Hello friends, my name is Minduli. This is my first post in the community. Here is my introductionpost published in newcomers' community.
In my first post, I'd love to share about a popular TV series I watched recently. It's squid game.
This is the way I started to watch this. First I felt so bored and I gave up once I watched the first episode of season 1. But I gave a second try with the huge popularity and promotion it got through social media.
Aww. It was so thrilling and I could not stop watching, till I see the end. Each and every character of this series is very attractive in their own ways. Especially the main actor, Lee Jung Jae's acting touched my mind so much
It's very normal to get addicted to this, after watching the second episode and I was so curious and thrilled to know about the next second. It's surprisingly curious and I did not have even a clue about the end.
I love most of the characters, specially that old pakistan man did a mind blowing work. Can you believe me if I'd say it took only one night for me for finishing second season? Yes that's true. I was so sad when one of my favourite characters died and I suspected the person number 001.
Both season 01 and season 02 are so attractive with their characters. Even it's not a big time since I watched the series, I can not remember the names of them, as I am not familiar with korean names. The song, which was heard in the last episode is still playing in my mind and I love it.
I am waiting to watch season 3 now