Friends, I have seen the first movie on my list, the choice was: A week away / The camp of my life, let me tell you something before we tell you about this movie, I feel like to see her have to let yourself entertain the little things, this will say because, honestly not the best movie in the world, not "wow, that amazing", it's really simple, simple, but nice if you let it important to stay with you from start to finish.
A week away tells the story of Will, a young "problem" after endless making mistakes, and cause many inconveniences to their managers, is bombarded with the news that their authorities can no longer do anything for him, so that should be taken to a correctional, Will did not expect that option could imagine anything but vowed that would change and would do things better, but it seems that was not enough.

En ese instante, surge una oportunidad, Kristin y George (amigos del responsable de Will) le ofrecen unirse a ellos durante el verano para disfrutar de un campamento y así despejarse un poco, Kristin sin decirlo tiene la esperanza de que Will se sienta cómodo estando con ellos, así que amablemente lo invita, sin embargo, Will es terco, y no es hasta que se ve acorralado entre ir a un campamento o ir a la correccional que toma la decisión. Pero, Will no imagina a qué tipo de campamento irá.
At that moment, an opportunity arises, Kristin and George (friends responsible for Will) offer to join them in the summer to enjoy a camp and thus cleared a little, Kristin without saying it hopes that Will feel comfortable being with them, so kindly invited, however, will is stubborn, and not until he is cornered between going to a camp or go to the correctional making the decision. But Will not imagine what kind of camp he will go him.

En un abrir y cerrar de ojos Will se encuentra en el medio de la nada en un campamento religioso, y obviamente se pregunta, ¿Como rayos llegó a eso? JAJAJA. En el campamento conoce a Avery, la hija del dueño del campamento y una chica amable y genial, conoce también a Presly, la mejor amiga de Avery y de quien George está enamorado desde hace un año, y también conoce a Sean, el intenso líder de uno de los equipos del campamento.
In the blink of an eye Will is in the middle of nowhere in a religious camp, and obviously he wonders, how on earth came to that? LOL. In the camp meets Avery, the daughter of the owner of the camp and a friendly and great girl, also known Presly, the best friend of Avery and who George is in love for a year and also meets Sean, the intense leader one of the teams camp.
En el campamento disfrutarán de una gran cantidad de actividades típicas de campamento, que realmente se ven geniales (Mientras veía las competencias y el ambiente deseaba estar en un lugar así jajaja), Avery es la líder de los Angeles carmesí, George es el líder de Verde maximus y Sean es el líder de los apóstoles celeste, Will estará en el equipo de George pero hará lo imposible por estar siempre cerca de Avery.
In the camp will enjoy a lot of typical camp activities, they actually look great (While watching the competitions and the environment wanted to be in a place like lol), Avery is the leader of the angels crimson, George is the leader green maximus and Sean is the leader of the celestial apostles, will be in the team but George will do anything to be always close to Avery.
Nadie sabe que Will está en el campamento solo para no ir a la correccional, tampoco saben que su relación con Dios está algo quebrada gracias al haber perdido a sus padres y por haberse quedado solo, Will siente que no pertenece a ningún lugar, que no tiene a nadie en el mundo y eso lo aleja de ser quien realmente quiere ser. Avery por otro lado, perdió a su mamá cuando era más pequeña, sin embargo, ella y su padre se aferraron a lo unico que podia darles fuerza para seguir adelante, la esperanza, la esperanza de que todo iba a estar bien luego, la esperanza de que aunque el dolor no se fuera, sabrían aceptarlo en sus vidas sin darle el poder de volverlos quienes no eran, y sobre todo, se aferraron a la idea de que Dios estaba planeando cosas enormes aunque no entendieran nada en su momento.
Nobody knows that Will is the only camp to not go to the correctional not know that their relationship with God is something broken thanks to the lost have their parents and being left alone, Will feel you do not belong anywhere, not He has anyone in the world and that it moves away from being who you really want to be. Avery on the other hand, lost her mother when she was younger, however, she and her father clung to the only thing that could give them strength to carry on, hope, hope that everything would be all right then, hope that although the pain does not go away, I'd know accept it in their lives without giving it the power to make them those who were not, and above all, clung to the idea that God was planning big things but did not understand anything at the time.
Juntos se atreverán a ir por sus sueños, lucharán por ser quienes quieren ser y sobre todo, creerán, aun cuando sientan que no hay nada, creerán, porque es allí donde está la verdadera magia, en creer en lo invisible, en dar un salto de fé.
Together they dare to go for their dreams, fight for who they want to be and above all believe, even when you feel that there is nothing, believe, because that is where the real magic, to believe in the unseen, to take a leap of faith.
Mi honesta opinión es la siguiente amigos; pudieron haber hecho más con esta película, tenían suficiente material para tocar temas importantes con más relevancia y menos ligereza, los personajes estaban tan geniales que Dios, me genera cierta extrañeza el ver que no explotaran todo el potencial que tenía la pelicula.
My honest opinion is this friends; They could have done more with this film, they had enough material to play important issues more relevant and less lightness, the characters were so great that God creates some surprise me to see that not exploit the full potential had the movie.
That's why I recommend, if you want to see, look beyond what they see (as they say in the Lion King), for example; Will was completely alone, was lost even though she knew where she was, something was missing in his life, and I do not mean having to find love as such, he will need to feel appreciated, needed to see itself all the incredible possibilities that he lived instead of believing it was a waste of time for existence, and Avery, Avery tried to always do the best he could, as if it was their duty to be good and do the right thing always, and often even when we are doing the best we can, inevitably lost feeling, as if we were still where we should be, or as if that were not enough our efforts, Avery and Will and many (myself included), needed to breathe and stop for a moment.
Las canciones están geniales, en especial Awesome god/ God only knows, esta canción en específico, es preciosa, cuando la escuché sentí una emoción inexplicable en mi corazón, como si me estuvieran hablando a mi directamente, y de hecho, ha sido muy bien recibida por muchos.
The songs are great, especially Awesome God / God only knows, this specific song, it's beautiful, when I heard felt an inexplicable emotion in my heart, as if I were speaking to me directly, and in fact, has been very well received by many.