It has taken me longer than I am proud to admit to make a simple fucking form. This is not just any form it is the ultimate in being able to contact my ass so people can give me money.

Honestly, I suck at making things for myself and I knew it was going to be an uphill battle. As simple as it can be for me to suck my thumb and jizz awesomeness out for other people, I find it incredibly hard to do the same for myself.
Like, all I want is a nice little site where people can click a button and give me money for services. The problem always comes in when I think about what it is I do or can do.
It is the same shit anyone else does and can do so why the fuck even bother to try and sell shit.
I made it.
Yes, I finally made the stupid form, and it sucks but I did it. I know all of the possible encouragements and reasoning even for not wanting to do things or taking pride in what it is a person does.
After all there are millions of dressmakers. To be fair I don't know why but there are same as there are millions of series and trash movies or songs. So a person just has to accept that even though any Tom, Dick or Sarah can do it does not mean you should not do it.
So I did it and fuck you for making fun of my pathetic form. That was not the point. The point was that I am one step closer to finally having built something for myself. When it is done you must give me money.
That reminds me I should totally post more so I can get more money. Along the way of this arduous journey taking a week - I lie it was longer - to think of what fields I want in my form, I realised that making some extra cash is not so bad and I should probably do something about that.
It is also not so bad to make some extra considering the Gov are fucking imbeciles that should be shot on sight, as though my Grandmas life is worth the economy. Fuck that shit.
All I hoard: Hive | Whaleshares | Uptrennd | Steem