Playing With Life Summoner - In-Depth Gameplay Review : Alpha Goblin Shaman Giveaway

in hive-13323 •  4 years ago 

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Hello Splinterland Players!

I hope you all are doing fine and enjoying Splinterlands while staying at home.

Last week I posted a detailed blog about Death summoner and many of you liked my post. I received many thoughtful comments regarding splinterlands So this week I thought to come up with a new summoner and to continue with my series. Last week one of my friends @sayee asked me to do a review of Life summoner. So, that's what I am going to today!

Whenever it comes about playing Splinterlands, we all have our personal list of both favourite and not-so-favourite monsters and summoners while fighting in the battlefield. Many of us like Earth decks or Life decks, but some also like the dragons (specially Selenia Sky) and some are specialist with fire or death decks. Every time a new quest comes, we all just pray the summoner to be our favourite one, or at least not the one which we are too weak to play.

If you ask about me, my favourite Summoner is Earth summoner, Lynna Natura and I really have a weak spot in my heart for her. Every time I see an Earth quest on my screen, A spark of gladness comes on my face!

But most of us have a weak spot or two in this game. Unless one has a good number of max summoners along with their monsters, we all are vulnerable in the battlefield. In my last post, I have already told you about my weak spot, the Death Splinter. But today, we will talk about Life Splinters and monsters.

Now, I know that there is a large number of Life fans out there and they should be as it is told to be a perfect opponent against melee and Range attacks. Most of the times we use life summoner when The ruleset is Lost Magic means you can not use any magic monsters. Moreover, the Life deck contains some highly skilled archers like Peacebringer, Air Elemental, Evangelist, Loan Boatman and some others.

Let me confess, Life is my second most weak spot in this game after the Death. Thou I have a level 7 beta Life summoner Tyrus Paladin, I don't have a good collection of life cards to battle and win at Champion stage. Whenever I get a Life quest, I know I have to play it through as I can't afford to take a risk of clicking for a new quest and then get Death, which happened to my a few times and I had to wait until next day for a new quest (Ie - I don't have a Death deck). So I don't play with Life back to back, rather I wait for a match rule that favours Life quest and tries to win those ones.

But that will not be a problem as I am going to use my heron account for the Life gameplays. I will be using only LIFE deck to see if I can win or lose, taking into account that the ruleset supports Life monster. I will also try to examine the points that will make me win or lose. I wanna thank @netaterra for giving me the opportunity to play with this awesome deck.

First of all, let me show you the Life collection so that you can get a clear idea. It has max beta cards but I am lacking some important promo and untamed cards. So I think it will be some tough matches against champion-level players as I am currently at Champion II, holding 4388 trophies.







So, as you can see, luckily I have all those 3 Beta Life summoners along with max beta monsters. Now it's time to take a leap of faith in the battleground. Let's see what can I possibly do with the Life Squad!

Battle Link: Click Here

Opponent: @monstersales

Ruleset: Reverse Speed (-1 speed to all enemy monsters) + Little League (4 or fewer mana monsters)

Mana count: 21

Active Summoners: Fire, Earth, Life and Dragon.

In this match, my opponent was monstersales who is a well-known player at Splinterlands. I am having a feeling it will be a great match, so let us start thinking!

Reverse Speed: If we focus on the rulesets, Reverse Speed simply reserves the speed rule causing the monster with the lowest speed to attack first and vice versa. So it's obvious we have to use monsters having lower speeds.

Little Leagues: Next, there is Little Leagues where you cannot use summoners or monsters and costs more than 4 mana. If we look at the mana count of this match, 21 mana is a low mana match so we have to choose 2, 3 or 4 mana monsters in this one and thus to make a meaningful deck out of them.

Now I am here to deal with Life, so let's inspect if the battle is in favour of life or not. Clearly water summoner is not allowed in this match so without breaking a sweat, I can go with life.

Under 21 mana, I have to make a balanced deck and at that moment I thought to use my own favourite Melee Pixie attack!

now, what the heck is Melee Pixie? It's one of my favourite strategies where I use several melee monsters (1 at front + 1 reach + 1 or 2 melee sneak monsters) with Enchanted Pixie. If you are aware of Pixie, you already know this little nutral fairy has 2 magic attack at 4 speed with flying (increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks from non-flying monsters) and Inspire (+1 melee to each friendly monster) ability. Reach ability gives +1 melee attack to each friendly monster. Under 21 mana, this may be my best move against my opponent. My opponent probably will use life or dragon summoner. So let us make our deck fast before time runs out!

Battle Line-up




  • I choose Crystal Werewolf level 8 at front defence. At max level, it carries 2 melee attack and 8 health at 4 speed. It has 2 abilities, Silence (-1 magic to all enemy monsters) and Throne (whenever got hit by a melee monster, does return damage).

  • At the second place, I choose Silvershield Warrior level 10. At max level, it posses 3 melee attack and 7 health + 3 Shield at 2 speed also the Reach ability (can attack from the second position). Such a mini beast with low speed can bring in good luck in this reverse ruleset battle.

  • A third and position, I choose melee sneak monsters Feral Spirit (4 attack, 6 speed, 5 health) and Elvin Cutthroat (3 attack, 6 speed, 5 health) at the 5th position.

  • At the fourth position, I choose Enchanted Pixie. At max level, it posses 2 magic attack and 4 health at 4 speed. She is the star of this battle carrying flying and Inspire ability.

  • At last position, I placed Cocatrice. At max level it carries 2 melee attack and 4 health at 6 speed with both flying and Dodge (increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks) ability, making it an invincible monster at the backend.

My opponent chose Selenia Sky, the Dragon summoner which increases all friendly monster's range/arrow power by 1. I got surprised to see he only used 1 ranged monster despite using the Selenia. At the front he used Silvershield Warrior level 10, followed by Divine Healer, Defender of truth, Feral Spirit and Peacebringer at the end.

Battle Result





Well, the blessings were on my side and I won this battle. I strongly suggest you view the battle for a better understanding, I have given the battle link above but if you are feeling lazy, just click here!

  • As you can see, no monster died but I managed to do a lot of damage to the opponent's front leaving behind only 2 health to his Silvershield Warrior. My Wolf also got damage and only 5 health remains.
  • At the second round, I killed his warrior at first, then his Peacebringer with the help of my Sneakers. My Wolf is still alive with only 2 health remaining.

  • At the third round, my wolf killed her Divine Healer and then finally got dead by the Defender of Truth. After that, my Feral got his Feral down and lastly, in the fourth round, my warrior finished his Defender.

Well, it was a short match. My Sneakers have done a fantastic job while my wolf was defending my frontal defence. His Silence ability made the defender weak with -1 magic while my Cocatrice at the back successfully evaded attacks from opponent's Feral Spirit. But more importantly, my Warrior has done a heroic job here. I really didn't expect this much from him but he has shown what he is capable of in reverse rule matches!

As I always say to my friends, no monster is useless in splinterlands. You just have to use it in the right way and rest is history ;)

Undoubtedly I enjoyed writing this post and I will be pleased to know all of your feelings.
  1. Do you like Life monster or you are just like me? What is your favourite monster?

  2. What summoner Do you want me to use in my next post?

  3. What is your best Life monster and why?

Please let me know your feelings by leaving a comment at my hive post. I am putting a little gift for the best comment on this post. I will give one alpha Goblin Shaman card to the best comment according to me upon the payout of this post.

Winner of Alpha Kobold Miner

I am very happy with the heartwarming replies from all my friends from my previous post Playing With Death Summoner - In-Depth Gameplay Review : Alpha Kobold Miner Giveaway

Thank you @stever82 @reoparker1 @cornavirus @sayee @mimismartypants @spirits4you. I have decided to randomly pick a comment winner using Wheel.



Congratz @stever82! I have already sent you the card!

Last but not least, I wanna thank @aggroed @yabapmatt and the entire @splinterlands team for their continuous and tireless effort on this game. You guys rock!!

Haven't joined this awesome game yet?? now is the time dude! Follow the link below and get yourself in the amazing world of Splinterlands. Link

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#POSH - You can check my twitter handle at the comment section of this post.

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Want some cashback while buying packs and cards? Visit Monster market now! It gives instant cashback on card and pack purchases. It is owned by @zaku and @reazuliqbal.

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That's it for today! See you soon in my next post...



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