Hello battlers,

So far, Splinterlands Weekly Challenges have been interesting and helping us to use a particular monster which is not used much and discover how to win using that monster.
This week, we have another less used Water Splinter monster Tortisian Fighter.
So, let me first provide some details before we go to lineup and battle.

An Untamed Common Water Splinter monster, Tortisian Fighter is definitely one of the least used Water Splinter monsters because of it's low health and also low melee attack, but I got to use it in a Melee Mayhem battle and win it with Tortisian Fighter.
The details of level-wise statistics for this monster are provided in below included screenshot.

It has 2 abilities viz. Shield and Repair.
While Shield reduces the damage from melee and ranged attacks, Repair helps in restoring some of the armors of the monster which has taken more damage.
We saw a bit about the featured monster and it's statistics like Speed, Attack, Armor and Health along with abilities it possesses.
Here is a snapshot of the battle:

This battle was for 17 Mana and battle scenarios were Closed Range(Ranged monsters can be used in first position) and Melee Mayhem(Melee monsters can attack from any position)
Let's now see the lineup I used for this battle and also opponent's Splinter and lineup.
The lineup which won the battle for me was as below:
Tortisian Fighter:

Low Mana battle and being theme monster, I made this as front monster for it's *Shield ability to get lesser attack when any melee or ranged attack monster attacks.
Spineback Turtle:

Melee Mayhem battle means this monster needs to be among the top and I used it in second position because it can be a backup front monster since it gives same melee attack as Tortisian Fighter in addition to that, it also can throw back thorns if any melee monster attacks it.
Wave Runner:

It's 3 melee attack prompted me to include in this low Mana battle as it also has 5 health to take on 2 or 3 low blows.
Creeping Ooze:

Included this in Fifth position to cover the last remaining Mana since it also gives the option to reduce the speed of opponent's monsters.
It's One melee attack is a bonus unless it runs into a thorn throwing monster.
Furious Chicken:

The last vacant position was filled by 0 Mana cost ever famous Furious Chicken which also provides me 1 melee attack just in case needed.
With that rather new look lineup, I have to take on opponent's Water splinter monsters Spineback Turtle, Furious Chicken, Creeping Ooze, Crustacean King, Naga Windmaster and Pirate Archer

Round 1:
Before we see the battle, let me tell you that Tortisian Fighter's shield ability means the melee and ranged attack monster will hit with reduced damage and since all the monsters used by opponent had just One melee attack, none of those were able to attack the Tortisian Fighter.
There were 2 monsters who got removed and both were from my lineup and the monsters were Furious Chicken and Creeping Ooze and both attacked the thorn ability monster Spineback Turtle and got removed.

Round 2:
At the beginning of this round, Spineback Turtle was removed and further, Furious Chicken and Creeping Ooze were also removed from opponent's lineup bringing Crustacean King to the front.

Round 3:
Crustacean King was the only monster got removed in this round bringing another ranged attack monster Naga Warrior to the front.
With 2 ranged attack monsters left, battle almost tilted towards me.

Round 4:
Eight iterations were enough in Fourth round to remove remaining 2 monsters Naga Warrior and Pirate Archer to win the battle.

Question Answer Time:
Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?
Yes, for this low Mana battle, I think that was the best lineup.
If I have to try something different, it has to be Lord Arianthus at the front and push Tortisian Fighter to second or lower position.
Do you use the TORTISIAN FIGHTER often? Why or why not?
No, Don't use it much since I have few other monsters I like to use.
I have Spineback Turtle which gives better attack with thorn ability and also better health.
I hope you liked this content and the battle I explained.