El día de hoy quiero recomendarles con los ojos cerrados este Dorama maravilloso que acabo de terminar, si eres fan del romance y la comedia, este drama, es para tí!
What a thrill, it is my first time writing in this community, I am very happy to be able to share with you. Here we are fans of good series and movies, personally, I was not a person from Doramas, but as they say out there, never say never, right?
Today I want to recommend this wonderful drama that I just finished with my eyes closed, if you are a fan of romance and comedy, this drama is for you!

Hotel del Luna
El hotel del luna es un peculiar hotel ubicado en Seul (Corea del sur), durante el día parece un lugar de hospedaje simple que quizás muchos no notarían al pasar cerca, pero de noche... de noche amigos, la magia se apodera del lugar, dandole vida y grandeza al increíble Hotel del Luna, el hotel ideal para los... muertos.
Así es, no leyeron mal, el hotel del luna es un hotel para fantasmas que tienen asuntos pendientes en la tierra de los vivos, motivo por el cual algunos no cruzan hacia ¨el otro lado¨. Este magnifico hotel podemos decir que de 5 estrellas, es manejado por nuestra increíble protagonista Jang Man Wol (IU), un ¨ser maligno¨ quien debido a su pasado trágico, fue encadenada al hotel del luna por toda la eternidad como castigo.

The hotel of the moon is a peculiar hotel located in Seoul (South Korea), during the day it seems like a simple lodging place that perhaps many would not notice when passing by, but at night ... at night friends, magic takes hold of the place, giving life and greatness to the incredible Hotel del Luna, the ideal hotel for the ... dead.
That's right, you didn't read it wrong, the hotel del luna is a hotel for ghosts who have unfinished business in the land of the living, which is why some do not cross to ¨the other side¨. We can say that this magnificent 5-star hotel is managed by our incredible protagonist Jang Man Wol (IU), an "evil being" who, due to his tragic past, was chained to the hotel for eternity as punishment.
Como en todo buen drama, el destino hace de las suyas de formas inesperadas, llevando a Goo Chan Sung (Yeo Jin Goo) al hotel del luna para trabajar como gerente, haciendo que todos en el hotel se vean influenciados por su forma de ser, incluyendo a la codiciosa y desconfiada Sra Jang.
En este drama todos los personajes juegan papeles sumamente importantes, nadie aparece solo porque si, aquí, todo tiene un porqué!
As in any good drama, fate does its thing in unexpected ways, taking Goo Chan Sung (Yeo Jin Goo) to the hotel on the moon to work as a manager, causing everyone in the hotel to be influenced by his way of being, including the greedy and suspicious Ms. Jang.
In this drama all the characters play extremely important roles, nobody appears just because, here, everything has a reason!
Las lecciones de vida no se dejan esperar, cada capitulo viene cargado con su buena dosis de aprendizaje, sin dejar de lado la comedia y el romance que va naciendo capitulo tras capitulo. En materia de producción este drama esta muy bien realizado, escenas limpias, bien interpretadas, efectos especiales maravillosos y una banda sonora excelente que se quedará en tu cabeza por un tiempo.
No soy de llorar con películas o series amigos, pero este drama, ha sacado la parte sensible que hay en mi, fue inevitable llorar, sentía las emociones de los personajes como mías, y eso es increíble, lograron hacer que los sentimientos traspasaran la pantalla.
Este drama consta de 16 capitulos muy completos, cada uno mejor que el anterior, honestamente, es una belleza que recomiendo con los ojos cerrados!

The life lessons are not left to wait, each chapter is loaded with its good dose of learning, without neglecting the comedy and romance that is being born chapter after chapter. In terms of production this drama is very well done, clean scenes, well performed, wonderful special effects and an excellent soundtrack that will stay in your head for a while.
I am not a person who cries with movies or series, friends, but this drama has brought out the sensitive part that is in me, it was inevitable to cry, I felt the emotions of the characters as mine, and that is incredible, they managed to make the feelings pierce the screen.
This drama consists of 16 very complete chapters, each one better than the last, honestly, it is a beauty that I recommend with my eyes closed.
Primera imagen elaborada con canva
Ultima imagen elaborada como collage en power point
Todas las demás descargadas en pinteres bajo la busqueda de hotel del luna! / First image made with canva
Last image made as a collage in power point
All the others downloaded in paintings under the search of hotel del luna!