Successful Completion of SL-Charity Phase II

in hive-133716 •  4 years ago 


SL-Charity Is

We had an idea for launching a charity program with our community members for a long time and as a result, we could be able to organize a charity program from the name SL-Charity with the start of the Steem Sri Lanka 3G Contest Series.

The Purpose of SL-Charity

There are thousands of human lives in the world suffering from poverty. And there are some people in this world who are lonely and helpless. Our purpose is to give a smile to their faces as much as we can through SL-Charity Program.

Fund Raising Mechanism

Their are two methods for raising funds for our charity program.

  1. Beneficiary Rewards
  2. Author Rewards of @sl-charity

According to that our members can allocate 5%(minimum %) from the payment what they got from their articles. The important thing to say here is that we don't force anyone of our members and they can increase the beneficiary % as their will. Author rewards of @sl-charity are directly contribute for the charity program. Instead of them, we warmly welcome donations of every steemian.

SL-Charity Phase II

At the beginning of the month of May, we officially announced that SL-Charity Phase-II started. Under that, we mainly focused for funding low-income families to finish pending constructions/renovations of their houses, funding critical and emergency surgeries and COVID 19 Tests. So we are pleased to inform you that we have given our contribution for nine projects in SL-Charity Phase II.

Completed Projects


Project Proposals✒️
Project 1Project 2
Project 3,4,5Project 6
Project 7,8Project 9

Memories of Our Projects


We would like to thank all those who joined us for @sl-charity program. Specially we appreciate the interest and support of our community members because their support was a great help to us for doing a successful charity project.

Budget Allocation

PhaseAmount In STEEMAmount In LKR
Phase- I558122,400.00

Our Future Plans

We are planning to initiate SL - Charity Phase III in the middle of July. We will continue the fund collection further as members really willing to help society with their steem earning.

Tagging Mechanism

If you post any beneficiary posts related to @sl-charity project, please make sure to use #sl-charity and #sl-charity10pc tags according to your beneficiary amount. That will be easy for us to reach your posts without missing them.
5% beneficiary: #sl-charity5pc
10% beneficiary: #sl-charity10pc

Funds Update to 20/06/2021



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Thanks @sandupi for keeping track of everything. Yes we have spent a huge amount together than we can spend individually. I feel very good after all.

Let's do more during phase III

Of course yes dear. Let's do more during phase III. 💪❤️

Together we have done a marvellous job...

Of course yes ayye... Let's ready for Phase-III 💪❤️

Excelente propuesta, ayudar a los mas necesitados tiene un un valor mas alto que el sol. Es decir no hay valor material. Vemos todos los dias personas pidiendo para comer en las calles, personas muriendo por falta de tratamientos anti covid, casas sin electrodomésticos a causa de fluctuaciones en la electricidad. No soy una usuaria potencial para colaborar porque no tengo ganancias, pero al tenerlas voy a colaborar. Porque se lo que se siente tener necesidades, y aun pasamos por ellas.