110 Untamed Booster Packs OpeningsteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-13323 •  4 years ago 

I have got a new hobby of opening Splinterlands packs. Almost everyday I have opened packs for the last 2-3 weeks. These 110 packs had something special. I have got a Mimosa from packs after opening at least 350 packs. 😁

Lets see some highlights....

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 13-09-18.png

There is the queen!!

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 13-14-21.png

a Gold epic...not bad.

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 14-42-25.png

Scale Doctor has got some popularity in recent times... isn't he, @xawi?

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 14-50-29.png

A gold Pyre, excellent!!

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 15-01-22.png

Dark Ha'on is one of my most favorite Untameds.

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 15-04-54.png

Here is another favorite legendary!!

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 15-10-35.png

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 15-13-55.png

Legendary summoner Camila Sungazer and a gold death summoner.. awesome!!

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 15-16-17.png

High Priest Darius is great in large mana games with that Resurrect.

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 17-25-56.png

Screenshot from 2020-04-16 17-31-10.png

Again a gold epic. 😁


I have got every legendary from the Untamed edition except for the Phantom of Abyss and Dragon Jumper but 2 Camila, and 2 Diamond Dragon makes up for them I guess. 😁

110110.504734.061111.676297053.76342100 ($15.661)

Cards Distribution

REGULAR338 (61.45%)144 (26.18%)31 (5.64%)12 (2.18%)
GOLD17 (3.09%)6 (1.09%)2 (0.36%)0 (0.00%)
TOTAL355 (64.55%)150 (27.27%)33 (6.00%)12 (2.18%)
NameSplinterRarityQuantityBurn ValuePrice ($)
Ferexia General (Gold)FireEpic22000010.200
Mimosa NightshadeDeathLegendary110008.889
Camila SungazerDragonLegendary220004.900
Pyre (Gold)FireRare120004.680
Diamond DragonDragonLegendary220004.360
Wizard of EastwoodEarthRare93603.690
Contessa L'ament (Gold)DeathRare120003.250
Kron the UndyingEarthLegendary110003.166
Scale DoctorDragonLegendary110003.094
Mother KhalaLifeRare72802.450
Dark Ha'onDeathLegendary110002.449
Drake of ArnakDragonRare72802.240
Mitica HeadhunterEarthEpic24001.920
Tortisian ChiefNeutralEpic36001.890
Luminous Eagle (Gold)LifeRare120001.780
War ChaangNeutralEpic36001.647
Death Elemental (Gold)DeathRare120001.550
Feasting Seaweed (Gold)WaterCommon315001.347
Darkest MageDeathEpic36001.287
Ferexia GeneralFireEpic48001.208
Parasitic Growth (Gold)NeutralCommon15001.149
Living Lava (Gold)FireRare120001.100
Gloridax MagusDragonLegendary110001.040
Goblin Chariot (Gold)NeutralRare120001.000
High Priest DariusLifeLegendary110001.000
Fire ElementalFireRare83200.992
Khmer PrincessEarthRare52000.900
Cave SlugLifeCommon232300.828
Lone Boatman (Gold)LifeCommon210000.780
Elven MysticNeutralRare93600.765
Spark PixiesFireRare72800.756
Elven Defender (Gold)NeutralCommon210000.700
Serpentine SpyFireCommon121200.672
Undead Badger (Gold)DeathCommon15000.649
Maggots (Gold)DeathCommon15000.628
Contessa L'amentDeathRare2800.620
Parasitic GrowthNeutralCommon131300.611
Azmare HarpoonistWaterEpic24000.600
Coral WraithWaterEpic12000.554
Failed SummonerEarthCommon111100.550
Failed Summoner (Gold)EarthCommon15000.539
Feasting SeaweedWaterCommon161600.512
Giant Scorpion (Gold)DeathCommon15000.500
Bone GolemDeathRare93600.495
Lone BoatmanLifeCommon131300.481
Magma TrollFireCommon171700.459
Orc SergeantEarthCommon181800.414
Horny Toad (Gold)NeutralCommon15000.400
Goblin ThiefEarthCommon191900.399
Tortisian Fighter (Gold)WaterCommon15000.378
Elven DefenderNeutralCommon242400.360
Tower GriffinNeutralRare41600.360
Child of the ForestEarthRare41600.360
Death ElementalDeathRare62400.354
Goblin Fireballer (Gold)FireCommon15000.340
Serpent of EldWaterRare72800.336
Unicorn MustangEarthRare52000.325
Horny ToadNeutralCommon171700.323
Living LavaFireRare62400.318
Cursed SlimeballDeathCommon131300.312
Sniping NarwhalWaterCommon161600.304
Ice PixieWaterRare31200.297
Crystal Jaguar (Gold)LifeCommon15000.274
Light ElementalLifeEpic12000.269
Biceratops (Gold)EarthCommon15000.250
Tortisian FighterWaterCommon111100.231
Luminous EagleLifeRare52000.225
Kobold BruiserFireCommon111100.209
Crystal JaguarLifeCommon121200.192
Undead BadgerDeathCommon101000.190
Dark AstronomerDeathRare62400.186
Giant SquidWaterRare62400.180
Giant ScorpionDeathCommon121200.144
Goblin ChariotNeutralRare31200.099
Goblin FireballerFireCommon5500.090


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Nice drops! I didn't realize they were dropping the airdrop cards in packs also.

Yeah, all airdrop cards will be available on packs after they are unlocked.

Finally a Mimosa, eh? Take good care of the lady, no selling :)

Sure. She won't be sold! 😁

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Thank you for supporting @CatsMakeKittens by being a part of our community @reazuliqbal.

Each CATS you purchase gets you daily upvotes from me @CatScientist as our community grows so do your rewards for being a member!

Yeah, it's fun to open packs. I also started buying cards from the market for those that are very close to levelling up, it helped my game a lot!

Full-on Beast mode bro! NICE! I got 2 legendaries in two packs today :D I wish I get that diamond dragon someday, it's too awesome!

Oh wow! 2 in 2, awesome. I haven't seen Diamond Dragon's much usage though.

I know my experience isn't too much, but I can see the diamond dragon come in real us at position 3-4 in an earthquake battle, especially if mana cap is above 28-30.

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what is meant by " you have 4 packs available for next airdrop" i get this message when i buy untamed pack

It means your 4 packs will be eligible for the next airdrop.

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  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

nice pull
some !trdo and !BEER

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