RE: Self respect with love based poetry

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Self respect with love based poetry

in hive-135004 •  13 days ago  (edited)

Tysm for your response 🤗 means a lot . I have corrected the sequence of tags .

Actually we can't stop people by seeing our life but I think so the people who can't stand with uh in sadness or happiness those shouldn't allow to enter your life and walk with u step by step with u . I think so world sees u in ups and downs but the people who are yours help uh to cherish with you in happiness and reduces your pain in sadness. Those deserve to walk with uh step by step .

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I am also happy with those who only lifted me once. We all have a journey of our own. It takes a lot of energy and a good health to akways carry others' sadness on your shoulders. I understand why many can't do that. Positive vibes are needed to stay healthy.

Thanks for editing.


Well said🌺