How to breakup with. Someone without hurting any one

in hive-133716 •  2 years ago 

How to break up with someone without hurting the person Read original by Ehichoya aka Ehisy.

The biggest mistake people make in relationships is assuming they know what their partner wants. You have to understand your own motives before you try to figure out what someone else wants. If you think you’re not good enough for them, don’t expect them to change just because you want them to. Don’t assume that they’ll always love you no matter what. Instead, find out if you can accept being alone.

A lot of people have been hurt by relationships before, and I know how hard it can be to get out of one. If you want to leave someone with no bad feelings, these tips may help you do just that.

Know what you want. The first step to any successful break-up is knowing what you want. If you don’t know what you want then you won’t have a clue how to go about getting it. You should always keep in mind that you want something different from what you had before. So if you were dating someone who was not good for you, then you need to think about it and know whether to stay or quit the relationship.

Get help from a counsellor. If you’re having trouble breaking up with someone, then you might consider asking for some counselling. A professional counsellor can give you advice on how to handle the situation and help you figure out what you want.

Be honest about what’s going on, ending a relationship is being honest with yourself. You need to figure out whether you’re really ready to end things or if you’re just looking for a way out. If you aren’t sure about their love, then don’t rush into anything, slow down. Being honest about your situation will help you find the right solution.

Don’t pretend to feel something you don’t. If you’re not feeling the same way they are, don’t try to fake emotions you don’t actually feel. If you think you might be able to fool them, it’ll only make things worse. Once you’ve decided to break up with him or stick to your guns and decision, stand on it.

Be honest about what’s going on. If you’re not happy, tell them how they make you feel. Don’t try to sugarcoat things. You don’t have to say everything right away, but if you’ve been feeling unhappy for some time now, then at least let them know.

Give yourself time to think about it. Sometimes we get caught up in our emotions and forget to take a step back and look at the situation objectively. Take some time to think about whether you really want to end things.

Tell them how you feel. If you’re thinking about breaking up, then at least give them a chance to hear what you have to say. Let them know how you’re feeling and why you’re leaving.

Don’t do anything rash. There may be times where you need to leave immediately, but if you’re planning to break up, then you should probably wait until you have a plan set in place.

Talk to friends and family. Talking to people who care about you can help you figure out what you want to do. Ask them if they think you should stay together or go your separate ways.

Keep your cool. Even though you may be upset, you shouldn’t act crazy. You never know what kind of reaction, other stuff you’ll receive when they don’t take well.

Don’t hold grudges. If you’re angry with someone, then keep those feelings inside. You don’t want to hurt the person you’re leaving behind.

Don’t blame anyone else. If you’re leaving a relationship, then you’re responsible for your own actions. Blaming others won’t change anything.

Give them time. Don’t rush things. Take some time away from each other. When you do talk again, give them space and let them know you care. If you need some time apart, take advantage of it.

Say goodbye. When you’re ready, tell her you have to go. Most people will understand. Even if they don’t, you still did the best thing possible.

Take responsibility. Take full responsibility for your own actions. When you’re wrong, admit it and apologize. If you hurt someone else, then pay them back. Don’t expect anyone to forgive you, but you can at least show them that you’re willing to change.

Don’t wait! Get out before things get serious. Don’t let someone make you feel guilty and responsible for your actions. You deserve to be happy, enjoy your life without a relationship if that makes you happy and free yourself from negativity.

Let them know you care. Even after you’ve decided to break up with someone, you should send them a text or call to let them know how much you care. Tell them how much you appreciate the time they spent together and that you wish them nothing but the best.

Do not try to play nice. Do not pretend to care about his feelings. Try to not give the impression he is special. If he asks how you feel, tell him the truth. Tell him how you feel and say goodbye. Make sure you’re honest about what went wrong and do not make excuses. If you’re being fair, you should let him know what happened. You don’t need to apologize for breaking up with someone else. Just be honest and tell him the true reasons behind your decision.

Talk to him before leaving. Make sure you have discussed any problems you had before you left. You want to make sure you have both agreed about any issues. Letting your partner know where you stand ahead of time will help avoid misunderstandings later.

Don’t over-apologize. Apologizing too much isn’t necessary. In fact, it could only end up making things worse. If you need to apologize, then apologize briefly and put the conversation behind you.

No matter how you want to break up with someone without hurting them, it is not possible because they will get hurt in one way or another. You don’t need to pretend when you don’t want the relationship, it is better you let them know that you don’t love them rather than pretending to love them, if you want to break up with someone just go ahead and break up with them but don’t insult them or say some hurtful words.

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From: Ehichoya Akhagbeni [email protected]
Date: Sun, Sep 4, 2022, 18:32
Subject: How to breakup
To: Ehichoya Akhagbeni [email protected]

How to break up with someone without hurting the person
SweetnaijavibesAug 23, 2022Read original

The biggest mistake people make in relationships is assuming they know what their partner wants. You have to understand your own motives before you try to figure out what someone else wants. If you think you’re not good enough for them, don’t expect them to change just because you want them to. Don’t assume that they’ll always love you no matter what. Instead, find out if you can accept being alone.

A lot of people have been hurt by relationships before, and I know how hard it can be to get out of one. If you want to leave someone with no bad feelings, these tips may help you do just that.

Know what you want. The first step to any successful break-up is knowing what you want. If you don’t know what you want then you won’t have a clue how to go about getting it. You should always keep in mind that you want something different from what you had before. So if you were dating someone who was not good for you, then you need to think about it and know whether to stay or quit the relationship.

Get help from a counsellor. If you’re having trouble breaking up with someone, then you might consider asking for some counselling. A professional counsellor can give you advice on how to handle the situation and help you figure out what you want.

Be honest about what’s going on, ending a relationship is being honest with yourself. You need to figure out whether you’re really ready to end things or if you’re just looking for a way out. If you aren’t sure about their love, then don’t rush into anything, slow down. Being honest about your situation will help you find the right solution.

Don’t pretend to feel something you don’t. If you’re not feeling the same way they are, don’t try to fake emotions you don’t actually feel. If you think you might be able to fool them, it’ll only make things worse. Once you’ve decided to break up with him or stick to your guns and decision, stand on it.

Be honest about what’s going on. If you’re not happy, tell them how they make you feel. Don’t try to sugarcoat things. You don’t have to say everything right away, but if you’ve been feeling unhappy for some time now, then at least let them know.

Give yourself time to think about it. Sometimes we get caught up in our emotions and forget to take a step back and look at the situation objectively. Take some time to think about whether you really want to end things.

Tell them how you feel. If you’re thinking about breaking up, then at least give them a chance to hear what you have to say. Let them know how you’re feeling and why you’re leaving.

Don’t do anything rash. There may be times where you need to leave immediately, but if you’re planning to break up, then you should probably wait until you have a plan set in place.

Talk to friends and family. Talking to people who care about you can help you figure out what you want to do. Ask them if they think you should stay together or go your separate ways.

Keep your cool. Even though you may be upset, you shouldn’t act crazy. You never know what kind of reaction, other stuff you’ll receive when they don’t take well.

Don’t hold grudges. If you’re angry with someone, then keep those feelings inside. You don’t want to hurt the person you’re leaving behind.

Don’t blame anyone else. If you’re leaving a relationship, then you’re responsible for your own actions. Blaming others won’t change anything.

Give them time. Don’t rush things. Take some time away from each other. When you do talk again, give them space and let them know you care. If you need some time apart, take advantage of it.

Say goodbye. When you’re ready, tell her you have to go. Most people will understand. Even if they don’t, you still did the best thing possible.

Take responsibility. Take full responsibility for your own actions. When you’re wrong, admit it and apologize. If you hurt someone else, then pay them back. Don’t expect anyone to forgive you, but you can at least show them that you’re willing to change.

Don’t wait! Get out before things get serious. Don’t let someone make you feel guilty and responsible for your actions. You deserve to be happy, enjoy your life without a relationship if that makes you happy and free yourself from negativity.

Let them know you care. Even after you’ve decided to break up with someone, you should send them a text or call to let them know how much you care. Tell them how much you appreciate the time they spent together and that you wish them nothing but the best.

Do not try to play nice. Do not pretend to care about his feelings. Try to not give the impression he is special. If he asks how you feel, tell him the truth. Tell him how you feel and say goodbye. Make sure you’re honest about what went wrong and do not make excuses. If you’re being fair, you should let him know what happened. You don’t need to apologize for breaking up with someone else. Just be honest and tell him the true reasons behind your decision.

Talk to him before leaving. Make sure you have discussed any problems you had before you left. You want to make sure you have both agreed about any issues. Letting your partner know where you stand ahead of time will help avoid misunderstandings later.

Don’t over-apologize. Apologizing too much isn’t necessary. In fact, it could only end up making things worse. If you need to apologize, then apologize briefly and put the conversation behind you.

No matter how you want to break up with someone without hurting them, it is not possible because they will get hurt in one way or another. You don’t need to pretend when you don’t want the relationship, it is better you let them know that you don’t love them rather than pretending to love them, if you want to break up with someone just go ahead and break up with them but don’t insult them or say some hurtful words.

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