From Brawler to Buddies - A Voice for the Voiceless

in hive-135004 •  4 days ago  (edited)

It's crystal clear that Bullying has made many gone deep down into depression, being introverts and also experience traumas, regrets and pain. I can remember when I was bullied in high school. Bullying extends from physical harm to rotten words, discrimination and setups. The following slides will give you a glimpse of what I'm talking about and why we should give room for Bully which may come in different form.

The vulnerable are the ones being bullied. Those who find it difficult to defend themselves, to speak up for themselves, to become extroverts. These ones are vulnerable and doesn't have a voice. They need someone to speak up for them, to fight their battles for them.

The Vulnerable

The picture above shows a girl who's an introvert and is vulnerable. She's a pupil and her facial expressions tells they she's either bullied with words or physical embarrassment in public or private places. She looks so helpless and people may tend to mock and sting her with their rotten words. She needs a voice

The Bully


Actions speak louder than words. His facial expression and dressing tells you he's a hater. He likes picking on people and mocking them. He never smiles and like praying rough plays to get entertained. He attacked the vulnerable girl and spilled her lunchbox, leaving her helpless on the floor. This is just a picture scenario I want you to see with me. He's capable to breaking bonds if any.

Friendship Plan


The picture has two people from different countries so to speak. They have different colour skin and I'll attract it to as the white and the blacks. In this friendship plan, both of them from different countries and different complexions have come together to be friends. No more bullying with words, no more discrimination that this person is white like tissue paper and that if you beat the paper now, the person will change like litmus paper. From white to red.

On the other hand, the white has stopped abusing the blacks and have sought to work in peace and stop the bullying in words, speech and action. The white no longer tells the blacks that they look like night and that if they come close to them, they may stain easy as they are black as charcoal. I can remember one that a white man touched a black man to check if he is dirty or it's the colour of his skin. Hmmmmm. This is the plan. What next?

The Bully chooses Love over hatred


The picture shows how the bully has choose to let love lead and the vulnerable has become friends with the bully. No more rage. See as she's smiling.

A Voice and the new Buddy


He's no longer a bully and he wants to join a voice to tell all those bullying people out there to stop. Be a friend and not a Bully.

A Voice for the Voiceless and Strength to the Vulnerable

You can actually beat a bully without using your fist. To those who are being bullied, say something. Talk to people and seek help because bullying can lead to depression. To those who bully, let love lead and stop bullying.


The pictures speaks for themselves. The children used here were just used as literally figures. No harm initiated. These are pictures of my day when I wanted to create content that speaks volumes. This is the video 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁. I know this video isn't part of this contest but I had to include it for reference sake.

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Funny post, I say funny because of the photos because I see something different. Not someone who is bullied but is posing and so does the "bully" great kids but wow does the boy looks uncomfortable on the video.

I know schools do these things but it ends up nowhere the bully is always supported by the teacher.

I like your post but it is not a Photo Story Diary. Please, read the rules in the contest. Thank you. .


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