarΔ±nΔ±n 20%-i rΙ™smi icma kurasiya hesabΔ±na (@steem-azerbaijan) gΓΆndΙ™rilmΙ™lidir.(ΕŸΙ™rt deyil)

  • YazΔ±lar 4 dildΙ™ paylaşılmalΔ±dΔ±r: AzΙ™rbaycan, TΓΌrk, Δ°ngilis vΙ™ Rus

  • Post sahibi postda Ι™n azΔ± iki dostunu tag etmΙ™lidir

  • TeqlΙ™r ardΔ±cΔ±llΔ±qla posta daxil edilmΙ™lidir: #challenge2-week2 #mychoicemyfashion #steemexclusive #steemitazerbaijan #country( your country)

  • MΓΌsabiqΙ™ 19 iyun 2022-ci il, 00:00 UTC-dΙ™ başa Γ§atΔ±r.

  • Ən yaxşı 3 qalib arasΔ±nda, 45 STEEM paylaşılacaq. 20-15-10 steem
    HΙ™r bizinizΙ™ bolluca STEEM'lΙ™r! :)

AşağıdakΔ± sosial kanallardan bizi izlΙ™mΙ™yi unutmayΔ±n:

Facebook page of Steemit Azerbaijan
Steemit Azerbaijan Community
General Telegram Group of Steemit Azerbaijan
Steemit Azerbaijan
Discord Channel of Steemit Azerbaijan
Steemit Azerbaijan
Telegram Group for the Students of Steemit Azerbaijan
Steemit Student

Steemit AzΙ™rbaycan 3 (3).png

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My Last post wasn't verified I don't why please look into it.

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 


Oops sorry.
Made the post 2 days ago
Didn't realize I was to share it here
Please pardon my ignorance

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

#ContestAlerts #winwithsteem

This contest has been included in the daily Active Contest List

πŸ‘‰ Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 13th June 2022 – Win 800+ STEEM & Booming Support

Follow & Resteem for more updates.

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

Hello there. Once again I am already here to make a new particular participation on the second week of engagement challenge. This is my current link about my fashion friends:

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

TΙ™rzini sevdiyim Yusif ΓΆz mahnΔ±larΔ±yla ruhumuzu oxşamasa da ovxalΔ±yacaq))

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)

FΓΌzuli, uy uy uy uyyy))

Kamran, bu nΙ™?)

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

Buenas noches comunidad.

01 Comunidad Azerbaiyan.png

AcΓ‘ mi participaciΓ³n en el concurso de esta semana en la comunidad y que forma parte del desafio de Steemit.

Espero estar a la altura de las circunstancias.

Hasta la prΓ³xima...

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 


Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

Assalamualaikum, Hello everyone!

This is my entry for the contest: Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 2, Week 2 about My Choice Is My Favorite.

Here's the link:

Greetings to the Admin, Moderator and all members of the Steemit-Azerbaijan community. Best Regards @bangmimi - Indonesia

HΙ™r kΙ™sΙ™ uğurlar. Ağ-qaradan ibarΙ™t olan tΙ™rzimdΙ™n gΓΆrΓΌm nΙ™ yaza bilΙ™cΙ™m? GΓΆzΓΌmΓΌ aΓ§andan polboks saΓ§ stili gΓΆrmΓΌΕŸΙ™m. HΙ™rdΙ™n bΙ™rbΙ™r dΙ™ deyirdiki tΙ™rpΙ™nmΙ™ saΓ§Δ±va kant vururam. O kantki uzaqdan baxanda elΙ™ bilirdin adamΔ±n tΙ™pΙ™sinΙ™ balta dΙ™yib)))

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

MaraqlΔ± olacağı kΙ™sindir. Δ°nΕŸΙ™Allah biz dΙ™ yazarΔ±q

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

This is awesome challenge, I will definitely drop my entry post soon.

My week 1 challenge has not yet been reviewed

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

This contest is over.

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)

Hello @revan746. But I submitted my entry on time as was stated in the challenge. I did the entry on time but it has not yet been reviewed. Please check out the post and see the time I submitted my entry.

Check the time I submitted my entry with regards to this entry date and time deadline stated in the contest. It is unfair for you to say it is over when I respected the deadline.

was registered, thanks

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 

This is such a great and wonderful contest

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)

What an amazing contest, I'm so interested in the challenge "My Choice is My Fashion" in the Steemit Azerbaijanβ˜ͺβœ” community

Here's my entry:

Thanks to Admin, Moderators and all community members.

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)

Oops sorry.
Made the post 6 days ago
Didn't realize I was to share it here
Please pardon my ignorance

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ 
Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)