Happy Cat Day to My Cat and Other Cats! 10% to SL-Charity

in hive-133716 •  4 years ago 


There is no secret, cats dominate humans since 7500 BC which is the era of ancient Egypt. Comparatively to dogs, cats are so tuff and most of the time they don't care about humans unless they have a need. For example, my cat doesn't come to me unless he is hungry or needs a lap nap.

Anyway, International cat day falls on 8th August which is today. According to Wikipedia the aim of establishing a cat day is to improving awareness of cats. So basically we have seen domestic cats and cats in streets who do not live for a long.

A kitten left on the temple

A female cat can be pregnant about 5 times a year, and they deliver 2,4 kittens. So believe how many cats are coming out. But under natural conditions, the majority of kittens die. A long time ago there was a very skinny female kitten who is completely black near our house. She wasn't our own cat but we fed her and she lived in our garage. During her first delivery, she dropped 3 kittens and all were eaten by mongooses. I saw how their necks were eaten by mongooses by my own eyes. This made us so nervous to make cats.

During her second delivery, she delivered 3 and one dead, one disappeared(we didn't see his body) and the third one lived. But both mother and daughter were utter sick animals. The mother died and the daughter delivered other 3 sick cats who completely lived in the ceiling like wild animals. I don't know how all of them disappeared.


After years we brought a cat who had healthy and known parents. He grew healthy but once caught with diarrhea. We thought it will solve naturally but it wasn't. My uncle took him to vet and the vet said this is a deadly virus infection. After giving 3 injections my cat became better. But the same month, two cats of my uncle died due to the same infection.

What I wanted to tell you is the awareness of cats is very important. Especially eastern countries like us don't spend more money on pets, because we have other necessities to spend our little money.


But it is good to be aware of problems and illnesses a cat happens to face. Modern cats need modern medicine even though we expect they will get well by eating "Kuppamenia" (Indian Copper Leave).

Male cats are lazy by nature. At least my cat is lazy. The house became a battlefield after we took a cat. The cats sleep everywhere and even he can jump onto the table. They scream loudly when they are hungry and sometimes extremely loud.

You must prepare for all these if you bring a cat.


Cats are very cute. They change their face with cute actions. They like to stay closer to you. And they love it if you touch their neck and beside his face. They need warmth so they jump to your lap. They make cute sounds like babies. This cuteness attracts humans to cats.

Again keep in mind awareness of cats is very important. Love your cat, love other's cats and love nobody's cat as well.

Happy Cat Day to My Cat and All the Cats.


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I hate since i watched cat and dogs film. I hate they sleep on my bed and chair. I hate they ptoduce that meaw sound. I hate everything about cats😐

😒😒 Here after I don't knowyou. You don't know me. 😒

Cats cause this. That's why i hate cats😂😌

Happy cat day to these wonderful creatures. I love cats❤️

Thama pusek gaththe na neda

Happy cat day for all cats… Only today did I learn that cats have a date😻😻😻

😍see how many things you learn from steemit


happy day to cats but what about i don't have a cat. I had cats before, but they were unmanageable and naughty, so I don't have a good cat. Cats can accompany me, as long as you can take care of them.

😅😅😅😅 very true. They don't obey like dogs. But cute

That's right, cats seem to be playing with mice and running around, like a Tom & Jerry cartoon flim. can't be familiar

Agree with you about everything. Our guy recently ate a whole pack of biscuits within a moment we were away. There were a female cat around 10 years. We had so many kittens that time. But I didn’t know it is 5times a year 😬.

Our guy recently ate a whole pack of biscuits within a moment we were away

That's a big job. Usually cats eat few. Our cat recognize the sound of biscuit packet and running to grab some. I think all cats are same😅

Happy cat day to all cutiest cats.😻😻 Actually cats are really cute. I also love them ❤and I have a very cute female one. look.. how is she cute😘

yes she is. Blue eyes😍 usuallt white cats are so cute. Her nose needs a little cleanup🙊 I clean my cat's nose of it is black🙊 also ears

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Of course🙊 actually, her nose needs a cleanup. I'll do that. yes I saw your cat has cute pink and clean nose.😍

The most popular cat award goes to Randula's Naki Cat....

Mokadda kiwwe😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒

He hee... Monawath kiwe na ithim 😁😁😁