Another Unsuccessful Dessert Attempt

in hive-133716 •  8 days ago 


Yesterday was election day, and it was quite uneventful since we couldn't go anywhere. To pass the time, I decided to make a pudding for a change. I had plenty of lemons, so I browsed YouTube to find a recipe that matched what I had available. I found one but made a few adjustments. For example, the original recipe had two layers, but I went with just one. I also used different quantities of ingredients.

Once I started, I simply mixed lemon juice, milk, and a pinch of salt together. Then, I combined sugar and cornflour and added it to the milk mixture. After stirring for a while, I boiled it until the mixture thickened.

I poured the mixture into a tray and let it chill. Although I expected it to set into a solid, it didn’t thicken as much as I hoped.

For the topping, I decided to add whipped cream. It was my first time using instant whipped cream powder. I mixed the powder with cold water and beat it until it turned into cream. Since we didn’t have any proper nozzles, I improvised and made a DIY piping bag.

So, here's how my amateur pudding turned out.


Although it didn’t set properly, it tasted great. The lemon flavor really came through, and the whipped cream on top complemented it nicely. I think I might not have added enough cornflour to the mixture.

Anyway, this one is now on my "Unsuccessful Dessert List."

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

If the taste is good, I don't think that it should be really called as "unsuccessful".

1st experience always be a memorable one... But its seems as good, fresh, soft... and mouthwatering...
Keep it up nangi...