Hello battlers,

Somehow I missed to post a blog on Weekly Share Your Battle Challenge, but I am writing this just in time as the current week's challenge end by tomorrow.

Javelin Thrower is a rare reward type Earth monster and is among the most used monsters because of it's good ranged attack and abilities like piercing and dodging.
It costs 5 Mana and is among the first few to attack because of the good speed it has.
Let us see what are the characteristics of this monster before we get into the battle details.

These are the details of attack, speed and health with abilities we already discussed above.
It has ranged attack starting with 2, increasing to 3 from level 4 and increases to a maximum of 4 from level 7 onwards.
It's speed is one of the best for ranged attack monsters starting with 4 and increases to 5 from second level itself and can be a maximum of 6 from level 6 onwards.
The health for this monster starts at 4 and increases to 5 from level 3 onwards and can be maximum of 6 only in max level i.e. level 8.
It has abilities as we know, Piercing, which enables it to pierce thru the armors if any and reduces the health of the monster it attacks.
Second ability is dodging which enables it to have a chance of evading the attack from melee or ranged attack monsters.
Battle and Lineup:

So, this was the battle between Earth Splinters as we can see above and had contrasting lineup with 3 melee monsters being lined up by opponent with 2 healers with another low level magic attack monster.
My Lineup:
So, this being a maximum Mana battle and had Taking Sides(no neutral monsters) battle, I have to find out the best suited monsters among non neutral i.e. only Earth splinter related monsters and here is my lineup.

I lined up Flesh Golem at the front simply because of it's self healing abilities which gives 3 melee attack at level 4.

Second on the lineup was Minotaur Warrior as it has reach ability with 2 melee attack.

Screeching Vulture remains at third position for me in most of the battles because of the opportunity ability with melee attacking as well.

Fourth on lineup was a healer in Wood Nymph before the 2 ranged atatck monsters and can attack from first position if the need be since it's a magic monster.

Fifth position was reserved for Javelin Thrower for the 2 ranged attack it gives with piercing enabled for my level 2 monster.

Last on the lineup was my newly added Mitica Headhunter for it's 4 ranged attack with speed of 5.

Round 1:
From the lineup for opponent, we can see that only 4 monsters can actively participate with 2 monsters able to battle from first position only.
Spirit of the Forest being sniper monster, attacked Wood Nymph and the front monsters Flesh Golem and Stone Golem exchanged the attack.

Round 2:
Stone Golem without any self healing, although had 2 healers in Wood Nymph and Spirit of the Forest couldn't survive and removed in second round.

Round 3:
Wood Nymph from both sides got removed in this round and opponent's Flesh Golem was also left with very less health.

Round 4:
This round witnessed the end of Flesh Golem for opponent and brought Nectar Queen in the attack.
The 2 ranged attack monsters I used were working superbly in tandem.

Round 5:

All the monsters held their breath although Nectar Queen was about to be removed.

Round 6:
In this round, before Nectar Queen was removed, Javelin Thrower lost it's life because of the attack from Spirit of the Forest.

Round 7:
Spirit of the Forest being in front position, couldn't attack being a ranged attack monster but living dangerously in-spite of it's healing ability.

Round 8:
Both the monsters from opponent side, lost their health and life!!

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?
Yes, as we can see, it worked nicely and it isn't easy to take on monsters when 2 healers used.
But, I think the lineup of 3 melee monsters which can only attack from first position was a drawback for the opponent.
Do you use the JAVELIN THROWER often? Why or why not?
Yes, 100% yes, it is one of the favorites for me and others.