This release has been considered another great South Korean success, you know that we love Korean dramas, we have taken some time to try to understand the productions and we can tell you that the American ones went to the background thanks to them, each creation is so good elaborate, from the musical part, to everything that is scenography reaching the acting part itself, it is incredible, and they make us fully respect the commitment and seriousness of South Korean television.
My First Real Love aired on Netflix in 2019, and it shows us the whole roller coaster that comes with love and friendship. The story begins with our protagonist, Yoon Tae Oh, a 20-year-old boy who after his birthday asks his father to allow him to live alone in an old house that belonged to his grandfather, in order to approach a more ¨independent and independent life. adult¨, not to mention that after a time various circumstances would turn his bachelor home into a house of coexistence for his friends in trouble.

Tae Oh y Song- Yi han sido amigos de toda la vida prácticamente, siempre se han apoyado y han estado el uno para el otro en cada momento difícil de sus vidas, lo que ha ocasionado que sean inseparables. Choi Hoon, Oh Ga-Rin y Seo Do-Hyun, también son amigos cercanos de Tae Oh, y cuando sus vidas se vuelven problemáticas sabrán que en el encontrarán a un amigo fiel que los apoyará hasta ayudarlos a salir del hoyo.
Tae Oh and Song-Yi have been practically lifelong friends, they have always supported each other and been there for each other in every difficult moment of their lives, which has caused them to be inseparable. Choi Hoon, Oh Ga-Rin, and Seo Do-Hyun are also close friends with Tae Oh, and when their lives become troubled they will know that in him they will find a faithful friend who will support them until they help them out of the hole.

Gracias a nuestros protagonistas y personajes secundarios podemos ver como es todo ese proceso de estar en relaciones sentimentales, de darle paso al amor, a la amistad y a la comprensión, pero también muestran la fragilidad de la vida en sí, y de cómo todo puede cambiar o quebrarse en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Así que, hablemos un poquito de cada personaje seguido de Tae Oh para entrar mejor en contexto.
Thanks to our protagonists and secondary characters, we can see how the whole process of being in romantic relationships is like, giving way to love, friendship and understanding, but they also show the fragility of life itself, and how everything can change or break in the blink of an eye. So, let's talk a little about each character followed by Tae Oh to better get into context.

En primer lugar tenemos a nuestra protagonista, Han Song-Yi, una joven estudiante de arquitectura que luego del fallecimiento de su padre es abandonada por su madre y dejada a su suerte, con una casa a punto de ser embargada, con cuentas que pagar y trabajos a los que asistir para poder sobrevivir mientras estudia. Song-Yi un dia recibe una llamada a su lugar de trabajado en donde le notifican que su hogar fue vendido y ahora no tiene a donde ir, por lo que piensa en su única opción, su mejor amigo, Tae Oh, pero no será fácil pedir asilo a su amigo.
In the first place we have our protagonist, Han Song-Yi, a young architecture student who after the death of her father is abandoned by her mother and left to her own devices, with a house about to be repossessed, with bills to pay and jobs to attend in order to survive while studying. Song-Yi one day receives a call to his place of work where they notify him that his home was sold and now he has nowhere to go, so he thinks about his only option, his best friend, Tae Oh, but it will not be easy. ask your friend for asylum.

Luego tenemos a Choi-Hoon, este sí que es todo un personaje, un completo soñador, hijo de un padre poderoso, estricto y cruel, que es de la clase de personas que cree que pertenecer al mundo actoral o musical es una perdida de tiempo, por lo que no duda en golpear a su hijo incontables veces para hacerlo ¨madurar¨, es por esto que Hoon luego de ser descubierto por su padre mientras cantaba en una boda es corrido de su casa y termina colándose en casa de Tae Oh con la esperanza de que este le permita establecerse por un tiempo.
Then we have Choi-Hoon, this one is quite a character, a complete dreamer, the son of a powerful, strict and cruel father, who is the kind of person who believes that belonging to the acting or musical world is a waste of time , so he does not hesitate to hit his son countless times to make him ¨mature¨, this is why Hoon after being discovered by his father while singing at a wedding is run from his house and ends up sneaking into Tae Oh's house with the hope that this will allow him to settle down for a while.

En tercer lugar tenemos a la divertida Oh Ga-Rin, la única heredera de la empresa familiar, una completa millonaria, que ha crecido toda su vida dentro de una cajita de cristal creada por su madre, quien nunca le permitió explorar quien podría ser en la vida de forma independiente, por lo que cansada de su vida huye de sus guardias y gracias a un peculiar disfraz logra llegar a casa de Tae Oh, quien también es un buen amigo.
In third place we have the funny Oh Ga-Rin, the only heir to the family business, a complete millionaire, who has grown up all her life in a glass box created by her mother, who never allowed her to explore who she could be in life independently, so tired of her life she flees from her guards and thanks to a peculiar disguise she manages to get to the house of Tae Oh, who is also a good friend.

Finalmente llegamos a mi guapísimo Seo Do-Hyun, un joven estudiante encantador, trabajador, pero al igual que todos los anteriores, con una vida complicada, pero un joven amor le hará respirar con un poco más de ligereza, haciendo que los días sean más fáciles de llevar, y con su gran amigo Tae Oh, intentará hacer las cosas bien.
Finally we come to my handsome Seo Do-Hyun, a charming young student, hardworking, but like all the others, with a complicated life, but a young love will make him breathe a little more lightly, making the days more easy going, and with his great friend Tae Oh, he will try to do things right.

Todo se volverá un sube y baja, pero entre tanto desorden de formas inesperadas cada uno logrará encontrar el equilibrio que buscaban en sus vidas, entenderán como el amor y la amistad son unas de las cosas más importantes en la vida, entenderán la importancia de hacer las paces con las cosas que nos molestan, y principalmente el cómo ser felices es la meta principal.
Everything will become a seesaw, but among all the disorder in unexpected ways, each one will find the balance they were looking for in their lives, they will understand how love and friendship are one of the most important things in life, they will understand the importance of doing the peace with the things that annoy us, and mainly how to be happy is the main goal.

Espero que le den una oportunidad a esta gran serie, es divertida, reflexiva, y buena para pasar el rato, consta de 16 capitulos divididos en 2 temporadas, pueden verla en español, ingles o coreano.
Hey! Amé esa serie, es de mis preferidas(si de doramas se trata) 🤩 La recomiendo 100% ✨
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